Steps for Places of Assembly to take to become legally compliant

Submitted by Henry Senyak on Sun, 05/02/2010 - 01:25.
The procedure in becoming legal.
This is a multiple faceted problem. I am sure they do not even have a Certificate of Occupancy for a assembly use. Which means even before any licensing style permits can be issued the operator must go down to City Hall to the Building and Housing Records Room. This may even require the owner of the building to be involved.
1) First find out the last legal use on the suite the operation is located. (Records Room Research)
2) Make Application with Building & Housing to Change the use to a Restaurant.
3) In the same application you must add the use of live entertainment.
4) The Zoning Administrator will review the application and deny it for multiple zoning problems.
    (No off-street parking, and entertainment within 500ft. of a residential district)
5)The Zoning Administrator will send them what is called a letter of non-conformance of code.
6) Owner/operator will have to take the letter and make application to the Board of Zoning Appeals.
7) Now this is when the owner and the community circulates petitions for support.
8) Get the Councilman's Support. (Critical)
9) Get the CDC support (Also Critical)
10) Local block or Community Group support.
11) Have the BZA hearing. (BZA will more than likely want certain conditions to make legal)
12) Get final Resolution re-file with Building and Housing.
13) You may need some drawings etc.
14) Get final inspection, adhere to all requests from B&H and inspector.
15) Get inspected by the Health Department for a food service license.
16) Get inspected by the Fire Prevention Bureau (This is the real problem)
17) Get final Certificate of occupancy.
18) Go to License and Assessments make application for a music permit.
19) Music Permit must be signed off by the first district.
Now here is the real problem that I see. I do not think they will ever get a Dance Hall permit. I think multiple departments will object to the dance hall for safety reasons. Some may be warranted.
20) Go to License and Assessments make application for a Dance Hall permit.
21) L&A sends requests to B&H to see if they have a legal use for entertainment more inspections
22) L&A sends requests to the Health Department for their sign off and approval more inspections.
23) L&A sends requests the first district sign off and public safety.
     1) first district vice, 2) first district commander, 3) Chief of Police, 4) Director Flask - all must signoff.
24)L&A sends requests for the Fire Prevention Bureau to approve. (This is where it dies)
     If this cannot be proven to have been a place of assembly current of past.
     Fire may make the owner put in a fire system. occupancy of 99 and over needs sprinklers.
     You get the drift.
I may have skipped a step in going up the ladder but I hope this helps. With all the publicity this was about to happen. They will have to weigh the options if that corner location can generate the revenue to continue to operate. Secondly they will have to access if they want to continue to operate without being able to dance.
If I missed a step please do not hold me accountable. I suggest that Councilman Westbrook set up a meeting with them and B&H officials.
This process is time consuming, frustrating, and will cost money. This will be a uphill battle.
Perhaps someone on this site is familiar with the process. This synopsis is all I can assist in.
Good luck.
( categories: )


  This brouhaha is so unnecessary and ironic given that similar assemblies happen throughout Tremont and now in the Detroit Shoreway neighborhood on a regular basis with no consequence whatsoever. 

And not to blow the whistle on any one, but church groups are doing it on a regular basis, too. Assembling, playing music and dancing.  It's so sad.  It only shows the double standards so prevalent in NEO.  There must be some temporary permit for infrequent assemblies.  Thanks Henry for spelling out the rules as they only apply when our elected officials find it convenient.

(BTW--You are my favorite REALNEO rooster!!!)



Please keep this outline

We need to be able to understand the bureaucracy--please keep the steps outline here.  Thanks.

Steps outlined

Yes, please keep this posted and thank you Senyak for posting this.