Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Tue, 01/25/2011 - 15:05.
Uncountable FEDERALLY FUNDED PROGRAMS are administered locally by social service and community development organizations on behalf of the low income, disabled, and demographically disadvantaged folks. On the West Side of Cleveland, the industry of PHILANTHROPY rakes in approximately $2 Billion Dollars per year. How many folks understand how this "DEMOGRAPHIC DATA" fuels this local economy and why the leaders don't want to change their formats or accept responsibility for their actions to "ALLEGEDLY" empower the people?
It must be mindboggling to choose where funds get to be allocated, which organization to collaborate with, and who loses in this surreal politically driven field of dreams for the public servants who manipulate our world based on this data. Underlying all of this is the concept of "SUSTAINABILITY" which permeates all organizations... Discussing how they can drive funding to increase their UNBELIEVABLE SALARY & BENEFIT PACKAGES to be our leaders is what keeps them manipulating the people... Quotas have been abused....a system of referring, deferring, and luring unsuspecting citizens through the doors without actually helping the majority of them.
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION is supposed to be a key element to a majority of the distributions, plans, and objectives of these organizations...But once again, the leadership has completely undermined, steered, and encumbered that entire alleged protective measure away from the citizens. They have created environments full of enthusiastic carpet bagging interns driven by extremely well experienced leaders to once again, refer, defer,and lure the people into circles of confusion and redirection until they are exhausted..."IT'S LAUGHABLE" cited one citizen activist who desperately tries to get the people involved. "If I speak up at today's meeting-then next week my house will get condemned!" says another citizen. One Angry citizen irately regurgitated a list of examples of trying to work with the "councilperson" only to be treated like a "nobody" and to ultimately receive housing violations for even getting involved. The few "TACTFUL, POLITICALLY CORRECT, WELL CONNECTED FOLKS who actually understand the "POLITICS" of getting things done and "PAYING TO PLAY" are the ones who have actually made progress. Yet, those citizens who are "DEMOGRAPHICALLY CHALLENGED" become the targets, quotas, and unsuspecting prey of this vulture environment we call "COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT".
I, personally, believe that all FEDERAL FUNDING to the CITY of CLEVELAND should be removed from their hands and that a complete restructuring of our local government should occur all the same. The City of Cleveland leaders have been the catalyst to these extremely unacceptable practices, lack of oversight, and abusive practices since the beginning of the HUD funding trickle down game began. They learned how to push out the "WATCHDOGS" and then manipulate numbers, quotas, and citizens' serviced over and over again. They learned how to create "PSUEDO ENTITIES" to wash millions in HUD Funding with no results except to live large at our expense. They learned how to make magic, cook books, and violate the public with a smile on their face and without regard for the citizens who were used as quotas to assist them in getting that funding.... and then they learned how to power play it over and over again....Perhaps our New County Government Leadership can babysit and funnel our Federal Funds while the City of Cleveland leadership is restructured in a sustainable fashion.
It's gotten so bad that these folks actually "BELIEVE THAT THEY ARE WORKING LEGALLY"--- particularly when they are breaking countless protective laws and regulations. Heck, they got so bad locally that they worked to create laws to protect themselves from liability and accountability despite great need in our community---check out the City Council (May 2010) voting to remain unchanged despite the facts of US CENSUS BUREAU reductions in population... (they were supposed to reduced again in 2011 with the Census Bureau facts)....but they changed that law for themselves! Nice...costing us even more money for self centered "leaders!" They are some sly mother flowers for sliding that into effect...but you don't see them sending letters home to residents inviting them to proactively participate in public meetings much anymore regarding countless affairs because they have swept the citizen's rights under the rug...yet you see their letters in support of such issues as this above! Comical! Ward Newsletters have went to hell in a handbasket too...comical...
Endless redundancies, reinventions of the wheel, and double tapping can be recited across our community...WASTEFUL WAYS....and who are the pawns, quotas, and people who pay the highest price of all??? The citizens, residents, and small business owners of our community have been nothing more than stepping stones for all these philanthropic endeavors.....
Perhaps in the next generation, our philanthropic community will not be self centered! How many more people must fall by the wayside before CHANGE will actually come???
Age Range |
Male |
Female |
Total |
632,507 |
702,810 |
0-4 |
43,058 |
42,089 |
5-9 |
43,305 |
41,546 |
10-14 |
48,293 |
46,880 |
15-19 |
47,016 |
44,452 |
20-24 |
37,532 |
38,799 |
25-29 |
33,663 |
36,484 |
30-34 |
39,594 |
43,690 |
35-39 |
44,933 |
47,748 |
40-44 |
49,742 |
53,512 |
45-49 |
52,577 |
56,716 |
50-54 |
46,539 |
50,971 |
55-59 |
38,961 |
43,417 |
60-64 |
27,501 |
33,457 |
65-69 |
21,437 |
28,083 |
70-74 |
17,198 |
23,817 |
75-79 |
17,513 |
25,568 |
80-84 |
13,286 |
22,658 |
85 + |
10,359 |
22,923 |
Data Sponsored By:whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=/cache/ed_general_v2$graph0$af76d252088e759296feb872f6529698.hrml#">U.S. Census Bureau - Population Division
**Data Source: whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=/cache/ed_general_v2$graph0$af76d252088e759296feb872f6529698.hrml#">POPEST/Census Bureau Version/County Population Estimates by Age, Sex, Race and Hispanic Origin/2005
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_demo_gen_v2$image0.jpg" />
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whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_demo_gen_v2$image5.jpg" />
Summary Reports:
Change County:
Cuyahoga County, Ohio
whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_home.hrml" fw="false" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">Select Another State
Demographic Overview
whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_general_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">Overview General profile of the selected county
whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_econ_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">Economics General Economic Information
- Industry wages
- Top Industries
- Top Occupations
- Labor force by age
- Education Levels
whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_hous_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">Housing General Housing Information
- Housing Values
- Mortgage Amounts
- Occupancy Status
- Ownership Rates
- Housing Costs
whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_trans_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">Transportation Transportation Information
- Commute Times
- Means of Transportation
whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_comm_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">Community Assets Community Assets
- Public Schools
- Colleges and Universities
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/cache/ed_demo_gen_v2$3f4abf66899ba0e7d75d25592e6f17fe$map20_legend.jpg" alt="" />
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/cache/ed_demo_gen_v2$3f4abf66899ba0e7d75d25592e6f17fe$map20.html', '800','400','toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=no,menubar=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=yes,copyhistory=0')" border="0" alt="Click for larger map" src=" [at] census [dot] gov/cache/ed_demo_gen_v2$3f4abf66899ba0e7d75d25592e6f17fe$map20.jpg" usemap="#ismap20" /> |
Data Sponsored By:whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_demo_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue#">U.S. Census Bureau - Population Division
**Data Source: whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_demo_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue#">POPEST/Census Bureau Version/County Population Estimates by Age, Sex, Race and Hispanic Origin/2005
To map a different population theme, select from the list and click the "Change Map" button.
Income Statistics
Per capita income was $23,917.
**Data Source: 2005 American Community Survey
Median household income was $39,752.
**Data Source: 2005 American Community Survey
Median family income was $52,719.
**Data Source: 2005 American Community Survey
Veteran Statistics
Veterans made up 11.1% of the civilian population 18 years and over.
**Data Source: 2005 American Community Survey
Population by Age and Sex for Cuyahoga County, Ohio
(Total Population)
**Data Source: 2005 American Community Survey
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_demo_gen_source.htm',640,480,'toolbar=1,location=1,directories=0,status=no,scrollbars=1,copyhistory=0,menubar=1,resizable=yes')" href=" [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_demo_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue#" fw="false" mnu="true" newbw="true" rez="true" style="color: #0000ff">Information on data source, confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, and definitionswhazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_demo_gen_source.htm',640,480,'toolbar=1,location=1,directories=0,status=no,scrollbars=1,copyhistory=0,menubar=1,resizable=yes')" href=" [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_demo_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue#" fw="false" mnu="true" newbw="true" rez="true" style="color: #0000ff">.
**Source: May be from ACS 2005 or Census 2000
whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=/cache/ed_demo_gen_v2$graph29$3f4abf66899ba0e7d75d25592e6f17fe.hrml', '640','480')" border="0" alt="" src=" [at] census [dot] gov/cache/ed_demo_gen_v2$3f4abf66899ba0e7d75d25592e6f17fe$graph29.jpg" /> |
whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=/cache/ed_demo_gen_v2$graph30$3f4abf66899ba0e7d75d25592e6f17fe.hrml', '640','480')" border="0" alt="" src=" [at] census [dot] gov/cache/ed_demo_gen_v2$3f4abf66899ba0e7d75d25592e6f17fe$graph30.jpg" /> |
**Data Source: 2005 American Community Survey
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_demo_gen_source.htm',640,480,'toolbar=1,location=1,directories=0,status=no,scrollbars=1,copyhistory=0,menubar=1,resizable=yes')" href=" [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_demo_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue#" fw="false" mnu="true" newbw="true" rez="true" style="color: #0000ff">Information on data source, confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, and definitionswhazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_demo_gen_source.htm',640,480,'toolbar=1,location=1,directories=0,status=no,scrollbars=1,copyhistory=0,menubar=1,resizable=yes')" href=" [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_demo_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue#" fw="false" mnu="true" newbw="true" rez="true" style="color: #0000ff">.
(Shaded area denotes typical working ages.)
Household Income Distribution in Cuyahoga County, Ohio
(Total Population)
School Enrollment by Level for Age 3 and Older in Cuyahoga County, Ohio
(Total Population)
Click on graph to view table.
Click on graph to view table.
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_demo_gen_source.htm',640,480,'toolbar=1,location=1,directories=0,status=no,scrollbars=1,copyhistory=0,menubar=1,resizable=yes')" href=" [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_demo_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue#" fw="false" mnu="true" newbw="true" rez="true" style="color: #0000ff">Information on data source, confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, and definitions.
IE Printer Friendly
NOTE: The data on this page are subject to error arising from a variety of sources.
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_general_v2$image1.jpg" />
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_general_v2$image2.jpg" />
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_general_v2$image4.jpg" />
Cuyahoga County, Ohio
Additional Community Resources
Employers and jobseekers can find the services they need at a convenient One-Stop Career Center. Here they can also find other service provider locations relevant to employment, training, and economic development from the Department of Labor.
Cuyahoga County, Ohio had a total of 35 institutions of higher learning. There were 11 four year colleges, 3 community colleges, and 21 institutions offering less than a two-year degree.
whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_comm_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue#" fw="false" mnu="true" newbw="true" rez="true" style="color: #0000cc">America's Service Locator
whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_college_list_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue',640,480,'toolbar=1,location=1,directories=0,status=no,scrollbars=1,copyhistory=0,menubar=0,resizable=yes')" href=" [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_comm_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue#" mnu="false" newbw="true" rez="true" style="color: #0000cc">View a listing of all colleges in Cuyahoga County, Ohio
NOTE: The data on this page are subject to error arising from a variety of sources.
IE Printer Friendly
School Level |
Total students, All Grades |
Total Classroom Teachers |
Student-Teacher Ratio |
Total All Levels |
201,479 |
13,089 |
15.4 |
Primary |
89,027 |
5,669 |
15.7 |
Middle |
39,916 |
2,715 |
14.7 |
High |
58,266 |
3,722 |
15.7 |
Any other configuration |
14,270 |
983 |
14.5 |
Data Sponsored By:whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_comm_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue#">Joint Center for Political and Economic Research
**Data Source: whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_comm_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue#">CCD//Public Elementary/Secondary School Universe Data/2003
Summary Reports:
Change County:
Cuyahoga County, Ohio
whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_econ_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">Economics General Economic information
- Industry wages
- Top Industries
- Top Occupations
- Labor force by age
- Education Levels
whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_demo_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">Demographics General Demographics
- Income
- Population Pyramid
- School Enrollment
whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_hous_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">Housing General Housing Information
- Housing Values
- Mortgage Amounts
- Occupancy Status ership Rates
- Housing Costs
whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_trans_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">Transportation Transportation Information
- Commute Times
- Means of Transportation
whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_comm_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">Community Assets Community Assets
- Public Schools
- Colleges and Universities
Population Size (in thousands)
General Area Statistics for Cuyahoga County, Ohio
Relocation Data for Industry
Industries looking to relocate often consider areas in terms of the number of people in its workforce and their education, its unemployment rate, its wage rates, its housing stock, and educational and transportation infrastructures.
The percent unemployment of the nation in 2004 was 5.5%.
**Data Source: whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_general_v2.hrml#" fw="false" mnu="false" newbw="true" rez="true" style="color: #0000ff">USA Counties/2004whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_general_v2.hrml#" fw="false" mnu="false" newbw="true" rez="true" style="color: #0000ff">
Indicator |
Value |
Population |
1,335,317 |
Average annual wage |
$40,838 |
Number in labor force |
679,639 |
Number employed |
637,425 |
Percent unemployed |
6.2% |
Median household income |
$39,752 |
Median housing value |
$136,500 |
Median gross rent |
$644 |
Per capita income |
$23,917 |
Poverty rate |
16.9% |
High school graduates |
85.4% |
Bachelor's degree or higher |
27.5% |
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_general_v2$image23.jpg" />
Population by Age and Sex for Cuyahoga County, Ohio
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/cache/ed_general_v2$af76d252088e759296feb872f6529698$map25_legend.jpg" alt="" />
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/cache/ed_general_v2$af76d252088e759296feb872f6529698$map25.html', '800','347','toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=no,menubar=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=yes,copyhistory=0')" border="0" alt="Click for larger map" src=" [at] census [dot] gov/cache/ed_general_v2$af76d252088e759296feb872f6529698$map25.jpg" usemap="#ismap25" /> |
Data Sponsored By:whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_general_v2.hrml#">U.S. Census Bureau - Population Division
**Data Source: whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_general_v2.hrml#">POPEST/Census Bureau Version/County Population Estimates by Age, Sex, Race and Hispanic Origin/2005
whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_general_source.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue',640,480,'toolbar=1,location=1,directories=0,status=no,scrollbars=1,copyhistory=0,menubar=1,resizable=yes')" href=" [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_general_v2.hrml#" mnu="true" newbw="true" rez="true" style="color: #0000ff">Information on sources of data, confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, and definitions.
NOTE: The data on this page are subject to error arising from a variety of sources.
IE Printer Friendly
(Shaded area denotes typical working ages.)
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_econ_gen_v2$image0.jpg" />
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whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_econ_gen_v2$image5.jpg" />
Industry (NAICS 4-digit) |
Employees |
General Medical and Surgical Hospitals |
48,508 |
Management of Companies and Enterprises |
30,165 |
Full-service restaurants |
22,023 |
Limited-service eating places |
19,123 |
Depository credit intermediation |
17,478 |
Employment services |
15,038 |
Insurance carriers |
14,001 |
Nursing care facilities |
13,432 |
Grocery Stores |
11,938 |
Legal services |
11,554 |
Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing |
10,540 |
Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools |
10,015 |
Accounting, Tax Preparation, Bookkeeping, and Payroll Services |
9,553 |
Services to Buildings and Dwellings |
9,284 |
Health and Personal Care Stores |
8,564 |
Offices of physicians |
8,536 |
Department stores |
7,858 |
Religious organizations |
7,853 |
Data Sponsored By:whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_econ_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue#">U.S. Census Bureau - Economic Programs
**Data Source: whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_econ_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue#">CBP//County Level/2004
 |
whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=/cache/ed_econ_gen_v2$graph7$0317fe578f0c385e89e9f3e294ddab06.hrml', '640','480')" border="0" alt="" src=" [at] census [dot] gov/cache/ed_econ_gen_v2$0317fe578f0c385e89e9f3e294ddab06$graph7.jpg" /> |
Summary Reports:
Change County:
Cuyahoga County, Ohio
whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_home.hrml" fw="false" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">Select Another State
Economic Overview
whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_general_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">Overview
whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_demo_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">Demographics General Demographics
- Income
- Population Pyramid
- School Enrollment
whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_hous_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">Housing General Housing Information
- Housing Values
- Mortgage Amounts
- Occupancy Status
- Ownership Rates
- Housing Costs
whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_trans_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">Transportation Transportation Information
- Commute Times
- Means of Transportation
whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_comm_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">Community Assets Community Assets
- Public Schools
- Colleges and Universities
View a detailed economic report:
Occupation Group |
Cuyahoga County, Ohio |
Office and administrative support occupations |
92,157 |
 |
Sales and related occupations |
67,936 |
 |
Management occupations |
52,043 |
 |
Production occupations |
47,359 |
 |
Healthcare practitioners and technical occupations |
38,988 |
 |
Food preparation and serving related occupations |
32,497 |
 |
Transportation and material moving occupations |
30,773 |
 |
Education, training, and library occupations |
30,770 |
 |
Business and financial operations occupations |
25,145 |
 |
Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance occupations |
24,788 |
 |
Map shows average annual wages for the selected industry sector. To map wages for a different industry, select an industry from the list and click the "Change Map" button.
Selected Top Industries in Cuyahoga County, Ohio
(by Number of Employees)
Selected Top Occupation Groups
(by Number of Employed)
whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=/cache/ed_econ_gen_v2$graph26$0317fe578f0c385e89e9f3e294ddab06.hrml', '640','480')" border="0" alt="" src=" [at] census [dot] gov/cache/ed_econ_gen_v2$0317fe578f0c385e89e9f3e294ddab06$graph26.jpg" /> |
Labor Force Size by Age
(All Industries)
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/cache/ed_econ_gen_v2$0317fe578f0c385e89e9f3e294ddab06$map29_legend.jpg" alt="" />
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/cache/ed_econ_gen_v2$0317fe578f0c385e89e9f3e294ddab06$map29.html', '800','347','toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=no,menubar=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=yes,copyhistory=0')" border="0" alt="Click for larger map" src=" [at] census [dot] gov/cache/ed_econ_gen_v2$0317fe578f0c385e89e9f3e294ddab06$map29.jpg" usemap="#ismap29" /> |
Data Sponsored By:whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_econ_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue#">Employment and Training Administration
**Data Source: whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_econ_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue#">QCEW//Industry Wages/2002
Click on graph to view table.
**Data Source: 2005 American Community Survey
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_econ_gen_source.htm',640,480,'toolbar=1,location=1,directories=0,status=no,scrollbars=1,copyhistory=0,menubar=1,resizable=yes')" href=" [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_econ_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue#" fw="false" mnu="true" newbw="true" rez="true" style="color: #0000ff">Information on data source, confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, and definitions.
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_econ_gen_v2$image35.jpg" />
In 2005, 84.2 percent of the U.S. population aged 25 and over had a high school diploma or more education.
**Data Sourc: 2005 American Community Survey
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_econ_gen_source.htm',640,480,'toolbar=1,location=1,directories=0,status=no,scrollbars=1,copyhistory=0,menubar=1,resizable=yes')" href=" [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_econ_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue#" fw="false" mnu="true" newbw="true" rez="true" style="color: #0000ff">Information on data source, confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, and definitionswhazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_econ_gen_source.htm',640,480,'toolbar=1,location=1,directories=0,status=no,scrollbars=1,copyhistory=0,menubar=1,resizable=yes')" href=" [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_econ_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue#" fw="false" mnu="true" newbw="true" rez="true" style="color: #0000ff">.
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_econ_gen_v2$image37.jpg" />
Education Levels for the Population Age 25 and Older
**Data Source: 2005 American Community Survey
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_econ_gen_source.htm',640,480,'toolbar=1,location=1,directories=0,status=no,scrollbars=1,copyhistory=0,menubar=1,resizable=yes')" href=" [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_econ_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue#" fw="false" mnu="true" newbw="true" rez="true" style="color: #0000ff">Information on data source, confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, and definitions.
**Data Source: 2005 American Community Survey
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_econ_gen_source.htm',640,480,'toolbar=1,location=1,directories=0,status=no,scrollbars=1,copyhistory=0,menubar=1,resizable=yes')" href=" [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_econ_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue#" fw="false" mnu="true" newbw="true" rez="true" style="color: #0000ff">Information on data source, confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, and definitions.
NOTE: The data on this page are subject to error arising from a variety of sources.
whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_home.hrml" fw="false" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">n
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_hous_gen_v2$image0.jpg" />
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_hous_gen_v2$image1.jpg" />
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/cache/ed_hous_gen_v2$64cc4af51a6cbe007f13f98f79d354e1$graph2.jpg" /> |
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_hous_gen_v2$image4.jpg" />
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_hous_gen_v2$image5.jpg" />
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_hous_gen_v2$image6.jpg" />
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_hous_gen_v2$image7.jpg" />
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_hous_gen_v2$image8.jpg" />
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_hous_gen_v2$image9.jpg" />
whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_home.hrml" fw="false" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">Select Another Statewhazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_home.hrml" fw="false" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_general_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">Overview whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_home.hrml" fw="false" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_econ_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">Economics General Economic Information
- Industry wages
- Top Industries
- Top Occupations
- Labor force by age
- Education Levelswhazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_home.hrml" fw="false" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_demo_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">Demographics General Demographics
- Income
- Population Pyramid
- School Enrollmentwhazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_home.hrml" fw="false" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_trans_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">Transportation Transportation Information
- Commute Times
- Means of Transportationwhazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_home.hrml" fw="false" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_comm_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">Community Assets Community Assets
- Public Schools
- Colleges and Universitieswhazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_home.hrml" fw="false" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_hous_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue#" fw="false" mnu="true" newbw="true" rez="true" style="color: #0000ff">HMDA/Loan Application Register Data/2003
Summary Reports:
Change County:
Cuyahoga County, Ohio
Housing Overview
Home Ownership by Age of Householder
Thousands of Dollars
Housing Values
The average mortgage for a home purchased in 2003 was $121,397 in Cuyahoga County, Ohio.
**Data Source: whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_hous_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue#" fw="false" mnu="true" newbw="true" rez="true" style="color: #0000ff"> whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_home.hrml" fw="false" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_hous_gen_source.htm',640,480,'toolbar=1,location=1,directories=0,status=no,scrollbars=1,copyhistory=0,menubar=1,resizable=yes')" href=" [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_hous_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue#" fw="false" mnu="true" newbw="true" rez="true" style="color: #0000ff">Information on data source, confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, and definitions
Housing Shortage or Surplus
There were 620,564 housing units in Cuyahoga County, Ohio.
**Data Source: 2005 American Community Survey
Among occupied units, 63.0% were owner-occupied.
**Data Source: 2005 American Community Survey
Of the 67,948 housing units that were vacant, 30,755 of them were for rent.
**Data Source: 2005 American Community Survey
The average number of people in a household was 2.4.
**Data Source: 2005 American Community Survey
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_hous_gen_source.htm',640,480,'toolbar=1,location=1,directories=0,status=no,scrollbars=1,copyhistory=0,menubar=1,resizable=yes')" href=" [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_hous_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue#" fw="false" mnu="true" newbw="true" rez="true" style="color: #0000ff">.whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_home.hrml" fw="false" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_hous_gen_source.htm',640,480,'toolbar=1,location=1,directories=0,status=no,scrollbars=1,copyhistory=0,menubar=1,resizable=yes')" href=" [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_hous_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue#" fw="false" mnu="true" newbw="true" rez="true" style="color: #0000ff">Information on data source, confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, and definitions
Housing Costs and the Household Budget
The median monthly cost for owning a home was 22.5% of the household income.
**Data Source: 2005 American Community Survey
The median gross rent in Cuyahoga County, Ohio Cuyahoga County, Ohio was $644.
**Data Source: 2005 American Community Survey
The median gross rent as a percentage of household income was 31.5%.
**Data Source: 2005 American Community Survey
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_hous_gen_source.htm',640,480,'toolbar=1,location=1,directories=0,status=no,scrollbars=1,copyhistory=0,menubar=1,resizable=yes')" href=" [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_hous_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue#" fw="false" mnu="true" newbw="true" rez="true" style="color: #0000ff">. whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_home.hrml" fw="false" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_hous_gen_source.htm',640,480,'toolbar=1,location=1,directories=0,status=no,scrollbars=1,copyhistory=0,menubar=1,resizable=yes')" href=" [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_hous_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue#" fw="false" mnu="true" newbw="true" rez="true" style="color: #0000ff">Information on data source, confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, and definitions
**Data Source: 2005 American Community Survey
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_hous_gen_source.htm',640,480,'toolbar=1,location=1,directories=0,status=no,scrollbars=1,copyhistory=0,menubar=1,resizable=yes')" href=" [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_hous_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue#" fw="false" mnu="true" newbw="true" rez="true" style="color: #0000ff">.whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_home.hrml" fw="false" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_hous_gen_source.htm',640,480,'toolbar=1,location=1,directories=0,status=no,scrollbars=1,copyhistory=0,menubar=1,resizable=yes')" href=" [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_hous_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue#" fw="false" mnu="true" newbw="true" rez="true" style="color: #3333ff">Information on data source, confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, and definitionswhazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_home.hrml" fw="false" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_home.hrml" fw="false" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">Select Another Statewhazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_home.hrml" fw="false" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_general_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">Overview General profile of the selected countywhazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_home.hrml" fw="false" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_econ_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">Economics General Economic Information
- Industry wages
- Top Industries
- Top Occupations
- Labor force by age
- Education Levelswhazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_home.hrml" fw="false" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_demo_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">Demographics General Demographics
- Income
- Population Pyramid
- School Enrollmentwhazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_home.hrml" fw="false" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_hous_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">Housing General Housing Information
- Housing Values
- Mortgage Amounts
- Occupancy Status
- Ownership Rates
- Housing Costswhazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_home.hrml" fw="false" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_comm_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">Community Assets Community Assets
- Public Schools
- Colleges and Universitieswhazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_home.hrml" fw="false" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_trans_gen_source.htm',640,480,'toolbar=1,location=1,directories=0,status=no,scrollbars=1,copyhistory=0,menubar=1,resizable=yes')" href=" [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_trans_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue#" fw="false" mnu="true" newbw="true" rez="true" style="color: #0000ff">Information on data source, confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, and definitions
**Data Source: 2005 American Community Survey
Occupancy Status
(All Housing Units)
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_hous_gen_v2$image34.jpg" />
Click on map to enlarge.
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/cache/ed_hous_gen_v2$64cc4af51a6cbe007f13f98f79d354e1$graph36.jpg" /> |
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/cache/ed_hous_gen_v2$64cc4af51a6cbe007f13f98f79d354e1$map37_legend.jpg" alt="" />
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/cache/ed_hous_gen_v2$64cc4af51a6cbe007f13f98f79d354e1$map37.html', '800','347','toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=no,menubar=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=yes,copyhistory=0')" border="0" alt="Click for larger map" src=" [at] census [dot] gov/cache/ed_hous_gen_v2$64cc4af51a6cbe007f13f98f79d354e1$map37.jpg" usemap="#ismap37" /> |
Data Sponsored By:whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_hous_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue#">Joint Center for Political and Economic Research
**Data Source: whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_hous_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue#">HMDA//Loan Application Register Data/2003
NOTE: The data on this page are subject to error arising from a variety of sources.
Average Mortgage Amount for Home Purchases
by Census Tract in Cuyahoga County, Ohio
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_trans_gen_v2$image0.jpg" />
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_trans_gen_v2$image1.jpg" />
whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=/cache/ed_trans_gen_v2$graph2$f545bfde939789d2dae8b6a1d8892cae.hrml', '640','480')" border="0" alt="" src=" [at] census [dot] gov/cache/ed_trans_gen_v2$f545bfde939789d2dae8b6a1d8892cae$graph2.jpg" /> |
whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=/cache/ed_trans_gen_v2$graph3$f545bfde939789d2dae8b6a1d8892cae.hrml', '640','480')" border="0" alt="" src=" [at] census [dot] gov/cache/ed_trans_gen_v2$f545bfde939789d2dae8b6a1d8892cae$graph3.jpg" /> |
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_trans_gen_v2$image4.jpg" />
Summary Reports:
Change County:
Transportation Overview
Commuting Time
558,184 workers commuted to jobs in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, taking on average 23.7 minutes each way.
**Data Source: 2005 American Community Survey
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_trans_gen_source.htm',640,480,'toolbar=1,location=1,directories=0,status=no,scrollbars=1,copyhistory=0,menubar=1,resizable=yes')" href=" [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_trans_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue#" fw="false" mnu="true" newbw="true" rez="true" style="color: #0000ff">.whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_home.hrml" fw="false" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_trans_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue#" fw="false" mnu="true" newbw="true" rez="true" style="color: #0000ff">Access 'On The Map'whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_home.hrml" fw="false" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_trans_gen_source.htm',640,480,'toolbar=1,location=1,directories=0,status=no,scrollbars=1,copyhistory=0,menubar=1,resizable=yes')" href=" [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_trans_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue#" fw="false" mnu="true" newbw="true" rez="true" style="color: #0000ff">Information on data source, confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, and definitionswhazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_home.hrml" fw="false" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_trans_gen_source.htm',640,480,'toolbar=1,location=1,directories=0,status=no,scrollbars=1,copyhistory=0,menubar=1,resizable=yes')" href=" [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_trans_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue#" fw="false" mnu="true" newbw="true" rez="true" style="color: #0000ff">Information on data source, confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, and definitions
Percent of Workers by Means of Transportation to Work
Percent of Commuters by Travel Time to Work
Cuyahoga County, Ohio
to explore where workers live in relationship to where they work.
Click on graph to view table.
Click on graph to view table.
**Data Source: 2005 American Community Survey
**Data Source: 2005 American Community Survey
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_trans_gen_source.htm',640,480,'toolbar=1,location=1,directories=0,status=no,scrollbars=1,copyhistory=0,menubar=1,resizable=yes')" href=" [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_trans_gen_v2.hrml&2.ConVar.CVValue=2110.39.035.Cuyahoga+County,+Ohio&forward16=2.ConVar.CVValue#" fw="false" mnu="true" newbw="true" rez="true" style="color: #0000ff">.whazard [at] census [dot] gov&filename=ed_home.hrml" fw="false" style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none">
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_trans_gen_v2$image24.jpg" />
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_trans_gen_v2$image25.jpg" />
whazard [at] census [dot] gov/ed_trans_gen_v2$image26.jpg" />
Cuyahoga County, Ohio
Cuyahoga County, Ohio