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Confused by Case? Look at Carnegie MellonSubmitted by Ed Morrison on Sun, 03/05/2006 - 13:36.
In the middle of all the talk about Case stumbling, we might remind ourselves what a good research university can do to strengthen a regional economy. In the past couple of weeks, here's what's been happening down the road in Pittsburgh. The university has announced the latest spin-off from its technology transfer. Read more. Carnegie Mellon is also strengthening the region's international ties. The Heinz School recently announced a new branch in Australia. Read more. Carnegie Mellon has announced a partnership with Electronic Arts that can "revolutionize how computer programming is taught in the U.S." Read more. The university is also actively involved in key public policy debates, such as the relative decline of engineering education in the U.S. Read more. Also recently, Carnegie Mellon announced that Andrew W. Moore, Carnegie Mellon University professor of computer science and robotics, will head the new Google office in Pittsburgh. Read more.
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