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BOZA Hearing-RESCHEDULED see Wexler's in OB given noticeSubmitted by lmcshane on Sun, 06/23/2013 - 01:53.
07/29/2013 - 10:00 Etc/GMT-4 The 3025 LLC, owner, and Hanan Albanna, prospective tenant, appeal to establish use as a tire repair shop in a C2 Local Retail Business District; subject to the limitations under Section 343.01 the use is not permitted and first permitted in a General Retail District in accordance with the provisions under Sec-tions 343.11(b)(2)(H)(4) and as minor motor vehicle repair defined in Section 325.483; and contrary to Section 352.10, a landscape strip 4-feet wide is proposed where a width of 6-feet is required along West 25th Street and Walton Avenue, pursuant to the Cleveland Codified Ordinances. (Filed 4-17-13; no testi-mony taken.)
First postponement requested by the Councilman for additional review of the proposal. Hello All
Please review that Councilman Cummins and the staff and Council of the SCFBC office of Detroit Shoreway CDO support the move of a illegal non zoning compliant Tire shop that currently is operating in a historic structure at 3069 West 25th Street the old Ladder Truck #5 Fire Station. Tremont West was not consulted until email concerns were sent out by me yesterday. A public meeting was held with SCFBC and Cummins on 6/19/13. TWDC was not at the table nor any of out block club leaders. SCFBC has refused to let me know if any Tremont residents were present.
This is not outreach.
Councilman Cummins office stated they would not support the shop in its present location, so why would they support it three parcels of land to the north with the same traffic congestion, logistics, but now access off of a one-way street that is used by many of the Tremont senior citizens in motorized and wheel chairs going to shop on a daily basis.
Why would anyone support a tire shop on West 25th? Why would anyone support a permanent variance to convert a retail space into such use? Why reward a operator that did not comply with zoning code or have a valid Certificate of Occupancy for over eight years?
Years ago the plan for this locations was a Art Galley being developed by the former Clark-Metro Development Corp.
West 25th needs a compete rebirth. Councilman Cummins told one of our neighborhood leaders he cannot afford to have any more vacant storefronts on West 25th so he will not go after the illegally operating strip and nightclubs on West 25th to shut them down. This is must or you will continue to promote ghetto development of pagers stores, urban stores, strip clubs, night clubs, tackle and bait stores with liquor permits, prostitution, and drug dealing.
Please review public county records that this property owner owes in back property tax.
I do not support this Variance, it is wrong for redevelopment of West 25th and its wrong to be on the doorstep of the Tremont Community.
Henry P. Senyak
Community Advocate
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3025 LLC Owner is Sam Nazmi Khaleq
2003 (pay in 2004)
2004 (pay in 2005)
2005 (pay in 2006)
2006 (pay in 2007)
2007 (pay in 2008)
2008 (pay in 2009)
2009 (pay in 2010)
2010 (pay in 2011)
2011 (pay in 2012)
2012 (pay in 2013)
Councilman Cummins & 3025 West 25th
Councilman Cummins should not even consider working with the owner of 3025 West 25th.
The property owner has not paid property taxes for years and owes over $40,000.
There is a pending tax foreclosure already filed with the court. This should be the end of the discussion.
Pay the $40,000 in delinquent property taxes or take the act elsewhere.
Cummins obviously has plans for the old fire station or he would not consider such a stunt like this.
Thousands of property owners lost their HOMES over petty delinquent property taxes. Not commercial property such as 3025 West 25th Street owing $40,000.
I specifically recall this home owner in particular. I had to witness this and these are my photographs that I took while helping him on eviction day - Black Friday of 2010.
Tax Lien Thieves stole his house for less than $2,000 in delinquent property taxes.
The former property owner's family owned this house for over 50 YEARS.
He turned away from me and cried:
Look at his damn face:
He is still HOMELESS and I have been storing his stuff for nearly 3 years now:
If this connected business property owner gets away with the $40,000 delinquent property tax tab and Cummins continues on with his little plan for the old firehouse, I have a couple dozen non-connected property tax foreclosure victims that I am working with. We will raise some hell over this selective property tax enforcement.
These victims lost their homes owned for decades for petty delinquent property taxes. They were NOT business owners that owe over $40,000 for commercial property who failed to pay property taxes for 7 YEARS.
Sam Nazmi Khaleq - owner of 3025 West 25th - can take those tires and store them in a couple of his 3 1/2 bathrooms in Hinckley, Ohio. Let him ghetto up his own hood:
Sam Nazmi Khaleq is well known in Cleveland's Housing Court and has received numerous code violations:
1999 CRB 028143
March 3 - Police responded to the Blazin 777 Internet cafe, located at 400 Main Street, after the building's owner reported that she had not heard from the tenant who rented the space for Blazin 777 for some time and that several men were currently removing machines from the building. Police confirmed that the men were in fact removing the machines from the business and inquired as to the reason. A man who identified himself as an employee was reportedly argumentative with officers and said that he could only give police the owner's name if they wanted more information. Police asked for the man's identification and learned that he had an active warrant for his arrest out of Norton. Sam Nazmi Khaleq, 39, of Cleveland, was arrested and turned over to Norton Police.
If Sam Nazmi Khaleq is involved with internet cafes, there should be plenty enough money to pay property taxes that have been ignored for seven years.
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
Wexler's in Old Brooklyn-
Note today on Facebook:
Hey folks...I want to tell you about a man named Lou Gentile. He and his partners have allowed the property at 4555 State Road, Cleveland Ohio 44109 fall into foreclosure proceedings, due to unpaid tax liens from years past! Numerous attempts to resolve the issue with Mr. Gentile have not been successful. It is a shame Wexler's will have to close, because I can not afford to pay for further legal action and maintain the business. Anyone wishing to see proof of this, please come to Wexler's, and I will show the court documents presented, as well as the public notice of foreclosure posted on the property front door. Lou is a snake, and to be quite honest, a human piece of garbage, and oxygen thief. I entered this business venture and contract in good faith. My hand shake, word, and signature means something to me, but apparently not to Mr. Gentile, the snake! The man and person, and partners have proved they are not the people or business men they say they are. I welcome their response in a court of law...I will try ad keep Wexler's open for as long as I can...and then it will be in the hands of lawyers and the please come out, enjoy Chef Mike's. Steve's and Wade's cuisine until the last day....which will be sooner rather than later I am afraid. Pity.
SEE: original post and note: rescheduled BOZA on Tire Shop-from Henry Senyak:
This was a complete mess today, we prevailed postponed to July 29th. I hope eveyone calls the Cuyahoga County tommorrow and speak with them about 3025 West 25th. Adam Stalder took complete instruction fron the Pysdo-CEO of the SCFBC office Brian Cummins.
RE: Wexler's in Old Brooklyn-
lmcshane, interesting news, thanks for posting it ! Who posted that on facebook ? Could you provide a link to the facebook page?
How is Lou Gentile involved ? Owner of property ? I recall seeing his name mentioned with Wexler's in an article of the OB News within the past year or 2, but I don't recall his role. The auditor's records show that the owner of the property is LMMN, INC. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any other properties in the county owned by them. The Tax bill for 4555 State is sent to John Lee Jones in Independence, 6105 Hillside (parcel id 563-05-028) and the same address listed for the owner of LMMN Inc.
This is information relative to Wexler's that was posted on the Facebook story:
The property is owned by ITMM, Inc. The partners are JOHN LEE JONES, LOUIS P GENTILE JR and JEFF J KORDICH. Unfortunately, a tax lien purchaser company - Woods Cove II - purchased two tax liens from the county. One for $10,006.79 and one for $4567.48. This tax lien company also charges 18% interest and up to $2500 in attorney fees for cases already filed in court. Unfortunately, you are screwed as this out-of-state tax lien investor company - formed by a group of anonymous investors using a UPS drop box for mail - wants this property and will get it. Read here for more information on Woods Cove Tax Liens
And this is the Facebook link for the story¬if_t=like
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
Tax Lien Predators-Gentile
Apparently, Mr. Gentile is also a victim - but has mislead Doug Graziano who is leasing Wexlers -Woods Cove II is the real villan here.
Lilly Miller's investigative reporting is exhaustive:
Update- BOZA on W. 25th -hearing ? July 29th
Thanks to Henry Senyak for mounting effective counter to CDC and Councilman Cummins effort to get variance for property on West 25th owned by slumlord and tax delinquent owner of 3025 W. 25th.
Last night 7/17, residents-- including opposing candidates for Ward 14 Nelson Cintron and Brian Kazy -showed up to hear why this variance is being promoted by CDC and Councilman.
Owner of tire business was also present and it quickly became apparent that he is being pressured by CDC and councilman to go along with a bad deal to move his existing business from 3069 W. 25th St. (historic fire house) to the former pager store at 3025. Mike Saleh (owner of tire business) has a land contract with Pat Moran and eight years payment on the historic fire station. Neither location is zoned for a tire business and Councilman does not support variance on existing tire store location.
Residents quickly dismissed this scheme last night - and CDC and Councilman were encouraged to have the BOZA variance request withdrawn. I will provide more detail as time permits.
Tire Depot Rezoning still unclear
See above post - Councilman Cummins and his staff at the CDC -Stockyards Clark-Fulton Brooklyn Centre attempted to foist a very shady plan onto business owner of Tire Depot on West 25th.
Citizen activist Henry Senyak is staying on top of this and the BOZA appeal should be withdrawn. I will post update here. Here is the CDC-produced Flyer with image of properties involved from the 7/17 meeting:

(NOTE: CDC has typo on Pager store owner - KHALEQ, SAM N )
Dear Community Members:
Thank you for attending the July 17th meeting regarding the Board of Zoning Appeal for 3025 W. 25th Street.
Our office has contacted the City of Cleveland Board of Zoning Appeals office. Unfortunately, we were unable to confirm via the office if the hearing on Monday, July 29th, has been cancelled. Adam Stalder, SCFBC’s Economic Development Director, contacted the property owner who indicated that he would be withdrawing his appeal.
Without the ability to confirm the withdrawal of the appeal or cancellation via the City of Cleveland, Adam will still be attending the Board of Zoning Appeals hearing Monday AM, whether or not the hearing is cancelled, and will be bringing a copy of the attached letter with him.
Thank you again for your participation and engagement.
Megan Meister
Megan Meister, Program Director
Stockyard, Clark-Fulton & Brooklyn Centre Community Development Office
3167 Fulton Road, Suite 303, Cleveland, Ohio 44109
Tel: (216) 961-9073 ext. 210
Fax: (216) 961-9387
BOZA comments needed on RALLY's
From Henry Senyak---
To whom it may concern:
Rally's Hamburger's on Clark Ave. Does indeed need a zoning variance to operate on Clark Ave. The community has again trusted its leadership that has let them down. You now have less that a week to prepare. Councilman Cummins fully supports this project. Their has been no community outreach or public meetings about the public notice of the variance.
Many residents in Ohio City are following this because they are fighting Mc Donald's on Fulton and Lorain. They feel if Rally's is rubber stamped with the support on Councilman Cummins that it would make it easier for Mc Donald to move forward procedurally.
Community leaders were surprised of this variance, why did you not inform the community Councilman Cummins? Why did you tall people no variances are needed.
Please sent emails and letters with your opinion to the Board of Zoning Appeals. Express to them that this is the first you have heard about this and your elected official has not had any community outreach on this matter. You may do so to the following email address. jhuber [at] city [dot] cleveland [dot] oh [dot] us
Please forward to all interested parties.
October 21, 2013
Ward 14
Calendar No. 13-214:
3506 Clark Avenue
Brian Cummins
16 Notices
Serrat Enterprises, owner, and Checkers Drive-In Restaurants, prospective tenant, ap-peal to construct a drive-through restaurant with a dining patio on a 134.33’ x 179.78’ parcel in a C2 General Retail Business District; subject to the provisions of Section 343.18(c) in the Cleveland Codified Ordnances a driveway must be at least 15 feet from property lines. (Filed 9-23-13)
Vote for Brian Kazy
Under Cummins term - he gave part of WC Reed field to developer NRP - and that subsidized senior housing complex was green lighted despite antiquated sewer tie-in and "contaminated" fill conditions. Residents are being poisoned by sewer gas- a situation the City of Cleveland knows about, but refuses to address.
Also, especially troubling is Cummins push to okay zoning change for a non-compliant and tax delinquent property owner - a shady transaction, fortunately stopped by community activist Henry Senyak and documented at REALNEO.
The only accomplishment I can commend Cummins on is his protest over the City's attempt to build a toxic incinerator on the west side of Cleveland. Otherwise, his record has been dismal and disappointing to so many of us who once looked to him as someone to trust.
Latest W. 25th proposal -Kredo Hardware
What do folks think of the latest proposal?
Does it smell fishy??
...and moving blood plasma operation to shuttered Aldis....