Happy St. Patrick's Day from REALNEO
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 03/17/2007 - 15:17.

I came across this NEO Leprechaun Iditaroding down Detroit Avenue at W. 45th, on roller blades, pulling a trash can on a dolly - on his way to the St. Patrick's Day parade in Cleveland... good way to avoid a DUI. While it may seem cruel, the dogs seemed to be having as much fun as Leprechaun. I had to work today so missed getting my head shaved (my whole family was against that anyway) and the parade, but this made my day. If anyone has photos from the parade, post away... a beautiful day!
Norm, as part of the Mutual Admiration Society I have to say you got a good shot with the dogs front feet both off the ground. Animals and humans like to work in a team - and they know when that team is running in an equitable manner. That equity is uncertain in NEO. What was in the trash barrel? Is this fellow an aluminum can collector?
But seriously, with the Cleveland Clinic spending a quarter of a billion dollars for ONE new parking garage, how many electric car spaces with chargers do you think are on their garage plans? I will bet one thousand dollars that there are no such spaces. Any takers out there? (Conditions apply - like you can't check with the architect first, etc.)
I can understand the Clinic doesn't build a nice kennel for the roller blader – though they should - the musher is a better global citizen than any gasguzzling auto driver!
In order for Google to search and find the names in this news, I need to take the names out of the image and also I need to credit Herb Crowther for organizing the September 14, 2004 REI discussion and for having Myers Motors bring - on a trailer - two of their battery powered 3 wheeler electric cars to REI - they were out spinning around the campus. With Herb (in suit) is Brian Bacher a west sider in RE, with her back to the camera is Nancy Cronin a huge supporter of City Year and retired from the Cleveland Port Authority, and taking a test drive is Dan Rothenfeld, artist from Bratenahl.
Sweet rides - when was this?
Very cool collage. If it was REI, and dude is in shorts, it was like 2 years ago... about when Segways showed up in town (what ever happened to them?)... Phil Lane pushed Biofuels... you pushed wind as an industry. So many innovative people (like you) pushed so many innovative advanced energy ideas for years. But the Bushies never supported the innovators... and the fires all died, and NEO has not become an advanced energy center. Or have we? I hate to cast stones. Have we had any advanced energy successes here? How about with fuel cells... is that for real?
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St. Patrick's Day in REALNEO
I live a block from the Harp and when I got home tonight there were cars parked down my street and I heard Pogues sound-a-like music down the street - nice to see them kicking it on their big day. But I was most pleased to see two very drunk couples walking up W. 45th to Franklin, going home from a good night of celebration. Read walking (er, stumbling). How many drunks were walking home from the "pubs" of Legacy Village (er, driving drunk). Different worlds. I'll take a walkable Ohio City. Happy... Pat.
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Daniel Ray
Your photo captures the irrepressible environmental leprechaun Daniel Ray. He wouldn't hurt a fly. He has saved many strays from the streets of Cleveland. He is a true free spirit.
Thanks for the ID - he looked cool...
When I first saw him soaring down the street I was in shock... I had to follow and get a photo, so I saw him for a half mile or so and was amazed that he was able to tell the dogs what to do - they knew what to do. So I knew he wasn't harming the dogs but they were friends out having a good time. I thought it was nice he waved.
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Daniel Ray, stalwart hero of CPT
How many times did Daniel Ray hold the door for us when we went to the theater at CPT? I can't remember. Daniel used to (maybe he still does) act as a human rickshaw on rollerblades, shuttling folks down Detroit Avenue to the theater. He may be the nicest guy you ever met. Living where you do, you're likely to see more of him.
Find a home
Does anyone have a caretaker position for free soul Daniel Ray? Michael Gill puts the story out there in this week's Free Times. Daniel is the epitome of goodness :) You would have a happy soul and three "ferocious" dogs to guard your urban property. Daniel does have a cell phone and I am sure that if you contact Michael Gill, he should be able to find Daniel :) (Also, don't assume that a man who eschews property has mental issues, drug issues or drinking issues--none of these labels apply to Daniel Ray. He is physically and mentally alive. That's all).