Submitted by Betsey Merkel on Mon, 06/01/2009 - 11:54.
Would you be so kind as to take a short bit of time to help us with a research project.
The task is simple, and only requires that you answer honestly, from the heart. There are no right or wrong answers, only the opportunity for some useful insight that might help us better serve our communities going forward.
The question is this: Imagine you opened the paper this morning and read in the obituaries that I-Open had died. It is no more.
Now, imagine that a mutual friend of ours just called and asked you to write the epitaph to go on i-Open's tombstone.
What would you write? What's the first thought that comes to your mind?
If you were asked to give a brief eulogy, what you say?
The I-Open team
Susan Altshuler
Dennis Coughlin
Betsey Merkel
Ed Morrison
Larry Taylor
The Institute for Open Economic Networks (I-Open)
4415 Euclid Ave 3rd Fl
Cleveland, Ohio 44103 USA
Doom and gloom
This is not good Betsey--what's going on?
Laura, we're looking ahead
Laura, we're looking ahead to the future and we need your help. What does I-Open mean to you? What might you miss/or not if tomorrow I-Open did not exist? How has I-Open touched you and those you touch?
I-Open and affiliated networks Midtown Brews, Ed-Pro, Citizen Dashboard etc. are concept-driven, like REALNEO, harnessing open source software to create sustainable and healthy economies and communities. It's probably an idea before its time, defeated by the fact that human beings continue to trip over each other trying to define ourselves and one-up ourselves so much to prove that we care enough about our little spot on the planet.