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Dennis Kucinich speaking at Workers' Rights Rally in Madison, WISubmitted by Jeff Buster on Thu, 03/17/2011 - 13:05.
This is a Kucinich video which I am inserting for another realneo user - Here are instructions on how to insert a video into your realneo blog post. In order to insert a video in your blog on Realneo. Find the video online at Utube or where ever, right click on the video and select something like “copy embed code” or "embed HTML".
Open your blog on Realneo and scroll down to “input format” and select “php” – the third choice down.
Put the cursur back into the “body” of the post and paste the embed code into the body. You will see something like this:
Add some text into the body for search engines to find.
The video will appear to run on the realneo page - you will not be taken back to the original site from which the link was copied. Click submit.
If it isn’t what you like, you can edit it.
If this doesn’t work for you, please comment back here. Good Luck.
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Jeff - is it possible you have a different version than "regular
Jeff - is it possible you have a different version than "regular" users?
which could be why people get so confused trying to post on the blog.
This appears no where:
Open your blog on Realneo and scroll down to “input format” and select “php” – the third choice down.
regardless of where i go - my blog - create content - blog entry - more- I see "input format" no where, and no "php"
maybe try creating an account as a regular person and you will be able to see the difference?
Dbra - your suggestion is a possibility
I will do as you suggest later this evening. Thanks for the heads up. Best, Jeffb
here's a video for testing, smile
I had searched the whole site too Jeff prior to your post, seeing no way I can do the videos.
Genesis Land of Confusion :)
Always the Best, Betty
The problem is, America is NOT a Democracy - it is a Republic! As our Founding Fathers established, can we keep it?
Page for users different than Admin
Dbra and Savcash, Yes, When I log in as a user the screen is not the same. I am not sure why. It will take me a day or two to discuss this with our tech. Thanks for pointing this out. I will be back on this soon.
best Jeffb
header index for admin
I thought this today's header look nice and wanted to know more. I went to header images, and clicked, and it is not at the top of the page.
I have asked about this before and have been told that after I go to header images, click "index". I have never found an index. Is this something that admin sees, but not users?
It is a major pain to try to find specific images from the past, and that is too bad because there has been some very nice headers.