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Political Profiteering - Forest City's long history in Slavic VillageSubmitted by lmcshane on Sun, 06/13/2021 - 09:44.
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Dead bodies in Slavic Village - 3680 E 50 latest
Forest City Enterprises (FCE) is a $10.6 billion company that most Americans have likely never heard of, even though the public finances twenty-three percent of FCE’s revenue. The FCE business model is dependent upon political profiteering: relying on public money and government influence to reap millions in profit. Using highly paid lobbyists, political connections, campaign contributions, and strategic hiring of government officials, FCE obtains lavish public subsidies, tax-exempt financing and the seizure of private land from eminent domain condemnations.
From Mitch Paul
Subject: Fwd: this group of America's most prominent Jewish leaders are THIEVES...happy to answer any questions. Grants to this group are much more than claimed on the IRS990s of this 501c3 as income. Additionally stolen are all the private donations ( not visible to the public). Ties to Sheldon Silver/ Rapfogel cases and OPTIMA VENTURES 5.5 billions Ukrainian bank frauds. I have studied thousands of IRS990s ...
Long READ -Eric J Brewer -Justin call EJB
Relevant information -excerpted and bolded:
When the next mayor walks into Cleveland city hall they will be walking into a series of ongoing activities. Among them will be local, state and federal audits as well as confidential federal and state criminal investigations.
The next mayor is going to inherit a 6000*employee workforce Jackson built over the past 16 years. They are untrained. Undisciplined. Overpaid at the top. Largely incompetent. An example of administrative incompetence is the construction and demolition debris landfill Jackson’s health department allowed to exist behind homes in East Cleveland.
Not even the city council “health committee” White’s protege, Johnson, served on knew Cleveland since the 1970’s has had a contract with the Ohio EPA to enforce air, water and soil pollution laws for Cuyahoga County. All of it. I’ve had discussions with Northern Ohio administrator Kurt Princic about stripping the city of the contract because Jackson’s negligence has turned damn near the entire east side of Cleveland and Cuyahoga County into a landfill for every type of dumper.
Debris from University Circle’s projects have been ending up buried in Forest Hill Park. Baumann’s does what they want at Broadway and E. 131 st Street; while one of the “son’s” plants dirt over stone at a demolition site on E. 148th and Kinsman. Any mayoral debate about the environment that doesn’t include questions about why Cleveland doesn’t enforce its end of the contract makes the discussion moot if the questioners and candidates don’t know it exists. Neither do the town’s journalists. You can not ask or talk about what you don’t know.
Cleveland has been managed over the past 16 years by a mayor who was not a disciplined reader nor one who built “statutory compliance” into every facet of every municipal worker’s job description. City hall’s activities, including those of city council, do not resemble the structure laid out for them in the Constitution of the United States of America, the Constitution of Ohio, the laws of the nation, state, charter, ordinances and administrative codes.
I don’t know Bibb and never heard of him until his name began appearing in the Plain Dealer and on In my mind I saw someone behind the scenes “building him up.” What I know is Bibb has absolutely no consciousness for managing a statutory government that doesn’t need his “ideas.” It’s the mayor’s duty to learn, master, obey and enforce two constitutions and federal, state and local laws. The beauty of our laws is that if read and obeyed by the officials in government all our lives are improved. They’re great governing authorities. They just have to be “read.”
*Crain's Cleveland reports that the actual number of CLE employees thanks to FRANK is 7K + GOOD NEWS for Justin Bibb - most of those employees LIVE OUTSIDE CLE and CAN'T vote in November. Many got their jobs through Kevin Kelley.
Maurer bites the HAND - Good for her
Maurer bites the HAND - Good for her
NEWS: Today I had to file a complaint with the Ohio Elections Commission against the Council Leadership Fund PAC for it’s spending in Ward 12. I launched my campaign on a commitment to accountability and transparency. So I want to explain how I reached this decision 2/ For background--and many of you already know this--the Council Leadership Fund PAC was formed by members of council years ago. Council president and mayoral candidate Kevin Kelley is a treasurer and--as the name implies--the goal is to maintain the status quo on council. 3/ PACs like it have two ways to spend money. (1) They can contribute directly to a campaign subject to donation limits (in Cleveland -- $3,000) (2) They can make uncoordinated, independent expenditures subject to rules -- rules like not confusing voters about who is paying 4/The Council Leadership Fund PAC maxed out its donations to the Ward 12 incumbent with a single $3,000 check in July. Business as usual. But then my neighbors in the Ward started getting mail. The mail was clearly from the incumbent, but it said it was paid for by the PAC. 5/ There isn’t a big mystery here. These mailers use the incumbent’s official logo, phone number, and e-mail. They are written by the incumbent--they say “me” and “my.” One even has a letter encouraging people to vote signed by the incumbent. 6/ Printing and sending these three mailers undoubtedly cost thousands and thousands of dollars. And because the PAC was sending these out, I don't think the incumbent sent a single piece of mail that he paid for himself -- one of the largest expenses in a campaign. 7/This unreported PAC spending isn't right. (1) If it's a direct contribution--which I think it is--the PAC is going far beyond the $3,000 limit (2) And even if it's an independent expenditure, the PAC is appearing to be the incumbent, confusing voters in violation of Ohio law 8/ Any way you slice it, this spending violates Ohio law. And it's the Council Leadership Fund PAC -- led by Kevin Kelley -- putting its thumb on the scale in Ward 12.
Kelley and Brancatelli commit crime - get off w/ $50 fine
Challenger Rebecca Maurer ultimately won the race, unseating incumbent Tony Brancatelli in a ward that includes Slavic Village on the east side and portions of Old Brooklyn, Brooklyn Centre and Tremont on the west. She filed the OEC complaint in September against the Council Leadership Fund, Brancatelli and Brancatelli's campaign PAC, arguing that the Fund had made monetary and in-kind contributions that totaled far more than the maximum permitted by city charter and Ohio law.
And it is well-known:
The OEC is perhaps the least fearsome adjudicating board on planet earth. Its function is to make explicit how seriously the state of Ohio takes campaign finance laws: i.e. not seriously at all. Fifty freaking dollars! That's literally cheaper than a single ticket to the Immersive Van Gogh exhibit during peak hours.
With slaps on the wrist this meek, Ohio officials can't afford not to be corrupt.
Ratners control everyone - and protect Rokakis-Frangos
The Ratners control the Cleveland Foundation and Mandel Foundation - but not, it seems, the Gund Foundation.
To use Ross DiBello's expression - it very much looks like Justin Bibb is just a "smiling puppet." When I ask Weingart and Ronayne about the Cuyahoga Land Bank - protected by the Ratners - I get crickets.
The head of the Gund Foundation David Abbott has announced he is retiring.
#protection #hushmoney #CORRUPTION) Don't be surprised Ratners OWN Shontel Brown and she will endorse Annette Blackwell... Chris you should have seen that one coming...
HOUGH, Maple Heights, EAST CLEVELAND - these are areas where real estate has been depreciated to 1950s prices - just what the Ratners like, but those pesky unpaid tax liens...that is where the buddies - Rokakis and Frangos come in....demolitions, too - and BROWNFIELD monies
Bernie Moreno vs. Sherrod Brown
Miller recently got engaged to Emily Moreno, the 27-year-old daughter (and campaign senior adviser) of Bernie Moreno, who’s running in the teeming, “Hunger Games”-esque Senate primary for the right to try to replace the retiring Portman. The candidates are clamoring for Trump’s endorsement—including Moreno, who back in 2016 referred to Trump as a “maniac” and a “lunatic.”
Moreno is rightfully leveraging
this news, but I am concerned about his new family ties. Moreno's daughter is now married into the Ratner-Miller famiily.