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Public Meeting Notice Potential Tire Shop- 3025 W.25th Street 7/17Submitted by lmcshane on Wed, 07/03/2013 - 03:56.
07/17/2013 - 17:00 07/17/2013 - 19:00 Etc/GMT-4 Public Meeting Notice Potential Tire Shop- 3025 W.25th Street
There will be a public meeting held: The owner of the property and prospective tenant (who currently operates the tire shop at 3069 West 25th Street) are seeking a variance that would allow the establishment of a tire repair shop in the old "Perfect Pagers" building located at 3025 West 25th street. Representatives from the tire shop, SCFBC, and Ward 14 Councilman Brian Cummins will be there to hear your thoughts, opinions, concerns, and ideas about the project. The Zoning Appeals hearing will be held on Monday, June 29th in Room 514 (5th Floor) of Cleveland City Hall. The meetings are public and anybody may provide testimony. If you are unable to attend the hearing but would like to submit comments, you may send a letter to: Cleveland Board of Zoning Appeals, Room 516, City Hall, 601 Lakeside Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44114. You may also submit questions to Adam Stalder, Economic Development Director at (216) 961-9073 x 209 or astalder [at] dscdo [dot] org.
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W. 25th - Conditional Use Permit
Thank you, as always a great help, Henry
My own request: can you do something to only allow new liquor licenses if they replace existing ones so as to stop the expanding number of bars and restaurants serving liquor? Even though I am not physically present so can't attend meetings, I am still hearing complaints about parking by those who are too cheap to use valet parking.
Duplicate posting on BOZA Public Meeting -see prior posts
Thanks to Henry Senyak for mounting effective counter to CDC and Councilman Cummins effort to get variance for property on West 25th owned by slumlord and tax delinquent owner of 3025 W. 25th.
Last night 7/17, residents-- including opposing candidates for Ward 14 Nelson Cintron and Brian Kazy (FTR- no representative from Janet Garcia)-showed up to hear why this variance is being promoted by CDC and Councilman.
Owner of tire business was also present and it quickly became apparent that he is being pressured by CDC and councilman to go along with a bad deal to move his existing business from 3069 W. 25th St. (historic fire house) to the former pager store at 3025. Mike Saleh (owner of tire business) has a land contract with Pat Moran and eight years payment on the historic fire station. Neither location is zoned for a tire business and Councilman does not support variance on existing tire store location.
Residents quickly dismissed this scheme last night - and CDC and Councilman were encouraged to have the BOZA variance request withdrawn. I will provide more detail as time permits.