Help stop Wall Street's sweetheart deal on mortgage fraud
Submitted by Lee Batdorff on Wed, 08/31/2011 - 13:24.
I've been reading the book Reckless Endangerment which gives an account of how our economy got into the fix it is in now. Mr. Geithner was one of the "regulators" that allowed the banks to take huge chances, fulling expecting a taxpayer bailout as their back up plan. It is now time to take on the big banks.
The following petition is presented for signing by
Subject: Help stop Wall Street's sweetheart deal on mortgage fraud
Treasury Secretary Geithner is pushing a sweetheart deal for Wall
Street that lets big banks escape prosecution for widespread mortgage
fraud with a slap on the wrist.
I signed a petition insisting that states be allowed to conduct a full
investigation and prosecution of the firms that crashed the economy. Can
you join me at the link below?
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Greedy banks and local corruption
Thanks for posting this Lee--FitzGerald and the whole Dem machine in town will still not blow the whistle because the chain of command goes right to the top.
Meanwhile, fake Dem Rokakis, the Land Bank, and banks like Wells Fargo continue to get a pretty cover up by the PD and now NPR.
See comments from REALNEO poster
Kill the Land Bank.
The county taxpayers can not continue to pay for grass cutting, board-ups, maintenance, insurance, repairs, and safeguarding of the 100's of properties in the county landbank.
The landbank was created to keep property out of the hands of irresponsible out-of-state investors. The same irresponsible out of state investors that the county itself invited in the county via delinquent property tax lien purchases- minus any bidding process.
Public officials are responsible for much of the foreclosure crisis in Cuyahoga County by allowing tax lien purchasers to purchase delinquent tax liens and forcing 100's of people from their homes. After forcing folks from their homes, the tax purchasers greatly contributed to blight and vacant homes; however the tax lien companies did not contribute to the property tax collectors since they do not pay their own property taxes.
Property in the land bank also does not generate any property taxes.
Public officials are also responsible for the Afford -a -Home scandal that left behind numerous vacant properties in the county.
Now the same officials responsible for creating the blight and greatly contributing to the foreclosure crisis wants to correct the mess that they themselves created.
The county has issues maintaining the property that they already own.
Tax payers do not want to be responsible for paying for the 100's of properties in the land bank.
Let the free market take over. The less government control over anything-the better.
Thank you Lily for your continued vigilance. This has to stop now.
The entire tax lien sale to create the land bank was plagued with questions and concerns by people inside as well as outside the government. Early in the process " Bill Day" a laywer and CPA and clearly the brightest mind at the Georgia Tax Lien service identified extreme and improper large amounts of money not quite going to where it was intended to be going. When the well meaning MR.Day relayed his concerns with his superiors, he was immediately fired. This decision was made my jimmy "the creep" Rokakis. Millions of dollars flowed in the coffers of Resouce Title, owned by very large Rokakis contributor Richard Renell. Check out the campaign contribution filings at the Board of Elections. That will give you an idea on how our county is so broke. No raises for us workers for another two years.
For the impact of this GREED--see:
This quoted PD Comment below and above is highly significant.....To those who understand the PPTS games...... this is serious....
countyinsider August 21, 2011 at 2:03AM
The entire tax lien sale to create the land bank was plagued with questions and concerns by people inside as well as outside the government.
Early in the process " Bill Day" a laywer and CPA and clearly the brightest mind at the Georgia Tax Lien service identified extreme and improper large amounts of money not quite going to where it was intended to be going. When the well meaning MR.Day relayed his concerns with his superiors, he was immediately fired. This decision was made my jimmy "the creep" Rokakis. Millions of dollars flowed in the coffers of Resouce Title, owned by very large Rokakis contributor Richard Renell. Check out the campaign contribution filings at the Board of Elections. That will give you an idea on how our county is so broke. No raises for us workers for another two years.
WHY HASN'T The FBI met with this man and gotten the ammunition needed to stop this insane tax certificate sale process in OHIO at large..????? It's totally corrupt....and violates so many consumer protection laws, 14th amendment rights, and there is NO LEGAL AID FOR FAMILIES to fight this process....causing them to lose homes/??????
These two areas in OHIO REVISED CODE of Landbank and Property Tax Lien Certificate Sales were lobbied by Jim Rokakis to steer CDBG Funding and effectuate BLIGHT to file for BILLIONS in FEDERAL GRANTS to demo Cleveland and create a 2020 MASTER Plan that annihilated the low income and less than desirable demographics without any plan or vision for true Economic Development other than to STEER OUT COUNTLESS LOCAL INVESTORS and FAMILIES who didn't PAY TO PLAY.....CORRUPT, CORRUPT, CORRUPT..... No consumer protection, deprivation of public participation, and social unjustices countless times....
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
Sign the petition
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petition signed
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Another great way to make sure Treasury Secretary Geithner feels a lot of heat on this issue is to spread the word to your friends and family so they know what's going on. You can just forward the sample letter below.
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--The Political Action Team