Tim Russo's blog
Submitted by Tim Russo on Wed, 01/28/2009 - 08:17.
(cross posted at my blog) Just when you think Cleveland can’t caricature itself any further, a shocker! Filthy rich developer already obscenely engorged with taxpayer riches going back decades, largely because of closed, opaque non-transparent back room deal making, finally loses a back room deal. And NOW they want transparency.
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Submitted by Tim Russo on Mon, 01/26/2009 - 15:19.
I've been reading REALNEO for a while now, and the hubbub over the coming Tremont West Development Corp. Board Meeting and Elections to the Board has caught my eye. I've seen some people call for election observers in the Sun News coverage of this election, so I thought I'd offer my services.
Submitted by Tim Russo on Wed, 01/21/2009 - 17:52.
I just listed Loren Naji's Portaits of Barack Obama in Gunsmoke on Ebay, each created on inauguration night, January 20, 2009, on the streets of Cleveland. Let's see if there is support for Cleveland artists out there.
Submitted by Tim Russo on Wed, 01/21/2009 - 11:09.
A Tremont performance art extravaganza! Cleveland Artist Loren Naji's original portraits of President Barack Obama, created on the spot, in gunsmoke.
Submitted by Tim Russo on Tue, 01/20/2009 - 10:27.
Cleveland Artist Loren Naji will create a pyrotechnic portrait of Barack Obama tonight in celebration of the end of the Bush Era, and the beginning of Barack Obama's presidency.