Cleveland SCENE's Michael Roberts - DROPS ANCHOR on TAX INCREASE ISSUE 108
Submitted by Jeff Buster on Tue, 11/06/2012 - 08:45.
The Scene accurately describes the miasma which is the Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Port Authority.
The silly park on a sliding hill, the mud sucking from the snaky river bottom, the eye candy "bridge". But all these issues are red herrings. These "projects" are the "visuals" which the corrupt Port Authority wants the public to focus on - easy to understand - and vote up the new tax.
What Mr. Roberts and many others don't recognized is that the real reason for the Port is their tax free bonding power.
All the GCP support for Issue 108 is because of the bonding - the proposed projects are just deceit.
DROP ANCHOR! Vote down ISSUE 108.
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