Hey Republican National Convention organizers - we are so rolling out the red carpet for you ! We're LOOKING GOOD!
Submitted by lmcshane on Fri, 05/30/2014 - 07:53.

Here's the gateway to the ZOO ! You know, the number one tourist destination in Northeast Ohio!!! We made sure to keep everything "green" - the way our councilman prefers it! And, tell your friends: we bend over ass backward to accommodate for developers like Peter Rubin-Coral Group, the Ratners at Forest City, and Mitch Schneider. ENJOY the scenery :)

From 2011 - Garden Ave. The MOVIE!!

For your enjoyment
At night, we TURN on the lights!! Lots to see - come on down to our great town!!
Peter Rubin Coral Group, Rokakis, Cummins...
If anyone has any information on status of Brooklyn plaza - please give me an update.
As we have all seen - it looks like hell and there is only one anchor tenant - CVS. Peter Rubin-Coral Group let grass go early in the year and number of us sent emails to CLE and Rubin to address this - he is claiming some "hardship" - also, regarding loss of Aldis - from developer August Garfoli - I was told that Kidney dialysis center has put in bid for the former Aldis, which will leave historic Farnsworth building vacant - and still no access to decent grocery. (See update below)
Garfoli and his partner have also bought old Brookside Center location and there is a daycare interested in the location - I cautioned him that this is not what we really need - especially, if ithreatens to undermine Archwood UCC Headstart. Also from Garfoli, Hickey, attorney who owns the historic (dilapidated) building across from Aldis - just recently also bought the barber shop across from McDonalds.
If ANY ONE knows where this is all going, please post here.
All of this intel resulted from stopping in the Masonic Building, where Garfoli and his partner are renovating the former diner location to be a senior computing center run by One Community - this could be a positive - but we will have to wait and see (and it duplicates services already provided by the LIBRARY). So far, we still have nothing to replace needed services lost at the plaza (Best Cuts, Huntington Bank, Auto Parts) and the Aldis (fresh, affordable food) - Here is the press release on the senior computing center : http://connectyourcommunity.org/next-cyc...
Latest rumor - blood plasma operation, (quick cash for junkies) currently on W. 25th near new "housing" - will be moved to old Alids location - great ....
Peter Rubin - Coral Group ** LOVE! NOT!
Soon to be deleted comment at NEOMG:
Thanks Steve - for mentioning our little historic 1812 neighborhood, seemingly invisible to every media person in CLE - but pillaged for profit by the likes of Mitch Schneider, Peter Rubin and the NRP Group. Here's my photo story on Rubin, who cried poverty when residents last summer bombarded him with complaints on the weeds, potholes and vacancies at the Brooklyn Center Plaza:
there are circumstances beyond our control that prevent us from completing all of the improvements to brooklyn centre that we would like to. we have no choice but to operate in a market that changes with national economic conditions and local market forces. from the recession, to the opening of competition, to the compression of rents throughout the industry, we have suffered a loss in value of at brooklyn centre of over 50%. we have invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in support of brooklyn centre and, despite the investment, we’re challenged to attract quality retailers willing to pay rents sufficient to cover our operating costs. we recognize that this is not an attractive story, however, we continue to pursue opportunites to improve conditions.
we’re making every effort we can to address the needs of brooklyn centre and parking lot repairs are currently underway. we’re aware of the community’s worries about brooklyn centre and, of course, you’re welcome to undertake a petition drive. but a petition drive is not going to change the financial and market conditions we battle every day.
not sure what your comment about shaker square is intended to suggest. we commit the same effort, passion, and investment to all of our properties.
if you or others in the community would like to meet or talk with us about brooklyn centre, we’re happy and available to do so.
peter rubin
peter rubin
the coral company
13219 shaker square
cleveland ohio 44120
216.932.8822 x222
plr [at] thecoralcompany [dot] com
Here's the vacant Aldis, thanks to CLE Dept of Economic Development bending over to accommodate Mitch Schneider:
Here's NRP's work on Denison - where they built heavily subsidized housing for seniors on contaminated soil - that has shut down and destroyed our beautiful WC Reed Field and community park:
Peter Rubin wants a Ratner make-over on Shaker Square
He has been such a benevolent developer - especially helping out our pals at Detroit Shoreway.. and the Cuyahoga County Land Bank. FREE properties from Buckeye Shaker Square Development CDC after the Land Bank pulls a "wite out" - FRIENDS only !!!
BSSDC manages about 75 homes that were built as part of a wave of construction in the 1990s by partnerships between developers, who tapped low-income housing tax credits, and community development corporations. These partnerships, typically controlled by the community development corporations, leased the houses to low-income families with provisions allowing the tenants to buy the homes at below-market prices after 15 years. Cleveland invested about $775,000 in the homes managed by BSSDC, according to Menesse’s letter to Hopkins.
For years, the nonprofit organization CHN Housing Partners managed the homes for BSSDC and ensured all the property taxes were paid. In January 2018, BSSDC took control of the day-to-day management of the homes, including collecting rent. But the development corporation immediately stopped paying property taxes, cleveland.com reported in July, based on Cuyahoga County property records. The city said in documents that BSSDC now owes $121,000 in back taxes.