OhioMedicalCannabis Act's blog
Submitted by OhioMedicalCann... on Mon, 06/20/2011 - 19:33.

The OMCA 2012 must submit its ballot language and an “fair and truthful” summary of the ballot for approval by the Ohio Attorney General. Along with this submission we need 1000 signatures of registered voters. You can help! Any registered Ohio voter can be a petitioner and we hope you’ll help!
Submitted by OhioMedicalCann... on Sun, 05/22/2011 - 02:28.
An Initiative Review & Comment Period

During this review and comment period, before we file it with the state, we ask you all to please read our initiative and Contact Us with your thoughts and suggestions.
Submitted by OhioMedicalCann... on Mon, 05/16/2011 - 14:13.

A Unique Initiative: Real Progress for Patients