Glad of that--and so grateful for the folks who make the towpath marathon happen...thanks Tim, Sue, Kathy, Roger, Todd, Matt, Danielle and so many more, including the kids who volunteered the food station this morning. What a great way to start the day!
Photo above shows flag football game, just up the hill from the marathon--at WC Reed Park--CLE play BALL!
Please see my photos above and below - I am proud that I captured the beauty of my neighborhood - where Sunday People come to play.
I pray that we will one day recover what we lost in the photos you see here - a neighborhood where people came together on Sunday to play and forget their differences.
There is a SHIFT - folks do not want to get into their cars to enjoy their Sundays - see how it is being done in Pennsylvania and Maryland along the Great Allegheny Passage.
I encourage everyone in NEO to see Detropia and consider that in Detroit, folks who own their homes outright--indeed, it may be all they have--are being told to take relocation for the sake of the CITY.
Because, the City of Detroit can not and does not want to be made to provide water, utilities, transportation and safety forces to these residents. Of course, these people all belong to one ethnic group....
Does this remind you of anything? Anything????
I suppose the masterminds here in Cleveland pat themselves on the back, because they continue to work towards the same relocation, by closing schools and selectively enforcing the collection of tax liens...
Hope new director of Cuyahoga Valley National Park sees this and considers - we could and should make use of two buildings bought with tax payer dollars - Wirth House, on historic Denison Ave - for Art House visitor center and youth hostel complex.
We're not Detroit...
Glad of that--and so grateful for the folks who make the towpath marathon happen...thanks Tim, Sue, Kathy, Roger, Todd, Matt, Danielle and so many more, including the kids who volunteered the food station this morning. What a great way to start the day!
Photo above shows flag football game, just up the hill from the marathon--at WC Reed Park--CLE play BALL!
Trail Towns
Please see my photos above and below - I am proud that I captured the beauty of my neighborhood - where Sunday People come to play.
I pray that we will one day recover what we lost in the photos you see here - a neighborhood where people came together on Sunday to play and forget their differences.
There is a SHIFT - folks do not want to get into their cars to enjoy their Sundays - see how it is being done in Pennsylvania and Maryland along the Great Allegheny Passage.
Forced Relocation
I encourage everyone in NEO to see Detropia and consider that in Detroit, folks who own their homes outright--indeed, it may be all they have--are being told to take relocation for the sake of the CITY.
Because, the City of Detroit can not and does not want to be made to provide water, utilities, transportation and safety forces to these residents. Of course, these people all belong to one ethnic group....
Does this remind you of anything? Anything????
I suppose the masterminds here in Cleveland pat themselves on the back, because they continue to work towards the same relocation, by closing schools and selectively enforcing the collection of tax liens...
Hail Victory!!
Towpath Trilogy is this Sunday
Photos here - show well-loved and enjoyed WC Reed Field in Brooklyn Centre -before imposed shut-down. Towpath is in my backyard and it is an amenity that could and should make Brooklyn Centre a destination and desirable place for families and folks of all ages.
Hope new director of Cuyahoga Valley National Park sees this and considers - we could and should make use of two buildings bought with tax payer dollars - Wirth House, on historic Denison Ave - for Art House visitor center and youth hostel complex.
Towpath Trilogy is today 4/11/2021
I often revisit this photo -one of my own personal favorites taken 4/01/2012