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Naomi Klein on DVD to be shown at CSU Levin College ForumSubmitted by Susan Miller on Sun, 02/01/2009 - 11:01.
03/19/2009 - 14:00 03/19/2009 - 16:00 Etc/GMT-5 Naomi Klein, author of The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, No Logo, Fences and Windows: Dispatches from the Front Lines of the Globalization Debate and the documentary film The Take speaks at Cleveland State University's Levin College Forum Series. A video of Klein discussing her book and her work is available at After a listen, I wrote this quote from early in the talk: "Richard Baker said "We couldn't clean out the New Orleans projects, but god did. That's what he saw. He saw an act of cleansing. Back to the source of so many great great floods and ruptures - judeo christian mythology - hey, let's have a great flood and I'll grab a few of my friends and get on a boat and to hell with all of you. I think that that's Dick Cheney's climate change plan. We don't like the world, we can shock it, burn it, wipe it clean - then we can start over. People didn't like where they live, lets start over, go somewhere that's blank. Smallpox epidemic, we couldn't clean out the natives, but god did." So I have seen with my own eyes how similar Cleveland and New Orleans look - how Cleveland has effected this neighborhood cleansing (not a climate change, natural disaster instant hurricane cleansing) and I am disappointed that I will not be here to hear Klein's take on the slow cancerous disaster that is providing numerous opportunities for Cleveland and Cuyahoga County politics to privatize our local government, co-opt foundations and educational institutions and social service agenices, nonprofits, even our parking meters. What would she think of the taxpayers of the county giving a billion dollars to MMPI for example? What would she think of the corporate tax free zones and massive taxpayer subsidies doled out to developers in our city? What would she think about the foreclosure crisis and it's cleansing of neighborhoods in our city? How can Clevelanders respond in a positive way to the disaster of the depression and resist the privatization of our democracy on a local level? What examples can you think of in Cleveland of this disaster response of privatization of the public sphere the hijacking of civic and civil discourse and public participation? I beg you to watch the video, read the book, and attend the event with your questions for Klein. Later in the talk, she suggests that we be calm and prepared to face disaster, but also that we must rise up and demand accountability - reverse the post disaster privatization of our public realm. I want to know how to do this as I, like so many with whom I've spoken, feel the panic, the unsettling fear that has come along with and is part and parcel of this not sudden, but creeping disease of poverty that is cleaning out the city - the class warfare that is so evident in local programs that have been created to "deal" with our crumbling infrastructure and rising poverty. Many days I feel we are being attacked on so many fronts that my head is swimming, and I, like so many others, want to crawl under a rock. But this, I know, is not an effective response. How, in the face of what she refers to as a "reversal of the new deal", do we rise up together to change this undemocratic cancer that is killing our own lives, our children's futures and our planet? Room 326 is to small - this event should be held at Playhouse Square or better yet at Public Auditorium, because there are so many out of work here who should attend and now are available to attend to hear her premise and argument. Two hours is not long enough. Learn more about Naomi Klein at her website: The Levin College Forum Location
Cleveland State University
Euclid Avenue and 17th Street Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs Room 326
Cleveland, OH 44115United States
See map: Google Maps
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You are right, Susan. There
You are right, Susan. There should be a better site. If there are people here who have read Klein she should draw a huge crowd.
She has something to say and something that should be heard by many.
Public Auditorium
My vote would be for public auditorium. What better place for Naomi Klein to address our city "leaders," than the proposed location of the new Medical Mart? Emphasis added!!!
Room 326 is to small - this event should be held at Playhouse Square or better yet at Public Auditorium, because there are so many out of work here who should attend and now are available to attend to hear her premise and argument. Two hours is not long enough.
Consider this--Cleveland Public Library had 700+ for the presentation given by Sarah Vowell.
There must be some place to RSVP for this event...they will have to be prepared. This is a Bioneers Brown Bag event? they even know what kind of crowd she will draw...
more Naomi Klein...
here are a few interviews of Naomi from Democracy Now! (i'll embed the links when i get on a pc)
and a debate between her and Alan Greenspan
theres several more on that website - just search with her name. And NO, room 326 is WAY too small! dress light and prepare to get close!
Naomi Klein corrected
Molly Schnoke sent a message using the contact form at
"I just want to clarify....Naomi Klein is NOT speaking at the forum We have a DVD of her presentation at the Bioneers conference that we are showing. PLEASE let your Real NEO readers know. It is a DVD and discussion brown bag, she will not be there in person."
I guess you can't ask questions of a DVD. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I got so excited that I failed to read the text above the list of speakers:
"Please join us for the newest addition to the Forum line-up, Bioneers Brown Bags. Bring your friends, bring your lunch, watch the DVD, and enjoy an informal discussion.
Shoulda known... Let's hope that one day CSU will have the funds and the guts to bring her here in person. It could be a week-long workshop. Cleveland - where all your predictions are coming true, where all your descriptions of disaster capitalism are laid bare, Naomi.
I wonder who will moderate the enjoyable informal discussion. Ya'll still go and let me know if there are any suggestions for "taking back the land" suggested informally.
Maybe CPL or the county library or even realNEO should bring her in person. It's been a while since realNEO had a good excellence roundtable with an out of town guest.
Naomi Klein in advance
Find more videos like this on Bioneers Community
Naomi Klein at Bioneers 2008 excerpts
Steve Cagan at CSU
Cleveland State Presents Free Lecture by Steve Cagan, Award-Winning Photographer and Activist, on Feb. 5
Cleveland State University will present a free lecture by Steve Cagan, the award-winning documentary photographer and activist from Cleveland, on Thursday, February 5 at 6 p.m. in Mather Mansion, 2605 Euclid Ave., Room 301. A reception will follow the lecture.
Cagan’s topic is titled “El Chocó, Colombia: Struggle for Cultural and Environmental Survival; an Everyday Resistance” and is part of Cleveland State’s 2008-2008 Cultural Crossings Lecture Series: Memories, Reflections and Recollections.
Cagan is a documentary photographer and activist living in the Cleveland area with over 30 years’ experience of photographing and exhibiting. Major projects include “Industrial Hostages,” a documentary of the effects of factory closings in Ohio in the late 70s and early 80s; work in Indochina in 1974; aspects of daily life in Nicaragua, El Salvador and Cuba, and “Working Ohio,” an extended portrait of working people in our area.
His current major project is “El Chocó, Colombia: Struggle for Cultural and Environmental Survival,” a look at the beautiful but threatened rain forest area and the special cultures that live there that are also under great threat. In 2008 he directed a “laboratory” on the topic in the art program of the Centro Colombo-Americano in Medellín, which involved two exhibits of his work and a photo workshop he led in the Universidad de Antioquia.
Another current area of work is nature photography, especially in Forest Hill Park, and a series of black-and-white “bird portraits.”
Cagan has exhibited nationally and on three continents. His reviews and critical writings have been published in a variety of professional journals and books. He has received two Fulbright Fellowships, a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship, and several Ohio Arts Council Fellowships and New Jersey Arts Council Fellowships. He taught at Rutgers University from 1985 to 1993. He has taught photography at the Universidad de El Salvador as a Fulbright Fellow.
Cagan and his wife Beth co-authored the book, This Promised Land, El Salvador, which in 1991 won the Book of the Year Award of the Association for Humanist Sociology. In 1991 he was recognized as “Teacher of the Year” at Rutgers University. He has a long history of activism in the anti-war and social justice movements, and is currently a member of the Board of Directors of Greater Cleveland Community Shares.
The Cultural Crossings lecture series is sponsored by Cleveland State’s College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences. For more information, please call 216.523.7168 or visit
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue, MM 304
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214
Mather Mansion, Room 304
2605 Euclid Avenue
Phone: 216.523.7279
Okay--not so exciting. CSU/City Club bring the REAL Naomi Klein to Columbia...I mean Cleveland :)