Submitted by lmcshane on Tue, 10/11/2011 - 21:45.

Tonight, 75 persons attended the meeting held by Ohio Citizen Action at Neighborhood Family Practice on Ridge Rd organized by Sandy Buchanan.
Credit to Councilman Cummins for attending and addressing concerns, though much has to be explained on behalf of the City of Cleveland, and specifically, through Mayor Jackson's office pertaining to the proposed gasification plant at Ridge Rd.
Chris Trepal from Earth Day Coalition and others were present to protest this gross injustice in the works.
Significant testimony was presented by Teresa Mills who came from Columbus, and Mike Ewall
For photos from tonight's event see:
Environmental Injustice-Sunpo Optu Redux
Environmental Injustice-Sunpo Optu Redux (updated 2016 to restore above graphic)
Please see above post and know that the keystone of Mayor Jackson's "Sustainability Plan" includes building a trash incinerator on the west side of Cleveland.
Last night, representatives from communities in Pittsburgh and Columbus and Oakwood attended the meeting to help residents here to fight this insane proposal:
We as taxpayers in the City of Cleveland have already been bilked out of 1.5 million dollars that could have been spent to research REAL sustainable energy and waste solutions. Instead, Cleveland City Council approved the Mayor's request to fund Peter Tien and Princeton Environmental Group, the same shady outfit behind the failed Sunpo Optu pitch for LED contracts.
For more information:
Earth Day Coalition, 216-281-6468
Ohio Citizen Action, 216-861-5200
Environmental Health Watch, 216-961-4646
Cleveland Clean Air Campaign, 216-246-4015
For more information on gasification:
To view Cleveland facility documents
It is my understanding that, currently, the City of Cleveland pays tipping fees to transport and bury most of our municipal waste to a landfill in Stark County--I don't know which company or companies have this contract. The materials collected through the City of Cleveland's recycling effort are transported to Pittsburgh through a contract with the Greenstar company.
See also: