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CAAO to host Voices & Choices Community ConversationSubmitted by William on Tue, 05/09/2006 - 23:51.
05/19/2006 - 18:00 Etc/GMT-4 The Fund for Our Economic Future, an unprecedented collaboration among organized philanthropy of northeast Ohio to promote regional economic development, needs your help with its bold and exciting initiative, Voices & Choices. Voices & Choices is the most extensive public engagement process ever undertaken in this country. We will involve thousands of people across the region to create an agenda of economic development transformation.
Voices & Choices is your opportunity to help shape the future of northeast Ohio. You are joining thousands of residents from across the region who are working together to decide what we must do to create more jobs and better opportunities, and to improve quality of life for all.
This spring, hundreds of conversations will be held across northeast Ohio to consider the challenges facing our region and to identify priorities for moving forward. To ensure that the voices of African American professionals are heard, a Community Conversation will be held on Friday, May 19, 2006 from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. at the offices of the Consortium of African American Organizations (CAAO).
Partner organizations include:
During the Voices & Choices Community Conversation, we will discuss the issue of equity and fairness. Economists have identified important attributes of competitive economies in the area of equity and fairness that contribute to a strong regional economy. At the Community Conversation, we will not only discuss these important attributes, but we’ll also prioritize regional challenges and brainstorm possible solutions
The Community Conversation will be held on Friday, May 19, 2006 from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. at the CAOO office located at the Cleveland Midtown Innovation Center, 4415 Euclid Avenue, Suite 201 in Cleveland. Please RSVP to caao_cleveland [at] yahoo [dot] com or call 216.432.9481.
Cleveland Midtown Innovation Center
4415 Euclid Ave., Suite 201
Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps
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