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Cuyahoga County - Thou Shall Not Steal Frank Giglio's property - Giglio gets his property backSubmitted by Gone Fishin on Wed, 07/10/2013 - 08:19.
A Member of the Demolition Crew Kicking Frank Giglio while he's Down!
We all recall the sad story of long-time property owner Frank Giglio- the owner of valuable property located in Tremont. The City of Cleveland was determined to take the mortgage free property that was owned for over 20 years. Councilman Joe Cimperman convinced the City of Cleveland and the others to demolish this poor guy's property- leaving him homeless for years. Photo courtesy of Jeff Buster
I met Frank Giglio when I worked for Cleveland Housing Court in the mid 1990's while serving him copies of housing violations. It was more than obvious that the city and court had it out for Frank Giglio. Frank Giglio was afraid to appear in court. When Giglio failed to appear in housing court, the former housing court judge set his bond at 1.5 MILLION DOLLARS- for petty housing code violations. A bond much higher than a murderer. Giglio was repeatedly sent to jail over petty housing violations. As an employee of housing court, I witnessed all of this. The court also issued an order that the city could go in Giglio's home and clean-out his home. Throw all of the his belongings collected over 20 years in a dumpster. I filed a motion with the court to allow Giglio to clean out his own home and spent several days assisting Giglio with the clean-up to avoid having his stuff dumped in a dumpster. We cleaned the house spotless. The court dismissed the clean-out order, but that was not enough for the city. They wanted Giglio's property. Cuyahoga County was also in on the act of stealing Giglio's property as they filed a delinquent property tax foreclosure because Giglio owed $184.50 on the vacant lot next to the house. The county often overlooked delinquent property taxes for those connected, while targeting others for petty delinquent property taxes. The tax foreclosure case was dismissed as the minimum amount for filing tax foreclosures is $500:
Below is a photograph of Frank Giglio- sitting in the rain - hopeless as he watches his home being destroyed by the demolition crew: Photo courtesy of Jerleen
Photo courtesty of Jerleen
With no money or house, Frank Giglio was forced to sleep in his yard in all sorts of weather. I often check on my longtime friend to make sure he has food, money, and that he is still alive- not frozen to death. On one of my many visits, I stumbled across his bed: After the city and Councilman Cimperman demolished Giglio's home, the county filed a foreclosure to recover the demolition cost. It was expensive to demolish a perfectly sound house with several tiled fireplaces, ornate woodwork, pillars, and other ornate architecture that can never be replaced. I cleaned the house - top to bottom - and I know the condition of every inch of this house. This house did NOT require demolition.
The property tax foreclosure - which included the demolition fee - was granted and Giglio lost his mortgage free property. However, the court order specifically mentioned ONLY parcel # 004-10-027:
Frank Giglio owned two parcels of property. The property where the house once stood and a vacant lot next to the property. Frank Giglio was always charged property taxes for BOTH parcels individually- parcels 00410027 & 00410028. However, the county decided to give the politically connected new owner BOTH PARCELS- although that is NOT what the court order stated and NOT what the complaint requested. For nearly two years, the empty lot that was NOT foreclosed upon and was NOT part of the court's order was illegally in the ownership of the property buyer of the vacant lot where the Giglio house once stood - Justin Hughes LLC. Justin Hughes LLC was incorported by the politically connected Jason Beudert - who is also connected to the Leneghans and Tree House Bar. The county simply gave the politically connected owner both parcels of Giglio's property- for NO LEGAL CAUSE.
Recently, I gave Frank Giglio some documents that proved he always paid taxes for both parcels and that the county considered Giglio's property as TWO PARCELS. Frank Giglio also had numerous documents that proved the same. The new county government - which replaced most of the corrupt politicians ( although there are still many corrupt politicians lingering around) - immediately noticed the 'mistake' the county made by illegally giving the politically connected Jason Beudert both of Frank Giglio's properties- absent a court order. And the new officials corrected the mistake. Frank Giglio's property - the vacant lot - has been returned to the rightful owner. Below are photographs that I took on the same date in which the new owner of the ONE lot got carried away with greed and decided to destroy BOTH PARCELS of land- including the lot that was NOT his:
Below is Frank's bed after they destroyed HIS PROPERTY:
The houses across the street from Giglio's property have been vacant for at least 30 years. Historical property left to rot. Vacant property and not owner occupied as Giglio's property was. Numerous housing violations for years and never any violations issued with the court. No demolitons for these properties. I have numerous photos of the violations on the other properties and will post them on a later date. The photographs were taken during the same period of time in which Frank Giglio was harassed and became homeless. There is a lot of movement now with the property across the street- owned by Grace Hospitals. Obvious repairs are being made to the properties that have been neglected for decades. I believe that someone has big plans for the two properties across the street from Giglio. I believe parking lots will be needed for their plans- which more than likely will include another bar in Tremont.
The attempted theft of Frank Giglio's property has been corrected. This property IS OWNED BY THE RIGHTFUL OWNER- FRANK GIGLIO. Whatever plans the thieves had for Giglio's property has left the thieves shit out of luck. The property stealing thieves got busted. We are going to place "NO TRESPASSING" signs on Frank Giglio's property that was 'mistakenly' stolen. If the thieves step one foot on this property, they will be charged with trespassing.
The attempted theft of Frank Giglio's property was probably the last dirty act performed by Jim Rokakis while he was in office. The other dirty act of attempting to steal Frank Giglio's lot - also done by Jim Rokakis - when Rokakis pushed for a tax foreclosure when Giglio owed $184.50. The county treasurer's office has the sole ability to pick and choose which property to push for delinquent property tax foreclosure. Jim Rokakis should have focused his attention on his OWN employee - Gus Frangos - who was hiding RENTAL property behind numerous shell LLCs and NOT paying property taxes. Instead, the county focused their attention on helpless property owners and attempted to foreclose on property for less than TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS in property taxes- while other connected property owners - including Gus Frangos' brother Lou - got a free ride on property taxes FOR YEARS. According to an employee of Jim Rokakis, Councilman Joe Cimperman constantly encouraged Jim Rokakis' office to file the tax foreclosure for $184.50. Instead of the City of Cleveland focusing on rental property owned by Gus Frangos - PRESIDENT of the Cuyahoga County Land Bank- and demolishing these dumps that should have been demolished years ago, the city screws with property owners that lack the ability to fight back. NO VIOLATIONS WERE EVER FILED IN COURT FOR GUS FRANGOS' DUMPS - which are still standing with doors and windows wide open:
MORE pictures of Gus Frangos' dumps here
There were lots of 'mistakes' made relative to Frank Giglio's property. This 'mistake' backfired.
** My blogs expressing my freedom of speech rights - especially on matters of public concern- are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer **
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Giglio property includes plans for restaurant & related entities
Justin Hughes LLC updated their records with the Ohio Secretary of State.
The owner of ONE of Frank Giglio's lots - Justin Hughes LLC - has plans for a restaurant and 'related entities' - which means another bar in Tremont:
And the members of Justin Hughes LLC were updated to include Joseph Kahn and Tom Leneghan, along with the original incorporator, Jason Beudert:
There is limited parking near these three buildings. One decent sized parking lot in the back and a very small parking lot on the side.
Frank Giglio's property will be needed as an additional parking lot.
The two lots will NOT accommodate parking for a "restaurant and other entities" and will create more parking issues in Tremont.
These folks had their plans ruined after the county returned Frank Giglio's property that was stolen by the county and others.
They are stuck with one lot in between two properties owned by Giglio.
Frank Giglio will NOT be taken advantage of again.
In the good ole days, if one needed or wanted a property that was owned by another, they would simply make an offer to purchase the property.
Those that have taken advantage of an indigent and disabled man - which caused the guy to be homeless for years- should be ashamed of themselves.
Karma will come knocking on your high class doors.
Frank Giglio's property is FOR SALE, but it is NOT going to be stolen again.
(216) 386-6546
Frank Giglio loses property AGAIN
The county agreed that a mistake was made regarding the transfer of the vacant lot owned by Frank Giglio.
Approximately two weeks ago, the county transferred parcel # 004 10 028 back to Frank Giglio.
The court order was clear that the foreclosure was for parcel # 004 10 027 ONLY:
The deed that was recorded with the county specifically mentions ONLY parcel # 004-10-027:
The county's foreclosure was filed for 004-10- 027 - for the property where the house once stood.
The complaint filed with the court, the court's order, and the recorded deed does NOT mention parcel # 004-10-028 - the vacant lot next to where the Giglio house once stood.
Frank Giglio was making property tax payments for 004-10-028 and only owed $577.16 in taxes when his property was stolen - minus a court order:
The vacant lot (parcel # 004-10-028) which was NOT part of the court's order and was recently returned to Frank Giglio less than two weeks ago by the county itself, was returned to Justin Hughes LLC today, 7/12/13.
Less than two weeks ago, the county admitted the error and transferred the property back to Frank Giglio. Today the property is gone once again.
Does this make sense to anyone?
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*