The Abyss

Submitted by mabeldog on Fri, 10/22/2021 - 11:47.
The Abyss

Gwinn is for sale. For $6,500.000. There is perhaps no greater example of the catastrophic collapse of Cleveland than by comparing the original and current owners of Gwinn. The original owner William Gwinn Mather built his Italianate villa in collaboration with architect Charles Platt in 1907. There are really no adequate superlatives to describe the contributions to the economic, civic and cultural life of Cleveland made by William G. Mather and his late in life wife Elizabeth Ireland Mather. The Mather fortune which also supported thousands of NON green energy UNION jobs that helped to build the middle class in Cleveland, came from the Cleveland Cliffs Iron Company which he ran for 50 years. These jobs have been replaced with stimulus checks, expanded unemployment, food stamps, and waiting for federal bailout funds. Starting with mining, under his leadership Cleveland Cliffs diversified into iron ore and steel. Cleveland Cliffs recently took over the drastically reduced operation at the former Republic Steel. The Mathers commitment to the public good, a now ridiculed concept by the wokeism that poisons every single aspect of public life, from their OWN fortune, contributed to University Circle, the Garden Society, and the Cleveland Museum of Art among other institutions and endeavors. William Mather was president of CMA for many years and many of the works of art in the permanent collection originally hung on the walls at Gwinn. Mrs. Mather was known for her elaborate fund raisers at Gwinn for the Art Museum, the Red Cross and what is now The Botannical Garden. She also planted a huge garden that fed hungry Clevelanders during the Depression. She was a social worker and the first female foreman of the Cuyahoga County grand jury.

In 2007 Gwinn slipped from the stewardship of the Mather Ireland family for the first time since it was built a century earlier into the hands of 2 shameless grifters that hide behind a phony corporation called Terwyn properties LLC. Terwyn Properties was registered with Ohio Secretary of State on October 2, 2007, a mere 13 days before the title transfer of the greatest architectural masterpiece ever built in Cleveland. Terwyn Properties I discovered after much digging has 2 principal ummmm officers....Trenton Wynter Brown and someone who doesn't exist. Donald Comes. There is no such person. Go ahead try to find him. It was sold to Terwyn, which means white in Welsh, for $3,250,000 and at the same time a mortgage was issued from Comerica for 3,750,000. $500,000 MORE than the purchase price. Hmmmmm. The mortgage was signed with an illegible signature but the NAME was typed clearly underneath. Trenton Wynter Brown. Terwyn properties is not a real business just a convenient cover for the Browns who for some reason do NOT want it PUBLICLY known they own Gwinn. Trenton and Meghan Brown or is it Megan, which is how it's spelled on the "non" profit "charity" they "founded" in 2019 called the "foundation for Arts Sciences and Technolgy" which has neither been registered with the Ohio SOS nor has it filed an IRS 990 which they claim is not required on the "corporate documents" printed on IRS letterhead...... This "charity" was set up right around the time Mr. Brown took out another mortgage from Comerica for $2,538,000 on April 4,2019 and on April 29,2019 the orginal mortgage was paid off. This new mortgage debt is in addition to over a dozen manufacturers liens placed on the property totaling well over a $1,000,0000 only some of which have been settled. And there is also an IRS Federal tax lien for $17,050. Printed on IRS letterhead.  .)

Mr. Brown made his fortune through a life insurance payout from his dead father who was decapitated in a sailing race in Newport Rhode Island in 1989.  Along with his long days working at Terwyn Properties AND his "charity", Mr. Brown in collaboration with others developed several obscure on-line games in 2015 that have yet to attract a paying clientele.

Mrs. Brown, is a strong supporter of all things woke and wimmin politicians like Hitliary and Kamaltoe. And mandatory vaxxxines. And abortion. And is anti death penalty. And supports food programs for the poor as long as they are provided by the government at libraries and public schools. Other than her "work" at the Brown "foundation" for art and technology, Mrs. Brown seems to be unemployed. Unlike Elizabeth Ireland Mather, Mrs. Brown has no personal dealings with the ACTUAL mostly black poor who are right in her neighborhood of zip code 44108 which other than the grand mansions of Bratenal is the ghetto. 

And it is quite apparent that little Master Brown now of school age will NOT be attending the local school Franklin D Roosevelt elementary, although Mrs. Brown is a huge supporter of urban public education for OTHERS. Like all hypocritical white liberals. So the Wynter Browns are looking to cash out and move on. In fact they already have. Possibly to the Maison Des Fleurs. At 21584 Avalon in Rocky River. Or to Mellow Glade. Unit 703 at 701 Lakeside. And the empty mansion at 12407 Lake Shore sits, gazing across the lake, patiently waiting for the next chapter.



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 A gorgeous relic once symbolic of Cleveland's greatness


For $5,300,000 to ANOTHER hastily established sketchy LLC on October 15, 2021 Sagebrush Properties PO Box 935 Put In Bay. I weep for my city's greatest architectural masterpiece and what it once represented America's wealthiest city until 1932 with thriving industries, great philathropists who founded our world class arts organizations, hospitals and universities. Now we careen towards the apocalypse with obscene green energy scams, partnerships with CHINA, who stole our industries, and now laughs in our face at the Climate Change Doctrine, which they will join "someday" while they build new coals burning plants weekly and at the speed of light.  The new world order is headed our way with high energy prices and gas prices which will hurt the few working poor that remain and harassment of the police and small businesses and ridiculous bicycle paths that are rarely used. What once was a wealthy thriving metropolis, with a properous manufacturing sector a truly great American City, heads towards the abyss of political correctness and government assistance and the interference that follows. And the sanctimonious triple "vaxxed" quadrupole masked white well off college educated elite, who worship at the alter of scienticism and it's patron saint anthony Fauxi, that are unaffected by high prices lift their glasses of Beaujolais nouveau to celebrate its demise. 

Cleveland's future

Not sure I can cry over these mansions

A political cartoon in color. Two caricatured gentlemen in suits sit at a table with large, exaggerated cutlery, a colossal turkey before them, marked "Presidency". The plate bears the words, "Sound money vote". "For what we are about to receive," says the man on the left, holding the carving knife with a look of deceitful intrigue, "May the Lord make us truly thankful."

Our country and the responsibility that comes with wealth is changing.  I do think that livable communities should be the mark of social evolution.  As we recover from this worldwide pandemic, I hope that reliable energy and the quality of life that comes with good management of our natural resources can remake our region to be equitable and more inclusive.

The NEW Golden Age and Cleveland is the loser

President Trump has hit the ground running with a BLIZZARD of executive orders. And where will Cleveland land? No longer can Justine count on his boyfriend Petey Bootyboy and other "friends" in DC where he was running every 5 minutes with his tin can out. Other than retail. service jobs and the the government, Cleveland has no jobs. In the former Golden Days when Cleveland was America's wealthiest city before EDITH Wilson, the original Dr. Jill Biden, started running things when her stroke addled husband was unable to make decisions (sound familiar????) and making decisions, before the FEDERAL INCOME TAX, before the FLEXNER report which turned this country into Pharma dependent losers, there was Gwynn. And William and Elizabeth Mather. Let's JUST HATE THEM because they were rich. Let's discount everything they did for Cleveland WITH THEIR OWN MONEY. It's so fabulous to pretend that bicycle lanes (who is out today on their bicycle??), 15 minute cities, 'Non" profits where no one actually WORKS, but for example the Director of the Food Bank "earns" $400,000 to "supervise" unpaid voluteers and donated food are better. If everyone is paid from Federal Funds, how does this play out when DOGE takes a scythe, with the overturn of the Chevron doctrine, to the 400 federal programs that pay for Cleveland. Justine is now the head of the Democrat Mayors who are "fighting" for whatever it is that will bring federal funds. But DEI has been cancelled, Tom Homan is arresting illegal immigrants and tossing them out. Climate change has been declared to be a scam. Electric vehicles are no longer mandatory. How dependent is Cleveland on Federal funds?? This once great city where RICH people LONG AGO ran factories and gave back. We are about to find out!

Who is Michael Trebilcock

Michael Trebilcock is the new owner of Gwinn. He's also the new owner of the Westinghouse Building at 1200 West 58th St. Gwinn is owned under Sagebrush Properties LLC for which he "put down" $2,000,000 and obtained a mortgage from Keybank for $3,500,000. He also bought the Westinghouse Building at 1200 W 58th St. under the Westinghouse-Breakwater LLC for $1,288,000 where hundreds of deplorables used to WORK for a living before Westinghouse was "sold" to China. No details of the financing. WHO exactly IS Mr. Trebilcock. Two of Cleveland's historic buildings are now in his hands. But really who cares about historic architectural masterpieces because the original owners who provided real jobs to Clevelanders were just EVIL rich white people. Who didn't care about the fucking "environment" the purview of the wealthy government worker and siliCON valley billionaires. In the New World Order they must be condemned by the smug ignorant green new deal woke. We are NOT under any circumstances to celebrate the contributions of Westinghouse Cleveland or William Gwynn Mather or Elizabeth Ireland Mather. The original owners of 12407 Lakeshore and 1200 W 58th didn't hide behind shady LLCs. FYI the Wynter Browns who owned Gwinn for 14 years under the sketchy LLC Terwyn Properties, running up huge debt and living off the decapitation of Mr. Wynter Brown's father, now own Dudley Blossom's summer home in Chagrin Falls. At 2655 Chagrin River Rd. Which they "bought" for $2,6000,000 and got a mortgage for $2,340,000. Neither Wynter Brown, both 40 years old, have any verifiable means of employment. But they are woke. And triple vaxxxinated. And fell for the scamdemic. And hate Donald Trump who for a brief shining moment made America Great Again. They look down on the working class who shower after work. And THAT makes them really really special. Cleveland's legacy it's storied history is now for sale to this woke scum. Florida is starting to look really good and not just for the weather.

Florida is yucky

 But - I understand your frustration.  Meanwhile - checked on the Foundry property.  TWITTER doesn't let me post this as violation of privacy...


Primary Owner
Property Address
2441-2469 E 71 ST CLEVELAND,OH 44104
Tax Mailing Address
Legal Description
333 EST AC 7.48 12408007 TO12408009 12408011 TO12408013
Property Class
Parcel Number
Tax Year  
2022 Pay 2023
2021 Pay 2022
2020 Pay 2021
2019 Pay 2020
2018 Pay 2019
2017 Pay 2018
2016 Pay 2017
2015 Pay 2016
2014 Pay 2015
2013 Pay 2014
2012 Pay 2013
2011 Pay 2012
2010 Pay 2011
2009 Pay 2010
2008 Pay 2009
2007 Pay 2008
2006 Pay 2007
2005 Pay 2006
2004 Pay 2005
2003 Pay 2004
Download This Report (PDF)

Summary By Tax Year

Please use the Tax Bill to pay your tax bill for the current tax year

Assessed Values  
Land Value $25,100  
Building Value $460  
Total Value $25,560  
Homestead Value $  
Half Year Charge Amounts  
Gross Tax $1,638.78  
Less 920 Reduction $364.16  
Sub Total $1,274.62  
Non-business Credit $.00  
Owner Occupancy Credit $.00  
Homestead Reduction Amount $.00  
Total Assessments $.00  
Half Year Net Taxes $1,274.62  
Market Values  
Land Value $71,700  
Building Value $1,300  
Total Value $73,000  
Full Rate 128.23  
920 Reduction Rate .222212  
Effective Rate 99.735703  
Owner Occupancy Credit N
Homestead Reduction N
Foreclosure Y
Cert. Pending N
Cert. Sold N
Payment Plan Y
Escrow N
Payment Amount $.00

Tax Balance Summary
Balance Due
2022 (pay in 2023) Charge and Payment Detail
Taxset Charge Type Charges Payments Balance Due
  Prior year penalty - 2021 $127.84 $.00 $127.84
  Prior year penalty - 2020 $279.01 $.00 $279.01
  Prior year interest - 2020 $1,030.80 $.00 $1,030.80
  Prior year penalty - 2019 $387.75 $387.75 $.00
  Prior year tax - 2020 $1,328.57 $659.33 $669.24
  Prior year tax - 2019 $2,501.54 $2,501.54 $.00
  Prior year tax - 2021 $1,278.35 $.00 $1,278.35
  Prior year interest - 2021 $1,275.50 $.00 $1,275.50
  Prior year penalty - 2018 $121.97 $121.97 $.00
  Prior year August interest - 2022 $606.28 $.00 $606.28
  Prior year interest - 2019 $775.43 $775.43 $.00
  Prior year interest - 2018 $480.83 $480.83 $.00
  DELQ BALANCE $10,193.87 $4,926.85 $5,267.02
  1st half tax $1,274.62 $.00 $1,274.62
  1ST HALF BALANCE $1,274.62 $.00 $1,274.62
  2nd half tax $1,274.62 $.00 $1,274.62
  2ND HALF BALANCE $1,274.62 $.00 $1,274.62
  Prior year SPA fee interest - 2018 $.85 $.85 $.00
  Prior year August interest - 2022 $24.38 $.00 $24.38
  Prior year Aug SPA fee int - 2022 $.32 $.00 $.32
  Prior year interest - 2018 $85.23 $85.23 $.00
  Prior year interest - 2019 $84.74 $84.74 $.00
  Prior year SPA fee interest - 2021 $.94 $.00 $.94
  Prior year interest - 2020 $94.24 $.00 $94.24
  Prior year SPA fee interest - 2019 $.95 $.95 $.00
  Prior year interest - 2021 $83.75 $.00 $83.75
  Prior year SPA fee interest - 2020 $1.10 $.00 $1.10
  DELQ BALANCE $376.50 $171.77 $204.73
  Prior year tax - 2020 $221.21 $.00 $221.21
  Prior year SPA fee - 2020 $2.21 $.00 $2.21
  Prior year SPA fee interest - 2021 $.11 $.00 $.11
  Prior year SPA fee penalty - 2020 $.46 $.00 $.46
  Prior year Aug SPA fee int - 2022 $.23 $.00 $.23
  Prior year interest - 2021 $10.70 $.00 $10.70
  Prior year August interest - 2022 $22.28 $.00 $22.28
  Prior year penalty - 2020 $46.45 $.00 $46.45
  DELQ BALANCE $303.65 $.00 $303.65
  Prior year interest - 2021 $258.25 $.00 $258.25
  Prior year tax - 2018 $1,502.53 $1,502.53 $.00
  Prior year SPA fee penalty - 2018 $1.63 $1.63 $.00
  Prior year penalty - 2018 $163.31 $163.31 $.00
  Prior year August interest - 2022 $49.01 $.00 $49.01
  Prior year SPA fee interest - 2021 $2.59 $.00 $2.59
  Prior year Aug SPA fee int - 2022 $.58 $.00 $.58
  Prior year SPA fee interest - 2019 $.72 $.72 $.00
  Prior year SPA fee - 2018 $16.34 $16.34 $.00
  Prior year interest - 2020 $227.94 $.00 $227.94
  Prior year interest - 2019 $71.85 $71.85 $.00
  Prior year SPA fee interest - 2020 $2.27 $.00 $2.27
  DELQ BALANCE $2,297.02 $1,756.38 $540.64
  Prior year penalty - 2021 $221.64 $.00 $221.64
  Prior year tax - 2021 $2,216.35 $.00 $2,216.35
  Prior year SPA fee penalty - 2021 $2.22 $.00 $2.22
  Prior year SPA fee - 2021 $22.16 $.00 $22.16
  DELQ BALANCE $2,462.37 $.00 $2,462.37
  Prior year SPA fee - 2018 $17.50 $17.50 $.00
  Prior year penalty - 2018 $174.97 $174.97 $.00
  Prior year tax - 2018 $1,749.74 $1,749.74 $.00
  Prior year SPA fee interest - 2021 $2.77 $.00 $2.77
  Prior year August interest - 2022 $61.84 $.00 $61.84
  Prior year interest - 2020 $244.20 $.00 $244.20
  Prior year SPA fee interest - 2020 $2.46 $.00 $2.46
  Prior year interest - 2019 $76.99 $76.99 $.00
  Prior year interest - 2021 $276.71 $.00 $276.71
  Prior year SPA fee interest - 2019 $.77 $.77 $.00
  Prior year SPA fee penalty - 2018 $1.75 $1.75 $.00
  Prior year Aug SPA fee int - 2022 $.62 $.00 $.62
  DELQ BALANCE $2,610.32 $2,021.72 $588.60
    Charges Payments Balance Due
Total Balance   $20,792.97 $8,876.72 $11,916.25

I don't disagree with you

The new oligarchs are disgusting...and at least the old oligarchs built nice things...

 REALNEO continues to be a magnet for grifters and frauds - I saw this happening in 2015...

The FOOD BANK CEO Kristin Warzocha MAKES $300,000 per year

Cleveland will collap$e without the ma$$ive infu$ion of Federal Fund$ it LITERALLY cannot $urvie without And so will the crime ridden scandalous NGOs and "non"profits, whose CEO's are Cleveland's wealthiest residents. Those that actually LIVE in Cleveland. Kristin lives in LAKEWOOD. For example The Director of the Food Bank KRISTIN WARZOCHA makes $300,000, more money than the US SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE. The Food Bank budget in 2022 was $126,691,501 and in SOMEWHAT GOOD NEWS IS IN 2023 it dropped by $40 MILLION to $88,503,000. 97% of the budget comes from the federal government. In other words OUR TAX DOLLARS. In 2022, the combined salaries of these grifters totalled $12,654,791, including Valissa Howard (MRS KARRIE HOWARD), THE CHIEF PEOPLE OFFICER....WTAF who made $210,000 and lives in Solon and Dwayne Brake the VP of OPERATIONS who made $200,000 and ALSO lives in Solon. The payroll jumped to $15,534,815 in 2023. Just keep in mind the DOGE is making a list of billions in cuts. Cleveland is SOOOO FUCKED




Hitchcock House USED TO BE FREE

Hitchcock House is a drug rehab for women on Ansel Road that used to be FREE (covered by Medicaid). The residents were largely black and from the surrounding neighborhood. Now it has a grand website, is NO LONGER FREE for poor women trying to get their lives on track, and is run by a white guy named Jason Joyce who makes $200,000 and lives in a mansion in Independence. It is difficult to find out EXACTLY how much the "treatment" costs without phoning for an "assessment" but the website mentions SOMETIMES your "insurance" will reimburse you. No more MEDICAID patients for Jason and his all white team. Jason is movin' on up. In 2022 Jason got $794,000 from Uncle Sam and in 2023 that amount SKYROCKETED 10 fold to $7,159,000. Unfortunately METH HEADS are rarely covered by United Healthcare.