The PeeDee ran a poll about OccupyWallstreet. Let's do one and compare results.
Submitted by westward on Sat, 10/22/2011 - 13:08.
I support OccupyWallstreet. 94% (17 votes) I do not support OccupyWallstreet. 0% (0 votes) I am not sure. 0% (0 votes) What's that? 6% (1 vote) Total votes: 18
The Imperial Women, Stop
The Imperial Women, Stop Targeting Ohio's Poor, the Greater Cleveland Immigrant Support Network , the People's Forum and a host of other Cleveland area activist groups support Occupy Cleveland and its leader, Erin McCardle.
my poll was up for 2 hours
my poll was up for 2 hours before it was booted.
Needs to be a queue for polls
Polls are presently set to advance to the homepage automatically as they are loaded to the server - to avoid admin involvment. Courtesy would suggest that a new poll be delayed by the poster l until the earlier poll ran for 24 hours or so.
Since courtesy cannot be counted on, (and in fact polls have been intentionally pushed down off the home page) admin will investigate how to keep this problem from re-occuring - as it has in the past.
this sounds reasonable
A 24 hour courtesy period sounds reasonable.
I really wasn't trying to
I really wasn't trying to boot it, but to add a poll with more options that include Occupy Cleveland before too many votes since it is the focus now. It's not always who puts up the poll but what it stands for. I apologize for writing over it in a broader context that inludes both Occupy Wall Street and Occupy Cleveland. You have more clout with RealNeo.US to get your polls and other data headlined. But since I am Black I am often treated in a disparate fashion, I believe--Kathy Wray Coleman--Your poll is headlined on the general feed to try to undermine the broader poll because you are White and I am a Black writer that challenges racism. Whites at RealNeo besides leader Jeff Buster can get the front page more than Blacks on a percentage basis. You will not find Jeff Buster headlining the Second Anniversary of The Imperial Ave Murders Rally of Oct 29 like he did Frank Giglio and now Occupy Cleveland because the Imperial Women were Black and some were poor women. It's as simply as that. I would ask Jeff to run our 2nd Anniversary Rally as if the 11 Black women were 11 well-to-do White women that had been murdered and potentially raped by a serial killer named AnthonY Sowell, or do the politicians and others responsible for the malfeasance around those murders really run this web site? What gives? Is this a free speech forum or one where "the administration" (or Jeff Buster) really wants to control what is read, what is highlighted, what is deleted if its not liked by Jeff, and what is said? I was never one to be used by a man, White or Black, to pit me against women.
So is your insensitivity Lily Miller
So is your insensitivity Lily Miller with an insensitive poll that asks if being called a nigger simply is what it is and so is your ignorance around other sensitive race issues of public concern. That's what is gettting old Lily Miller. Instead of trying to improve race relations here you are leading the way with White face supremacy pictures and nigger name calling polls where you even use the word nigger rather than the n-word as a back hand smack at the Black community. And when I asked people at the Call and Post Newspaper and elsewhere if your activity as a paralegal for Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Bill Mason is okay, they said no and that you are held to a higher standard. I hope Mr. Mason fires you.--Kathy Wray Coleman--We shall now address Mr. Mason if needed since you represent him here at RealNeo and elsewhere. You cannot serve two master's where either you represent the establishment or you fight for the little people, and when you fight, offending Blacks is not smart relative to your free use of the word nigger in an ignorant manner. And if you are told of this you should try to grow from it rather than to perpetuate intra-group hostility here at RealNeo. You will not freely call us nigger through insentive polls and push White supremacy pictures via spanking White face masks that have both a negative and a historical impact with respect to the Black community without hearing from Black activists of Northeast Ohio since RealNeo stands for Real Northeast Ohio. Does it really welcome a diversified venue throughout this area of Ohio? And if this statement needs to be monitored by "the administration" here in an effort to quiet free speech on race matters than so be it. If we let White face supremacy masks go without educating people than we might as well be silent on KKK White hoods. You think?
Why can't this be a simple poll?
The PeeDee ran a poll about OccupyWallstreet. Let's do one and compare results.
Selections are above.
This is the PeeDee poll
Do you support the 'Occupy Wall Street' protests?
I don't know.
Kathy Wray Coleman
Get over you hate of white people.
Why do you have a problem only with the the photo that I posted, but you have no problem with Laura McShane's blog below which features nine "White Faces"- posted after you expressed your original concern?
Is Laura McShane a racist for posting this blog- after you expressed your concern- or do the racist allegations for the same "White Face" photo only imply to me?
Masks need to come off
Image from BBC World News
We all wear masks in our daily life. The recent dust-up about the Guy Falkes masks are illustrative of a problem in NEO that needs dialogue.
I do not represent Mr. Mason or any other person when I post my blogs using my own time and my own computer.
Are you again trying to intimidate me with what I post? Are you trying to silence me?
How many people have you falsely accused of racism, and then harassed and threatened to get them fired if they disagree with your racist views?
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
Nigger Name Calling/White Supremacy Masks, all pushed by Lily
Nigger Name Calling/White Face Supremacy Masks, all pushed by Lily Miller, a paralegal for county prosecutor Bill Mason, and I must hate Whites to challenge this. I don't hate Whites. We have many White people in the Imperial Women . I dislike ignorant people that perpetuate racial strife and that use the word nigger to make themselves feel superior to the Black Community.
It could just be a simple
It could just be a simple poll but since we were also into Occupy Cleveland I thought we might want to know the results of a poll for both Occupy Cleveland and Occupy Wall Street while the temperment in Cuyahoga County is high due to the arrests last night of Occupy Cleveland leaders and supporters. Sometimes when people vote once on a simple poll that only pertains to Occupy Wall Street though Occupy Cleveland is the news of more interest they lose interest. Feel free to write over one of my polls if it brings a needed broader perspective to Real Neo at the time. Those arrested last night at Occupy Cleveland are out of jail. The Imperial Women, Stop Targeting Ohio's Poor, the Greater Cleveland Immigrant Support Network and many other Cleveland area grassroots organizations support Occupy Cleveland. and its leader, Erin McCardle, and the college students fighting with them for fair play in America for the poor and middle class people across racial lines against corporate greed and malfeasance. Join us on Sat., Oct 29 for the 2nd Anniversary of The Imperial Ave Murders Rally and Vigil, 5:15 pm, E. 123rd St. and Imperial Ave. in Cleveland. Read more about this rally at
My poll
I do not want to write over yours. I would like to be extended the trust, respect, and courtesy, to post one poll that I thought was clear, to collect the info that i wanted.
You wrote a poll and left
You wrote a poll and left out Occupy Cleveland and somebody corrected you and it was necessary to include Occupy Cleveland rather than just Occupy Wall Street for a broader perspective. I don't owe you nothing and its not about disrespect. You find nigger name calling appropriate if its a poll reiterating the offensive word by Lily Miller, the paralegal for county prosecutor Bill Mason, and a broader poll on Occupy Cleveland not designed to hurt you as disrepectful by a Black person. Your priorities are amazing. ...Kathy Wray Coleman--
Kathy Wray Coleman - do you have mental health issues?
Something appears to be very wrong with you, Kathy Wray Coleman.
Always turning everything into a racist issue. I do not believe that any member on Realneo has racist issues- other than yourself, Kathy Wray Coleman.
I have never been called a racist my entire life. I do more good in the black community than you do. All you do is create racial divide.
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
Nigger Name Calling Lilly Miller Should Be Fired By Bill Mason
Nigger Name Calling Lilly Miller Should Be Fired By Prosecutor Bill Mason. She thinks she can promote nigger name calling and White supremacy masks because she works for the county prosecutor. He should fire her where she is a disservice to his office by her nigger name calling and other racially insensitive polls on RealNeo.Us. She does as she is told here at RealNeo by the establishment that she represents. I am not fooled by her so-called fight for Blacks in Tremont whom she says are niggers if "it is what it is." She was told to target the Tremont entity at issue.
You have not answered my question, Kathy Wray Coleman
Do you have mental health issues? My job has nothing to do with questioning your mental stability, Kathy Wray Coleman.
. * My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
A law suit for defamation will be my reply.
You will get a reply via a lawsuit of defamation for this comment and previous ones on RealNeo with Jeff Busters assistance. You mentored Guy Black and now he is being sued for alleged defamation on RealNeo. Rest assured, I cannot wait to sue you for this one. We will see how cool you and Jeff will be when sued for your defamations and his keeping it on the web site as the domain owner.
You will receive your answer in a lawsuit for clear defamation.
You will receive your answer in a lawsuit against you for clear defamation. I have nothing further on this. You were already going to be sued for a previous comment and now this statement wil be included. If you cannot fight with facts you often will find yourself sued when you get over emotional. When you are sued you can sign the complaint and then explain why 1) You communicated a false and defamatory statement previously and now to a third party and 2) You did so maliciously. I will also file a criminal complaint as retaliation by Bill Mason's office over a criminal complaint of mortage fraud by Sheriff Bob Reid and Judge John O'Donnell since you work for Mason and hvbe allegedly be directed to harass me.
Guy is being sued now for alleged defamation here at RealNeo
Guy Black is being sued now for alleged defamation here at RealNeo and he said that you gave him a lot of advice when he and I spoke earlier this week. But he says that now Lily Miller you will not rerturn his telephone calls. Did you get this elderly man sued?. Please know that people will sue you and RealNeo if you push defamation. And yelling mental without data is a prime example of defamation, and it will ger RealNeo sued too. I know the difference between free speech and defamation. You don't. And if Jeff takes down your previous defamation there we be no suit from me where Guy Black confirmed that you allegedly were the one to defame me and that others wanted him to join in and he would not. I usually give people a chance to do right before any lawsuit. And I like to save my energy for the establishment's illegal mistreatment of people like racism, mortgage fraud and corporate greed and cooruption.
Either Guy Black of Kathy Wray Coleman is not being honest
I gave Guy Black no advice on his postings to Realneo. I had the Sammy Catania situation well covered on Realneo. Any blog that Guy Black posted regarding Sammy Catania was his own idea- not mine.
I would find it hard to believe that Guy Black would talk trash about me. I have paid many of his bills when they were due to be disconnected, loaned him money for food many times, and never took a dime back from him.
I have helped Guy way more than this with numerous other issues, including taking him back and forth to court, paying for parking, numerous lunches/dinners, dinner at my family's home, birthday dinner, helping him when Yogi died, helping him with the loss of his other dog, etc...........
I have probably helped Guy more than any other person in his life. I do not believe that Guy would trash me, but then again one never knows.
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
He didn't talk trash. He
He didn't talk trash. He said that you worked with him on issues including the criminal matter that led to the defamation countersuit against him, that you either offered to lend him money or lended him money, and that he liked you. But he also said that you will not take his calls since the lawsuiit and that you were the one to defame me on RealNeo and that others here wanted him to join in. He told me about the defamation lawsuit and I said that he shouldd take the post down of allegeing a non-existing conviction of the man he is suing for alleged violent acts and associated misdemeanor convictoions of alleged disorderly conduct and menacing where there was a plea deal. I would advise that Jeff Buster take ity down if Guy does not understand the seriousness of it. But when you so freely defame here at RealNeo what do you expect and when Jeff does not set the standary he is creating a liability. We can go back and forth on the poll with the word ngger to some extent because it is a fact. Diana and I can say certain things on factual issues . But some things lead to possible defamation like lies about convictions or about a person that is false and simply to harm them from employment etc. I know the criteria for defamation and you should have protected Guy in that case and from posting certain things on RealNeo. And stop defaming people because somebody is going to sue you Lily Miller.--Kathy Wray Coleman
no calls from Guy for over one month
Can't return calls if I do not receive them.
Guy is upset because I did not immediately provide him with an affidavit of character relative to his dog. Several months ago when he requested an affidavit of character, I immediately gave him one.
I work and do not have time to continue rushing affidavits over to Guy at his demand. When I found the time to ride over to his place, I would have given him another affidavit.
I do not give Guy advice on any of his blogs and do not monitor his blogs. Had I noticed that he posted something and needed to change the wording, I would have advised him to do so as I have in the past.
I want Guy to reach deep into Sammy Catania's pockets and would not have let him jeoporized any lawsuit against Catania.
Yes, Jeff has been setting the standard for defamation of character regarding several people here. I have warned him repeatedly.
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
Guy said you defamed me
Guy said you defamed me and pushed Jeff and the others at RealNeo to attack me, and he said that he would not agree to do it. That is why Jeff would not take down your previous defamation and is now removing my corrected comments on you and Guy and then blocking me from editing them. Jeff no longer fools me. I believe Guy Black and he called me earlier this week to say also that he supports what I am doing for the community. This is again a request for Jeff to take my comments down on Guy Black since they have been manipulated and the editing has been blocked. Otherwise I shall do what is legally neceassry to address it. And I stand behind each and every word written and what was said, by the way.
I corrected this but ------------
Kathy, I am having difficulty with Drupal.
You know I respect your competent content.
And I'm a php, unix, linix, incompetent.
I will stick by reasonable you, and reasonable everyone.
As we make POSitive change.
Did you see Turner has blown off the messages to the registry of Motor Vehicals? PD today.
We have the opportunity to make change.
let's do it!
Look at the horizon.
Please remove my comments
Please remove my comments on Guy and Lily because you removed corrected comments, put the incorrect ones back up and then blocked me from editing it. Please remove my comments and stop blocking the corrected version for Lily or remove the edit block And you do not respect competent writing or you would edit nigger name calling polls by your friend Lily Miller and White face supremacy masks offensive to Blacks. You are perpetuating anti-Black activity here at RealNeo as the domain owner.
Guy Lily says you advised him but want call since the lawsuit
Mr. Guy Lily says you advised him but now will not take his telephone calls. You cannot defame people simply because you are not smart enough to challenge them on an intellectual level. Otherwise you shall be sued and I look forward to suing you soon for defamation and intentional infliction of emotional distress, and retaliation on behalf of Bill Mason's office for a mortgage fraud complaint against corrupt judges and Cuyahoga County Sheriff Bob Reid.
Guy Black said you defamed me before for RealNeo Operatives
Guy Black said that you were the one that defamed me before here at with the false mental health crap for Bill Mason and the judges we are exposing for corruption here at Realneo. Guy Black said that you and others wanted himn to attack and defame me. We had a long talk this week and I told him that you will be sued for defamation. Your defamation now is because Guy Black told Jeff Buster that RealNeo may be liable for keeping uP your defemation in spite of an email request to remove it per R.C. Chapetr 2701 to Jeff Buster, Mson operatives and police.
Guy Black turning against me?
It would be hard to believe that Guy Black would turn against a person that has done as much as I have for him. But anything is possible.
Guy Black has not called me for weeks, so it would be difficult to return his call if he is not making the call.
Truth is the best defense to dafamation of character claims.
Below is part of the truth. Let me know if you want me to share more:
She (Kathy Wray Coleman) claims that although the psychiatrist recommended her involuntary commitment, she was released from jail.
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
Guy is Wise, wiser cuz he's been round the block more than us
Just sayin,
But here we are, tearin' up each other.
Not sexy. or necessary.
Who cares?
bitter salsa
One of my task this evening was to make green tomato salsa for the final CSA project. I spent hours on it, adding peppers, garlic, , jalapenos, loads of beautiful cilantro, and it came out so bitter that it is headed for the compost. I even added honey to counter the bitterness, and it did not work.
I am not into supernatural stuff. I leave that to others. But I have wonder about what I thought was going to be a simple poll and what I thought was going to be a simple salsa turning out to be so very bitter in the end at the same time.
Hey, Salsa
Sending us all crazy bcz we are empathetic.
Sorry bt the sauce. I bet I would have liked it - if it was low in salt!
None of this is going to be solved quickly.
This is about the DNA of the human head. And our urge and desire to fight. fight. fight. fight. weird. fight!
and we need to be very, very, understanding and smart to get through it.
just sayin.
sometimes you need to turn the heat up a notch or two
When making salsa, turn the heat up to high, let it boil and then simmer. The heat should get rid of the bitter taste.
Jeff Buster is taking down corrected comments--Read on
I corrected a comment about Lily Miller and Guy Black and Jeff Buster put the incorrect version back up and then fixed it so I could not edit it. Jeff, please remove my comments on Guy since you want to manilulate them for Lily Miller and since you have removed anything you feel insults Lily Miller for her boss Bill Mason and the corrupt judges that we are investigating or lift your edit block that Lily had you put on--Thanks--Kathy Wray Coleman
Kathy is Realneo Admin Now - a job with benefits
Hey Kathy, I am only trying to cool things for everyone's benefit. \Too much passion here.
If you were one of the admins, what would you do?
Would you keep up the unpopular voice? Admins have
Would you loose hundreds of users because they thought the racist s...t was way stale? (that's already happened)
Where would you come down?
Now you know I am real.
And I know you are real.
(that's fun)
And I respect your knowledge of what constitutes racism. I am learning. You have lived it, I have not. I am listening.
But I am not going to go off the map. For your strong feelings. Or anyone else's
There is a center here.
Where is that center?
Tell me, Kathy.
Are you looking for the center?
Just please take down my
Just please take down my comments on Guy Black or allow me to edit them since you removed the corrected comments and put back up the ones before the correction with an edit block where . it is in everybody's best interest for you to just take them down if a Black can have comments removed like you did as to those you thought make Lily look bad and she is a White woman of course. You are unfair in your dealings and seemingly want to keep up defamation about Blacks. I have nothing against you . The games are getting tiresome. Guy exposed what you guys were up to and said Lily is working for the establishment. The covers are off and stop harassing me. And I do not want to interfere with Guy's suit and the countersuit against him. I just mentioned him because I knew the attack on me was not going to stop because I am the only Black writer here and I expose judcial corruption and other malfeasance against the Black community by corrupt White judges like Judges Kathleen Ann Keough, Lynn McLaughlin Murray, John O'Donnell, Mary Kaye Bozza, Nancy Fuerst, Tim McGinty, Daniel Gaul, Mark Comstock , K. J. Montgomery, and Visiting Retired Judges Gustalo Nunez, Mary Grace Trimboli and Michael Weigand.
Experiment in comment editing reversed
Ok, the time out wasn't effective.
Admin has -to the best of their ability-re published all the comments.
If admin missed something, you know they will hear from you.
Thanks for your involvement in this social media experiment.
Timing out
Root cause analysis is something that I will be studying in the very near future for another project. It is looking at the process of the system when there is a failure (a problem or a breakdown). It is a way to address why the problem happened and how to fix the process and address human behaviors in a non-punitive manner to effect a positive outcome. However, there does comes a point when it becomes clear that sometimes the problem is really a person, and not the process, and that has to be addressed to save the system and the other people involved in the wholeness.
Per R.C 2701 please take down defamation by Lily
Per R.C. 2701 please take down defamation by Lily. You took it down and then when I xcritized the corrupt White judges doing in the Black community you put it back up.
Thank Norm Roulet and many others
Passion destroys.
(and creates)
Who will brake?
Not Realneo users.
Not Realneo reporters!
Who does the brakes?
Well that is a question....
Do we really need brakes?
subliminal brakes could be good...
Lily Miller Is Calling Blacks Nigger For Her Boss Bill Mason
Lily Miller Is Calling Blacks Nigger For Her Boss County Prosecutor Bill Mason. She did a poll on RealNeo and aked if it is okay to call Blacks nigger because "it is legal" and " it is what it is." And the operator of this site Jeff Buster supported it. Now they are defaming me. We shall consider a protest on this, also because I am now being defamed by Jeff Buster who is really doing what corrupt White judges tell him. Buster took down the defmation and pout it back uo because I would not agree not to criticize corrupt White judges like Judges Lynn McLaughlin Murray , Kathleen Keough, Nancy Fuerst, John O'Donnell, Tim McGinty, Daniel Gaul, Nark Comstock, K.J. Montgomery amd Mary Kaye Bozza. As soon as I wrote about them tonight Jeff put back up Lily's defamation of me that she wrote today because Mason ordered it--Kathy Wray
center stage
This is making me think of being center stage of a play. I struggle with the title of the play. The audience is very engaged. The numbers viewing this are quite high, and I find that fascinating. But if I had to choose the title of the play, what would it be?
Growing a public garden is the point - food or civilization
This is one of the very cool aspects of personal meetings.
Once you meet someome you have an extremely reliable impression of who they are. If Realneo is to expand to a global journalism site, we need to have meetings.
I have met persons who post on realneo only once - and that's enought to feel comfortable about them for years of further realneo commentary.
So when DW is looking for the name of a play...boy I have an electric feeling about what DW is talking about.
I think you had the title before you sent that post....I think "CENTER STAGE" would be an excellent name...But, that's just my opinion....smiles.
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
It shows your talent in
It shows your talent in engaging public discussion. Congratulations
A Domestic Violence Batterer lives in the REALNEO Family...
my goodness....heaven have mercy....
It's like a domestic violence batter who keeps coming back to abuse the people who have cared for them.....we sure are getting beat down by this batterer....
This is brutal....we are being brow beaten by someone who really believes they are our master....we are being violated....we are being brutalized. This person really things they have a right to continually violate us, menace us, force their distorted beliefs on us, and to manipulate everything around so that they can have power over us. This is wacked crap...
Unreal.... Hey, let's keep forgiving and forgetting the abusive actions of this batterer and letting them come back into our world...only to violate us again and again...NOT!
So, how many people will be scorned by this batterer and survive the violent nature of their torment??? I mean, this batterer wants everyone else to have nothing and they incite issues to look for a reason to "SUE THE REST"..... seriously, yes......
Can we please get a restraining order from this out of control habitual menacing and harrassment by this 'batterer?
We try to ignore, we try to be polite, we try to accept and we try to agree to disagree....but we always get smacked in the face and forced and intimidated into keeping this batterer around with threats????? Are you kidding me?
We all get offended, but we just keep moving forward; not dictating habitually upon others our own beliefs. We don't force feed our grievences on the world abusively. This is outrageous and abusive.... Are we a communist nation? Is this abuser a God or are they a FEAR MONGER who makes others eat crap with their chronic threats and racially divisive regurgitations??? Like a good batterer, this person makes everyone around them live in fear...UNACCEPTABLE....How long will this family ALLOW THEMSELVES TO BE VIOLATED COLLECTIVELY?
who's got the mojo
we can change anyone.
but it takes work.
And work it takes to get Lily and Diana To Be Sensitive To Race
And work it takes to get Lily Miller and Diana Hill (Angel-n-Ward 14) to be more sensitive to race issues. They are limited women. They are a work in the making when neither could see that the free use of the word nigger by Whites and White supremacy masks are offensive to many in the Black community. And for Lily, a paralegal for Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Bill Mason, to say hang a Black man high (meaning former CMHA Director George Phillips) is even more alarming. And if Lily works to have Guy Black prosecuted over a fake dog complaint to harass this 70-year-old man we shall deal with her legally. She cannot be trusted, I believe.
Lily Miller Said Hang A Black Man High On RealNeo
Lily Miller wrote a comment on RealNeo.US and said to hang former CMHA Executive Director George Phillips and said to "hang him high," a Black man. Jeff Buster took down the post down to protect Lily because she is White and has her defaming me on Real Neo for articles on corrupt White county officials like Judge Lynn McLaughlin Murray. He refuses to take down her defamation of me because he is allegedly behind it, I was told.
Ignorant people at RealNeo will misuse domestic violence issues
Some people in the RealNeo family are too ignorant and hostile to know the definition of domestic violence and too insensitive to domestic violence victims to know that it is classless to misue this issue. But with prosecutor Bill Mason employee Lily Miller freely using the word nigger and promoting White face supremacy masks on RealNeo anything is possible.
Glad u recognize your own insensitive ignorance & classlessness
Wow......we must be making progress....Perhaps our family batterer will begin to back off and take some "anger management" courses before something really bad happens. The victims of the batterer need to be left alone though.......
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
The only progess you've made Diana Hill is to remain ignorant
The only progess you have made Diana Hill (Angel-n-Ward 14) is to remain unemployed and ignorant to race issues.
Poor kathy wray coleman...hurt by everyone under the sun...
Keeps coming back to abuse others with more slander, lies, and abusive tactics...
www.kathywraycolemanonlinenewsblog. Read the news here too. ---Free speech rocks. Again, read the news from a Black perspective also at We write about urban news from the Cleveland, Ohio area and national political news. We bring the news--We bring the truth. The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com supports Occupy Wall Street and Occupy Cleveland. Read Kathy Wray Coleman's editorial on what Mayor Frank Jackson should have done to accommodate the worthy Occuyy Cleveland group on RealNeo.Us and at
I'm an activist not a cry baby. Get a job Diana Hill or Angel
I'm an activist not a cry baby. Get a job Diana Hill (Angel-n-Ward 14). You have too much time on your hands and you are shallow and ignorant. Try getting a college degree in your off time. Do something productive.
www.kathywraycolemanonlinenewsblog. Read the news here too. ---Free speech rocks. Again, read the news from a Black perspective also We write about urban news from the Cleveland, Ohio area and national political news. We bring the news--We bring the truth. The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com supports Occupy Wall Street and Occupy Cleveland. Read Kathy Wray Coleman's editorial on what Mayor Frank Jackson should have done to accommodate the worthy Occuyy Cleveland group on RealNeo.Us and at
Good morning, realneo.
It is a rare fall day of sunshine. I have stuff that I have to get done outside today while the day is dry so I will ask my questions, but not spend a lot of time responding cause it is going to rain this coming week.
First question to all: what does it take to change the tone on this site? are you willing to move and participate on a site that is safe for people to post their thoughts, hopes, dreams, news, fears, events, and change?
Second question goes to Kathy and there is a preface to it. Here is the preface: You have made a number of accusations in the name of racism. The main target of your accusations is Lily Miller, Jeff Buster, Diana, and a number of Judges that you have had legal run ins with. You have demanded that certain posts, certain pictures, and certain polls, that you find offensive, be taken down. The one that you say was removed (hang his ass) has not been taken down. You say that you will sue if these are not removed.
They are not going to be removed. Period.
The question: are you willing to move on and participate on a site that is safe for people to post their thoughts, hopes, dreams, news, fears, events, and change without dominating the pages with your accusations? We are not removing anything. Sue whomever you want. That is your choice. But if you are going to stay here, can you participate on a site that is safe for people to post their thoughts, hopes, dreams, news, fears, events, and change? The truth in news
Read about urban issues of Cleveland and national political issues from a Black perspective at, the truth in news.
Are You Sleeping With Bill Mason, Nigger Name Caller L. Miller?
Again, Ms. Nigger Name Caller L. Miller Are You Sleeping With Bill Mason. Answer The Question Ms. Nigger Name Caller
* *
Is Lily Miller Qualified Or Did She Have Sex To Get A Job?
Is Lily Miller Qualified Or Did She Have Sex To Get Her Job? Tell US Why You Feel So Comfortable Calling Us Nigger. Did Prosecutor Mason Promise To Protect Yoyu?
do you get a nut check, Kathy Wray Coleman
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
Are You Ever On Your Knees At Work Ms. Nigger Name Caller?
Are You Ever On Your Knees At Work Ms. Nigger Name Caller Lily Miller?
dear god
is this REALLY happening?
how low will kathy wray coleman go?
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
do you get a nut ckeck, kathy wray coleman?
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
Why Were You Offering Guy Black Money Ms. Nigger Name Caller ?
Are you so rich that you pay men. like Guy Black? What did you want Guy to do for you and Mr. Mason, if anything, Ms. Nigger Name Caller Lily Miller?
* *
How Low Did You Go Ms. Miller To Keep Calling Us Niggers?
How low did you go Ms. Miller to getaway with continually saying being a nigger is legal and is what it is here at RealNeo? Do you use the word nigger around your boss, Mr. Mason? Answer the question?
* *
I think the word "nut' might suit you better . Did you get one?
I think the word "nut" might suit you better Ms. Nigger Name Caller
* *
Did you get a "nut" from Mr. Mason or not? Tell Us Lily Miller
Did you get a "nut" from Mr. Mson or not? Tell us Ms. Nigger Name Caller Lily Miller.
* *
Are you on drugs, Kathy Wray Coleman?
I gave Guy Black, a disable senior citizen attempting to survive on social security, money for food and to keep his utilities from being disconnected.
I am not an ugly fat slob like you. I do not need to pay money to men to have sex with me. Do you?
Are you abusing drugs, KATHY WRAY COLEMAN?
Kathy Wray Coleman, you have pending charges for possession of controlled substances, fleeing and eluding the police, and other charges.
What kind of controlled substance were you possessing, KATHY WRAY COLEMAN?
Bedford court also requested a competency exam for you, Kathy Wray Coleman. Why?
Bedford Municipal Court
Possession of Controlled Substances
Journal Order for Competency Exam
Court date November 2, 2011
Fleeing and Eluding
Littering from Motor Vehicle
Reckless Operation
Journal Order for Competency Exam
Court date November 2, 2011
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
the poll that lead to Kathy saying Lily calls names
Is it ok for Tremont West employees or board members to refer to members of the community as stupid hillbillies or niggers?
Did You And Mr. Mason Do Drugs Together Ms Nigger Name Caller?
Did You And Mr. Mason Do Drugs Together Ms. Nigger Name Caller Lily Miller?
You are a true lunatic, KATHY WRAY COLEMAN
I do not abuse drugs, alcohol or people.
You are showing your true colors, lunatic Kathy WRay Coleman.
You, KATHY WRAY COLEMAN, have pending charges for possession of controlled substances, not me. What kind of drugs did you have on your possession, KATHY WRAY COLEMAN,when the police arrested you after you fleed and elluded.
What are the results of your competency exam? Are you competent to stand trial?
Bedford Municipal Court
Kathy Wray Coleman
Possession of Controlled Substances
Journal Order for Competency Exam
Court date November 2, 2011
Kathy Wray Coleman
Fleeing and Eluding
Littering from Motor Vehicle
Reckless Operation
Journal Order for Competency Exam
Court date November 2, 2011
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
You started it by defaming me today. I will fight you legally.
You started it today. Nobody was bothering you. You are angry because Jeff did a front page story written by me instead of harassing me for you and Mr. Mason . You can't stand a Black writer on RealNeo so you pick with me your back handed nigger name calling , defamation and White Face Supremacy Masks pictures. Have you ever thought of getting therapy, Ms. Nigger Name Caller Lily Miller. You lack leeway to call us nigger and to reiterate the word continially through a poll no matter whether you work for the White male county prosecutor or not.
I reposted the poll
I reposted the poll, Kathy, in hopes of making you realize the context of the poll. There is not anything wrong with the poll. You can dig thru this site to research the word "nigger" and you will not see Lily using it to call you names.
Your name will pop up repeatedly as you have used the word "nigger" repeatedly.
There is also not one thing wrong with the Guy Fawkes masks. They are being used all over the world right now as a way of protest agreed greed. Fawkes revolted against the establishment and this is a huge symbol. You are the only one that has objected and raised this point in the research that I have done nationally.
I am worn out with your charges of racism again and again. You are a destructive force, and it is painful to watch your melt down on these pages. I did, notice however, that you refrain from doing this on your own blogsite. Is realneo a therapeutic playground, or what?
I am worn out with your going after Lily, too. You have cyberstalked, cyberbullied, and go way beyond the pale. While it is true that I would walk through hot coals for Lily, it is pretty clear to everyone that you have a personal vendetta.
You need to stop. You are humiliating yourself. You are causing harm to this site, and driving away users.
Feel free to call me racist. Feel free to call me anything. Feel free to leave and never return.
Did you get a "nut" from Mr. Mason or not? Answer the question
Did you get "nut" from boss Mason or not? Answer the question?
* *
kathy wray coleman
I am defending myself against your numerous defaming comments continuously posted by you since Jeff Buster continues to allow you to defame me and others here on realneo, kathy wray coleman.
When you continue to defame me, I will post my FACTS.
Trust me, I have plenty more facts up my sleeve.
Pull your psychotic shit on someone else. Dip into the controlled substances and calm down, Kathy Wray Coleman.
Has the mental health crisis showed up at your house yet?
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
Jeff Knows You Are A Fool Ms. Nigger Name Caller
Jeff Buster is not going to protect a fool like you, Ms. Nigger Name Caller? Do you need therapy to stop?
* *
Good night Lily. Take any medicine and go to sleep.
Try to get some rest and possibly seek counseling if you need it. The reason you think nigger name calling is kool is because something is wrong with you.
* *
Kathy Wray Coleman needs to be involuntarily committed
Kathy Wray Coleman, do yourself a favor and get your head checked.
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
Jeff Buster is well aware of your repeated psychotic episodes
Kathy Wray Coleman,
Jeff Buster is well aware of your psychotic, mental, criminal and possession of controlled substances issues.
Why Jeff Buster continues to allow you to defame not only me, but numerous others is another story he will have to figure out.
I am not the one with the psychotic issues, Kathy Wray Coleman. You have very well documented mental health issues.
I need no therapy. You, Kathy Wray Coleman, are in desperate need of therapy/counseling/medication.
What happened with your counselor Myrna Gill? She has quite a story, doesn't she? It was interesting to hear the story and see the numerous documents.
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
Should Nigger Name Callers Like Lily Be Committed?
You need to acceess why you think nigger name calling is okay and then you moight make up your mind if you need help., Ms. Miller.
* *
Again, did you Lily get a "nut' to get your Mason employee job?
Dis you get a "nut" to get your job with Mr. Mason or not?
* *
Jeff Buster Knows That You Lily Hate "Niggers" As You Call Us.
Lily Millers Hates Whas she Calls "Niggers" And Is Seemingly Obsessed With Hurting "Niggers" It Appears
Nigger Name Callers Are As Psychotic As You Can Get Lily Miller
I say that a nigger name caller is as psychotics as one can get. Do you Lily fit the bill?
* *
List of people victimized by Kathy Wray Coleman
Jeff is well aware of the long list of people that you have victimized, KATHY WRAY COLEMAN. The list is not complete either. I am still working on adding additional victims.
Take a look at all of the people that Kathy Wray Coleman has accused of racism, harassment, false allegations, etc.
Judge Tim McGinty
Mayor Frank Jackson
George Forbes, President NAACP
Judge Comstick- Berea Court
Judge McLaughlin, Cleveland Court
Robert Triozzi, Cleveland Law Director
Children and Family Services
Judge O’Donnell, Cuyahoga Judge
Sheriff Reid, Cuyahoga
Visiting Judge Gustalo Nunez
Cleveland Chief Prosecutor Victor Perez
Judge Kathleen Ann Keough
Cuyahoga County Sheriff Gerald McFaul
County Jail Warden Kevin McDonough
Federal District Court Judge Patricia Gaughan
Visiting Judge Mary Grace Trimboli of Toledo, Oh
Visiting Judge Gustalo Nunez
Cuyahoga County Jail Booking Sgt. Kevin O'Donnell
Federal District Court Judge Patricia Gaughan
Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas Judge Timothy McGinty
Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas Judge John O'Donnell
Chief Magistrate Stephen Bucha
Chief Cuyahoga County Judge Nancy Fuerst
Cleveland Municipal Clerk of Court Earl B. Turner
Brian Wirtz, Cleveland Board of Education
Richard Boyd, Board of Education
James Penning, Board of Education
John Goff
Brian Christman, Cleveland Board of Education
East Cleveland Schools
City of Beachwood, Judge
JUDGE BOZZA, Mayfield Heights
City of Cleveland
Wanda Arnold, Cleveland Schools
Livesteen Carter, Cleveland Schools
Joy Smith, Cleveland Schools
Marilynne Zigman, Cleveland Schools
Juanita Interim Bryant, Cleveland Schools
Anita Crawford, Cleveland Schools
Adrian Thompson, Cleveland Schools
Randolph Hicks, Cleveland Schools
John Campbell, Cleveland Schools
Ruth Hill, Cleveland Schools
Lillian Hauser, Cleveland Schools
Evelyn Pembroke, Cleveland Schools
Jefrrey Mazo, Cleveland Schools
Cleveland Teachers Union
Evelyn Jones, East Cleveland School
Barbara Henry, East Cleveland School
Richard Jenkins, East Cleveland School’
Gregg Mossburger, East Cleveland School
City of Beachwood
City of Shaker
Margaret Cannon
Allan Baumgartner
Thomas Greve
Myrna Gill
Thomas Myer, Chief Justice
Gustalo Nunez, Judge Lyndhurst
City of Shaker Heights
Nancy McDonnell, Cuyahoga County Judge
Judge Comstock, Berea
Margaret Cannon, Law Director Shaker Hts.
Allan Baumgartner, Detective Beachwood
Bedford Court Judge Harry Jacob
Judge Michael Weigand, Berea
Judge Mary Grace Trimboli, Berea
Cuyahoga County Board of Commissioners
Midwest Medical
Dr. Emmanuel Toffur
Kenneth Kochevar
Patricia Ruzicka
Christine Dubber
Tina Furcick, Lyndhurst Clerk of Courts
City of Lyndhurst
Joseph Donnelly, Chief of Police Mayfield Hts.
James Dvorak, Police Officer Mayfield Hts.
Jill Turner, Mayfield Hts., Police
T. Parker, Police Officer Mayfield Hts.
Dominick Vitantoinio, Assistant Prosecutor Mayfield Hts.
Circuit City
Recovery Resources
Corey Miller, Social Worker, Recovery Resources
Lorraine Coyne, City of Cleveland
Edward Eckart, City of Cleveland
Joan Bascone, City of Cleveland
Gregory Richard, City of Cleveland
Jane Doe McCray, City of Cleveland
Steven Schieferstein, City of Cleveland
Eric Mullens, City of Cleveland
Attorney Wendell Scott Ramsey
Attorney Carol Kathleen Bolek
Lily Miller, Realneo
Dianna Hill, Realneo
Jeff Buster, Realneo
Norm Roulett, Realneo
Michael Tuttle, East Cleveland School
Jill Gaines, East Cleveland School
Kirk Mack, East Cleveland School
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
"Niggers" Get No Free Speech Do We Lily?
When "Niggers" You Free Sppech Than Others Are Victims
* *
What About Mason's List Of Hurting "Niggers", Forthcoming?
Were you getting a nut when Boss Mason Put You On Me To Get At Blacks and the Call and Post? We can give people a list of all the Blacks ("niggers") that your boss Mr. Mason made victims via malicious prosecutions. Can't we?How many niggers has you boss prosecuted and were you getting a "nut" before hand Lily Miller? Tell us.
lunatic Kathy Wray Coleman
Please, KATHY WRAY COLEMAN, get your head checked and stay away from the controlled substances.
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
* *
Are you in possession of controlled substances again, Kathy
Are you in possession of controlled substances again, Kathy Wray Coleman?
I noticed a pattern in many of your comments over the months. Illegible rants.
"Niggers" Get No Free Speech Do We Lily?
When "Niggers" You Free Sppech Than Others Are Victims
All 'Niggers" Are Lunatics To You, Ms. Miller.
Is your boss Mr. Mason a lunatic, Ms. Nigger Name Caller? Oh he's White, I forgot, only those that complain of being called niggers are lunatics to you. Did you get on your knees and ger a "nut" for your job. Is that a lunatic move? Answer, are you sleeping with Mason or not? You do not strike me as knowing enough about the law to be a paralegal. How did you get your job? Did you get it for being able to call Blacks "niggers" the best for the county prosecutor's office?
Kathy Wray Colemane , are you able to keep a job?
I have had my job for nearly 22 years-with no issues ever.
What about you, Kathy WRay Coleman, where do you work?
You could not hold on to your job as a teacher for Cleveland or East Clevealnd. Why not, lunatic?
COLEMAN, Appellant, v. CLEVELAND SCHOOL DISTRICT et al., Appellees.
78464. No.
n July 30, 2001
The appellant , KATHY WRAY COLEMAN, was terminated from her employment as a teacher in the Cleveland Public Schools on the basis of making numerous inappropriate and racially laced remarks to administrators and other teachers and exhibiting other inappropriate, unprofessional, and uncontrolled behavior.
Appellant, Kathy Coleman, was employed as a teacher at Shaw High School in the East Cleveland City School District ("ECCSD" or "appellee") from August 1998 through June 2000. The relationship between appellant and her employer was tumultuous at best, and she was subjected to several instances of disciplinary action, including a 5-day suspension without pay in March 2000.
Appellant was then suspended, with pay, for the remainder of the school year in April 2000, and was prohibited from entering the school premises without prior permission of the school superintendent.
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
* *
Is Your Boss Mr. Mason A Lunatic? Why Is He Leaving?
Is your boss Mr. Mason a lunatic, Ms. Nigger Name Caller? Oh he's White, I forgot, only those that complain of being called niggers are lunatics to you. Did you get on your knees and ger a "nut" for your job. Is that a lunatic move? Answer, are you sleeping with Mason or not? You do not strike me as knowing enough about the law to be a paralegal. How did you get your job? Did you get it for being able to call Blacks "niggers" the best for the county prosecutor's office?
* *
Did you and lick cocaine off of Mr. Mason's penis Lily ?
Dis you lick cocaine off Mr. Mason's penis to get your job Lily. Answer the question? Is Mr.Mason leaving because cocaine was allegedly being sold at the prosecutor's office. We can call the roll. Did you get any and were you on your knees sucking Mr. Mason while others were having fun. I have the alleged data.
did your imaginary friends give you the data, lunatic?
Watch the psychotic lunatic have another breakdown. I should charge admission to see this.
More lunatic illegible rants from KATHY WRAY COLEMAN:
Did you and lick cocaine off of Mr. Mason's penis Lily ?
Dis you lick cocaine off Mr. Mason's penis to get your job Lily. Answer the question? Is Mr.Mason leaving because cocaine was allegedly being sold at the prosecutor's office. We can call the roll. Did you get any and were you on your knees sucking Mr. Mason while others were having fun. I have the alleged data.
My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
* *
I am calling Mental Health Crisis again, Kathy Wray Coleman
Either they have not shown up yet, or you have not opened your door.
You need help immediately for writing psychotic shit like this. I am so happy people are reading and seeing what kind of lunatic you really are, Kathy WRay Coleman. Showing your true colors for all of the world to see what kind of lunatic you really are, Kathy Wray Coleman.
Again, below is another illegible rant. Are you dipping into the controlled substances, Kathy Wray Coleman?
you and lick cocaine off of Mr. Mason's penis Lily ?
Dis you lick cocaine off Mr. Mason's penis to get your job Lily. Answer the question?
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
I get a pension and health care and I get paid for my writings
I don't have to get on my knees. I get a pension and health care and I get paid for my writings. I get a pension and helathcare the rest of my life. Is Mr. Mason going to retire or is he just quitting? He's too young to retire?
* *
I don't have to suck a penis for a job. Did you?
I don't have to suck a penis for a job. Did you? Do you have a pension?
Lunatic Kathy Wray Coleman
* *
Good night Ms alleged penis sucker nigger name caller
Good night Ms. alleged penis sucker name caller. My article will be out by noon.
Good night, Psychotic Lunatic Kathy Wray Coleman
My story will be posted when your story is posted- to the exact same people on your email contact list that I am in possession of. :)
It has been an interesting night here, not only for me but numerous people reading here tonight. Thanks for the show of your true colors!
My story will also include copies of all of your comments here so people can judge for themselves.
Keep in mind that I have only posted a small portion of my story here tonight. Lots more up my sleeve.
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
more of lunatic Kathy Wray Coleman's mental breakdown
For all of the world to see. And Jeff Buster wonders why people do not post to this website.
Figure it out, Jeff.
I don't have to suck a penis for a job. Did you?
I don't have to suck a penis for a job. Did you? Do you have a pension?
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
Did Lily Miller Get For A Job Unqualified?
Did Lily Miller get a job unqualified?
Why isn't Bill Mason Being Prosecuted Like Blacks?
Why isin't Bill Mason Being Prosecuted Like Blacks?
Lily Miller Asks To Stop Contacting Kathy Wray Coleman
I have in writing and to police asked Lily Miller not to communicate with me again per the telecommunoications statute where under state law if she does thereafter it is a first degree misdemeanor. I have contacted the police on this and would ask those at RealNeo to respect this request. I believe that what has happen to me here is a hate crime because of my race, Black, and for expoosing alleged racism and corruption by countywide elected officias, etc, including judges. I am asking Jeff Buster not to perpetuate any more conflict and to do nothing that might get Miller prosecuted, and I am asking that he take down all false and defamatory comments if he can get permission from Mason and the judges he allegdly met with to do so. Lily has been emailed and I hope she has the discipline and mental stability to leave me alone and to not contact me where I believe that she is harssing me for her boss, Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Bill Mason, and others---Kathy Wray Coleman--If Miller contacts any of you about me please call your nearest police station and complain.