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A Taste for Change: Sustainable Food Choices: What We Grow Matters , 2007Submitted by Susan Miller on Sat, 02/03/2007 - 19:29.
02/10/2007 - 08:30 02/10/2007 - 16:30 Etc/GMT-5 Today, a growing movement for sustainable agriculture and locally grown food has emerged in Northeast Ohio, garnering increasing support and acceptance. Not only does this movement address many environmental and social concerns, it also offers innovative and economically viable opportunities for growers, consumers, policymakers, home gardeners, and many others in the food system. As this quiet revolution takes shape across the United States, activists in Northeast Ohio are on the leading edge and have the ability to transform the region. Featured speakers include eco-farmer and humorist Jerry Brunetti, urban food activist and community gardener Will Bullock, health and dietary advocate Mladen Golubic, MD, PhD, and a panel of local experts. Participants in the 2007 Sustainability Symposium will
A panel of local experts includes Jeff McIntosh on creating edible home landscapes; Matt Kleinhenz, OARDC, on growing and buying local implications on food systems; Kari Moore, Cuyahoga Valley Countryside Conservancy, on local food access and initiatives; Parker Bosley, former chef/owner of Parker's New American Bistro, on linking growers to markets and restaurants; Lynn Gregor, community garden expert and the Garden's Green Corps on local community gardening; and Bob Jones, Culinary Vegetable Institute, on nutrition and agriculture in school curricula. The food chain has changed dramatically, especially since the end of World War II. Where small farms and backyard gardens once provided the food on the family table, today, new technologies, mechanization, increased chemical use, specialization, and government policies have allowed fewer farmers with reduced labor demands to produce the majority of the food we consume in the United States. Although these changes have had many positive effects and reduced many risks in farming, there have also been significant costs. Prominent among these are topsoil depletion, groundwater contamination, the decline of family farms, and increasing costs of production. The 2007 Sustainability Symposium offers Northeast Ohioans an ideal opportunity to gain insight into what is happening in the sustainable food movement nationally as well as in their own region, and how to join the quiet sustainable food revolution, take action, and begin to affect changes in their health as well as in how we look at food. Featured Speakers Jerry Brunetti is funny, passionate, and devoted to sustainable agriculture as a method for human and ecological health and a highly-demanded speaker, nationally and internationally. In 1979, Brunetti founded Agri-Dynamics to provide holistic remedies for farm livestock, equine, and pets. After witnessing the devastating results of conventional, chemically-dependent farming, Jerry began consulting to farmers interested in a transition to sustainable farming. In 1991, Jerry co-founded Earthworks Natural Organic Products, a company which provides products and consulting services to the golf course and landscaping industries. In 1999, Jerry was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and given as little as six months to live without aggressive chemotherapy. He, instead, chose a holistic path of nutrition, detoxification and immune modulation. The links between healthy soil, truly nutritious food, and profitable, sustainable farming are clearly evident in his personal and professional activities.
Mladen Golubić, M.D., Ph.D. is a Resident Doctor in the Department of Medicine at Huron Hospital. He earned his degrees in Croatia, and conducted postdoctoral research in the field of immunogenetics at the Max Planck Institute in Germany. From 1990 until 2006, he has worked at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation as a Project Scientist on research projects aimed at elucidating how dietary factors modulate the development and progression of cancer. He has been involved in many educational programs related to health promotion by dietary and mind-body approaches.
Wil Bullock, at age 24, already has more than ten years of community service under his belt. As Academic Year Program Coordinator for Boston’s Food Project, Wil currently teaches young people about sustainable agriculture and food systems. Once scared of public speaking, Wil is now a powerful preacher of a new gospel about food and health. Some of the topics he speaks on include: parents as role models for healthy eating and access to fresh, healthy food in low income communities. He is one of 13 Kellogg Foundation Food in Society Policy Fellows, which allows his advocacy to reach wider audiences. Presented by Cleveland Botanical Garden and The Nature Center at Shaker Lakes Co-Presenters: Crown Point Ecology Center, Culinary Vegetable Institute, Cuyahoga Valley Countryside Conservancy, North Union Farmers Market, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, The Farmland Center Member:$85 Non-Member:$95 info [at] cbgarden [dot] org 216.721.1600 Click here to register Location
Cleveland Botanical Garden
11030 East Boulevard
Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps
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youch expensive!
85$ member and 95$ nonmember.... event a la Cle Botanical Garden. This looks amazing, though I am really suprised some of the longest standing .orgs in this field in NE Ohio are not present... CB Garden...there's a needy target demographic.
Would love to attend but not at just shy of 100$. I was also amazed that this week there was a solar thermal class on city property being supported by city of cleveland dollars where it was 85$ to attend or something there abouts. youch. that will keep the demographic that needs to know far from the classroom IMHO.
good info i am sure.
It does look like a good program
This event does sound excellent. Perhaps Evelyn can go and report back for all of us. Is anyone else planning to go?
Disrupt IT
I heard SR was contemplating
trying to land a Real Neo press pass. Not sure though...
Zebra, what more can you tell me about the class you mentioned? Was the public space rented by a private sponsor? Pls fill me in. Thanks
Solar Thermal Water Heating Workshop
Solar Thermal Water Heating Workshop
Wednesday, January 31, 2007 1:00 - 5:30 pm
Location: City of Cleveland Water Department Auditorium
1201 Lakeside Ave, Cleveland, Ohio 44114
Co-hosted by Green Energy Ohio, Entrepreneurs for Sustainability,
and City of Cleveland Water Department
Learn why solar thermal technology is the best renewable energy investment and how it can be used to heat domestic hot water, pools, and other commercial uses. The workshop will include an overview of solar thermal technologies, applications, installation process, economics, incentives and resources.
This event is co-hosted by GEO, and E4S.
Draft Agenda:
(final agenda will be available soon)
· Registration & Networking
· Solar Thermal Technologies and Applications for Commercial Use - John Witte, Advanced Distributed Generation
· Federal & State Incentives for Solar Thermal Projects - Howard Tibbs, Ohio Department of Development's
Office of Energy Efficiency
· Solar Thermal Models for Municipalities
· Third Party Financing Model & Westerville Case Study - Glen Kizer, Foundation for Environmental Education
· Discussion/Networking
Registration price is $50 for GEO and E4S members and $60 for non-members. To register, visit the E4S website to complete an online form at:, or send an email to Christina Panoska by email at Christina [at] greenenergyohio [dot] org.
Exhibitor tables are available for companies that have related green products and services. Tables are $150, E4S and GEO members receive a $50 table discount. Please contact Christina Panoska by email at christina [at] greenenergyohio [dot] org.
yeah I can't afford CBG either
I have two divergent feelings about this event.
In other words, when the well to do are introduced to ideas about sustainable local foods via their "garden club", the local farms benefit -- this is precisely why the North Union Farmer's Market works at Shaker Square. I am glad that the wealthy come there to buy the pricier stuff. This means I have access to nearby, locally grown produce and dairy products weekly. You can't grow the market for something without interested consumers and some of those consumers have to have the funds to purchase the products. If someone with land, time and money decides that growing organic vegetables or pasturing animals will be their passion, then more power to them.
and there is this...
Norm has told me time and again, never underestimate who is reading realneo.
I miss back when the garden was free
I used to take my daughter strolling in the herb garden all the time - since they closed everything in, I've only been to TBG for meetings and openings at the gallery - I haven't even been through the exhibit area. I liked it when it was free. But Evelyn is a member and goes there all the time because she is really into plants and gardening. UCI President Chris Ronayne's wife is acting director so they have plenty of political muscle. They should have more free activities and free access to grow they customer base when they do have special programs - perhaps $95 is a fair price if I feel like overall the institution gives me value (which I don't). I do appreciate that they host meetings and have a public gallery in their very lovely space.
Disrupt IT
Susan, at the cost of $95 per seat this “sustainable” and “organic” food growing "presentation" makes a mockery of the Cleveland Botanical Garden. Who are they kidding? Who do they think is the audience for this program, estate gardeners from the Heights who can charge off admission as a business expense? Like Norm, I used to enjoy the exterior gardens at the Bot., but then the glass house (ala Pei's Rock and Roll hall) and the exterior fence went up around the garden and that was it for me. I even found a Xmas interior visit objectionable 3 years ago when - even though the admission was free - I was corralled towards a ticket counter and was forced to take a ticket and shove it into a turnstile to enter. That was my last far walking in the woods is still less than $5 dollars .
Except for the fact that the discussion here on RealNeo (which is all negative about the Cleveland Botanical Garden) might be enlightening to their organization if anyone of them happens to stumble onto RealNeo, I take exception to even putting up their exorbitantly priced "event". The outrageous cost of this event is a symptom of a larger problem here in Cleveland. Sort of an Ivory Tower problem. The organizations with the money don’t seem to get it that the folks who could most use the leverage, guidance, education, visual enjoyment, and other help that the organizations might offer, are the folks who are broke. That goes for the Rock and Roller Hall (too expensive – though the Cleveland Foundation recently gave the Hall $2 million to help support a R& R library) and the Science Museum (too expensive) both of which I will not patronize.
Let’s hear it for those long dead old timers that endowed the Cleveland Museum of Art with the legacy directive that Museum admission be free. That’s how it ought to be. …especially in Cleveland, the poorest city over 500,000 in the USA!