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Realneo IMAGE posting face2face time Saturday April 4, 10:30 am to 12:30 am @ Koffie Café (old Talkies)Submitted by Jeff Buster on Fri, 04/03/2009 - 12:25.
04/04/2009 - 10:30 04/04/2009 - 12:30 Etc/GMT-4 If Realneo is to be as vibrant as possible, it needs photographic contribution, (and eventually video), from the entire cross section of NEO citizens. This will be a session for those interested in learning how to size and insert digital images into Realneo content – including into original posts, comments, and the header gallery. For example, the Realneo Header Images gallery is an opportunity for novel cartoons, mash ups, panoramas, original art, color psychological impact, and just plain fun. Use your imagination to make a 24 hour impact on every viewer with the Realneo Header. (BTW, you need to refresh your screen whenever you look at Realneo to reload new headers. Without refresh, you will see the header from the last open session of Realneo on your computer.) If you know how to work with images already - or work with a web site other than Realneo – please come and help mentor those who are less experienced or perhaps learn something new for your site. Discussion about copyright issues surrounding digital on-line images and discussion of issues of what rights you have to photograph in public and in and Open Meetings are also open game. __________________________________________________________ N. B. In the past these face2face meetings have spun into philosophical discussions about NEO, Realneo, and the internet – let’s keep this meeting focused on the mechanics of image insertion….. See you there. (across W25th from the West Side Market) Bring your laptop and some images on your SD card or your Desktop - Koffie has free wifi.
Realneo IMAGE posting face2face time Saturday Arpil 4, 10:30 am to 12:30 am @ Koffie Café (old Talkies) Map here
jeffb member
Koffie Cafe
2521 Market Ave
Cleveland, 44113 United States
(216) 861-2233
See map: Google Maps
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hi jeff -all thanks -
Gotta pick up my daughter then
There in spirit...
Disrupt IT
My spirit will be there in body.