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Due To Racial Slurs, Calls To Hang Blacks At RealNeo, Please Read Kathy Wray Coleman at www.kathywraycolemanonlinenewsblog.comSubmitted by JournalistKathy... on Wed, 10/26/2011 - 16:57.
Due to defamation and racial harassment, including nigger name calling and calls by RealNeo.Us to hang Blacks, I can no longer affiliate with this web site and have been advised to move on. Please read Kathy Wray Coleman at (Note: I received a telephone call last week from RealNeo blogger Guy Black who said that blogger Lily Miller and another blogger had begged him to write negative things about me on the site but that he would not do it and that I have his support) I was the only Black blogger at RealNeo.Us and when I wrote on judicial corruption, racism and the county corruption probe I began being harassed by Miller, an employee of Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Bill Mason who blogs at RealNeo, and her White friends at the site began harassing me too. Miller's insensitive racial activity includes polls asking if its okay to call us nigger because it is legal and it is what it is, calls to hang Black men and to "hang them high" and White face masks designed to promote White supremacy. And when I complained Miller defamed me including on company time where she sent out a mass email to the media and others putting my name under pictures of former East Cleveland Mayor Eric Brewer in drag. The comments section was not halted until I aggressively responded because as long as I was the only person targeted it was considered okay. And all of this was supported and perpetuated by RealNeo operatives, all White, including domain owner Jeff Buster. Also, bloggers at RealNeo put the nigger name calling poll back up repeatedly, even after I complained that it was racist, including Diana Hill, who is dubbed Angel-n-Ward 14 on RealNeo and is a failed candidate for Cuyahoga County Executive.
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