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Healing our Waters ConferenceSubmitted by lmcshane on Wed, 08/22/2007 - 17:45.
09/06/2007 - 10:00 09/08/2007 - 17:00 Etc/GMT-4 Top Regional Leaders to Make Case in Chicago for Economic Benefits of Great Lakes Restoration For Immediate Release Contact: “The conference is intended to light a fire under Congress, the President and presidential candidates to restore the Great Lakes because the problems only get worse and more expensive the longer we wait,” said Tom Kiernan, president of the National Parks Conservation Association and co-chairman of the Healing Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition. “The conference will make clear that industry, business and conservation groups agree: The Great Lakes are vital to the region, and it is time to act so that we can protect our lakes, our National Parks, our economy, our drinking water and our way of life.” The intensified effort to restore the Great Lakes comes as congressional leaders such as Sen. Richard Durbin (D-Ill.), Reps. Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.) and Mark Steven Kirk (R-Ill.) -- all of whom have been invited to speak at the event -- are calling for significant Great Lakes protections. “The conference comes at a critical time for the Great Lakes and the millions of people who rely on them for their jobs, their health and their way of life,” said Andy Buchsbaum, director of the Great Lakes office of the National Wildlife Federation and co-chairman of the Healing Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition. “The threat is urgent. The solutions are clear. We intend for the conference to inspire those holding office—and seeking office—to commit themselves to restoring the Great Lakes.” The conference will also feature some of the region’s top scientists to reveal the state of the Lakes’ health. Policy staff from the major 2008 presidential campaigns have been invited to talk about their candidates’ environmental and Great Lakes platforms. “Every day, new news about a new threat to the Great Lakes is hitting the headlines,” said Cameron Davis, president of the Alliance for the Great Lakes and incoming co-chairman of the Healing Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition. “People from around the region will be gathering to keep the momentum going in reversing this tide of threats so we can leave the Great Lakes better than the way we found them.” Conference info. is online at Susan Campbell Visit Location
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Great Lakes Greatness
Thanks for the information. At a past ecology conference it was made absolutely clear how all of our water-based ecosystems - from marshlands in Iraq to watersheds like the Doan Brook to our Great Lakes themselves- are critical to biodiversity, ecological balance, temperature and climate maintenance, and our own sustainance. Wars might someday be fought over fresh water supplies - economic ones for certain. It is imperative we take a proactive approach and listen carefully to world experts like those who will speak in Chicago so we do not make a messier mess for ourselves. I'll look forward to the results from this one!
These biblical times will see more flooding and this week's Brooklyn Sun Journal had three telling articles:
Guidelines for flood clean-up
Water, water, everywhere
History of Spring Rd flooding improvements
Read these articles, think about your own water use and how your neighborhood drains to the Cuyahoga River and Lake Erie.
My own guess on the Spring Rd. problems--the 15 year tax-abated houses along West 10/11th and Spring Rd. built in the floodbasin of the buried creek--Spring Creek. Echoes of the creek can be found buried under the meader of South Hills Drive, under Lowe Park and in the valley destroyed by I-176. Some developers great use of undeveloped land during the heady prosperity of the 1990s. The same kind of dumb design that would propose housing on Fern Court in Brooklyn Centre in the 2007 city masterplan --also a buried creek bed.