Submitted by lmcshane on Sat, 08/27/2016 - 07:44.
We can't keep living like this. It is not living.
The county last year planned to sell tax liens on 3,500 properties in 33 communities with a total delinquency of $55 million, Madigan said.
But community organizations had complained about the county's tax-lien buyer, Woods Cove III LLC. They argue such sales increase blight because by charging higher interest rates and fees, homeowners are less able to pay and more end up losing their homes.
The county couldn't reach an agreement with the company last year.

Cuyahoga County will not sell tax liens
Cuyahoga County will increase efforts to collect unpaid property taxes after it was unable to reach an agreement to sell delinquent-tax liens to a private company.
Now the county plans to hold a tax lien sale in October
Armond Budish wants to balance books on backs least privileged
LauraMcShaneCLEMay 14, 2016
The NAACP Legal Defense Fund found Cuyahoga County tax lien sales to be a discriminatory practice.
Jim Rokakis and Gus Frangos initiated the sale of tax liens in 1998. They also sped up the foreclosure practice and legislated the "Land Bank." All along - never bothering to foreclose on huge tax scofflaws like Gus Frangos' brother, Lou Frangos, and allowing properties like the YMCA at 3881 West 25th to flip through several LLCs and accrue a massive tax lien. Now, "wited" out by the Land Bank.
The Plain Dealer is complicit in covering up for these crimes. And, now, Cuyahoga County Executive Armond Budish is further destroying the tax base in NEO with the next round of tax lien sales.
All to benefit speculators, who can enjoy the fire sale on real estate in East Cleveland. Sickening.
Plain Dealer, The (Cleveland, OH) - Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Author: Thomas Ott, Plain Dealer Reporter
A new state law will allow counties to more quickly seize many abandoned properties.
Most of Cuyahoga County's abandoned tax-delinquent properties are in Cleveland and East Cleveland, said County Treasurer Jim Rokakis, whose aide, Gus Frangos , wrote the original bill. State Rep. Sally Conway Kilbane, a Rocky River Republican, sponsored the legislation.
Frangos , a former Cleveland councilman, said a tax foreclosure may stretch out for more than a year in court, but the Board of Revision could wrap up cases in four or five months.
READ this report by Will Tarter: and
I have asked the media , time and time, again, to investigate fraud at the Cuyahoga County Land Bank - NEO, watch your tax base destroyed by these two-bit mafia wanna-bees: