Submitted by Jeff Buster on Tue, 05/05/2009 - 14:33.

These gentlemen have the proven track record in NEO which should give everyone confidence in their support of the no-public-bid-required MEDCON. With the expanding employment and expanding census results in Cleveland that they have been instrumental in developing over the past decade, there's no way they could be steering the County down the toilet on the secretly negotiated MEDCON. They have no bias. Yes, they merely have YOUR citizen interests at heart! Listen to their speel yourself at the MMPI MEDCON site.
my contact the Metroparks Muse Posts Impressions of MMPI as follows:
MMPI stands for:
Many Mesmerized Pols Instep
Major Media Plead Ignorance
Much Money Poured In
Moneyed Mediator Promotes Insider
Many Mourn Payoff Impression
Mum Mentality Prevents Investigation
Mendacity Mars Public Interest
Mall Money Promises Impossible
Multiple Mendicants Persuade Impressively
Many Measurements Prove Inconsistent
Multiple Manipulations Presumed Irresistible
Medical Mavens Pleas Insistent
Mystified Majority Presses Issues
Mercantile Minority Plays Imbecile
The city is offered $20M in
The city is offered $20M in exchange for the convention site, Jackson agrees. City council will have to approve it.
Today’s PD
the new face and place of the medcon
Surprise Medical Mart changes raise lots of questions
and this after Steve Litt as so thoroughly on board...
Medical Mart presentation makes convincing case for the Mall
and this
Medical Mart project in Cleveland could be the impetus to improve the bleak downtown Mall
Ahem... NO IT DOESN'T. What secret meeting determined this for "us"?
MED CON branding very effective - Globe InO CON new sham
The Cuyahoga County Medical Mart had a lousy beginning with a new 20 year County sales tax implemented for a "convention center" without puplic vote- thus began the Med Con on the tax paying public.
Joe Roman, Jimmy Dimora, and the head of the Cleveland Clinic Toby Cosgrove all got into a room for a video to promote the MED CON scam.
In response to the con men scam the MED CON brand was born and consumers liked the brand and recommended it to their friends.
Now years later, because the MED CON brand is true and strong, the folks left in the video room - and not in a Federal Pen - knew that a new spin name was necessary - So they came up with Global Center for Health Inovation.
And County Executive Mr. Fitzgerald passed the new Con on....