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Making HistorySubmitted by lmcshane on Wed, 01/21/2009 - 18:30.
The first visible change in our nation took place yesterday. Add your pictures to the tableau.
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What I heard
Yesterday, as I stood in the library with people of all shapes, sizes and colors, I heard a grown man asking the rest of the country to GROW UP--asking for accountability and responsibility. Not in a condescending way, but in a deliberate parental tone.
This morning NPR dissected the speech and gave it a high score, but not an out of the ball park score. What do you think?
Harry Belafonte at the Peace Ball
It is an opportunity for us to force our voices into the mainstream of the decision-making process. Click to watch video with transcript from democracy
Also at the link, Novelist Alice Walker and Activist Grace Lee Boggs React to Obama’s Inauguration:
"We need also a new interaction among ourselves. We have to replace that vertical relationship with a horizontal one." Grace Lee Boggs
For me, the most resonant quote was this: "To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history, but that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist." Barack Obama
Historic millions
Historic millions - I think those of us who have marched DC for various reasons can agree this image of the crowd says it all... I've NEVER seen crowds like this.
Historic, unprecendented, something to take pride in:
REvitalizing older cities
Restoring Prosperity Partners Submit Recommendations to Congress
A coalition of groups supporting the revitalization of older industrial cities submitted recommendations to Congress for inclusion in a stimulus package proposed by President-elect Obama. Groups signed on to a letter that provided suggestions for stimulus spending in three areas: housing, transportation and infrastructure, and economic and workforce development. Read the text of that letter here.
Two boys
A tale of two cities and two boys:
Boys going through puberty are curious about any and everything — and thinking back over 50-plus years, I think I recall standing in front of the Roxy Burlesque Theater (which was located on 9th Street near Short Vincent) next to a scrawny white kid a few years older than myself, both of us looking at the tantalizing photos of the strippers, and wondering if we looked old enough to get in. We didn’t, but I do believe I now know who that kid was. Downtown Cleveland was really something back then … and, according to Michener, can be something again.
Lyrical. (And women are still the mystery :)
BTW...the photo at CC was lifted from this post at REALNEO :)