Submitted by Jeff Buster on Sun, 09/09/2007 - 17:55.

Who would have thought that a Saturday morning spelling bee at the McGregor Home assisted living facility could grasp the attention of kids and residents so entirely. That look in each of the kids eyes - they - and Miss Bessy - have left the world of the old and infirm and are focused entirely on thinking of which letter of the alphabet comes next. This intense, captivated, other-worldly facial expression is the El Dorado every parent and every teacher strives to reach.
Volunteer Jeremy Gutow found the public address system didn’t work right at the start – but he took it in stride with aplomb. After teaming up volunteering kids from the Heights Youth Club (Lee Road at Washington Blvd in Cleveland Heights – 216-321-CLUB) with each of the residents at the 15 or 20 tables under the tent, Jeremy went table to table, spelling round, after spelling round. Jeremy knew the 75 or more residents by name and built up the energy of the crowd with his humor and caring.
Miss Bessy – at the left in the photo – took first place and received a check for $25.00. The kids loved it! Click on the attached Miss Bessy file below for a close up of the kids.
Hat’s off to Mr. Gutow, the McGregor Home, and the Heights Youth Club kids for making a real difference in our lives.

Thanks for capturing this event. What a wonderful moment. I found myself transfixed by your photos and captured by your writing.
Boys and Girls and SPELLING
I am glad that an anonymous visitor is checking out this Jeff Buster post from 2007--stay tuned for information about spelling bee opportunities coming to your neighborhood soon.
Value of Realneo - thanks Laura
Hello lmchane, I hadn't seen your February comment until today, when I noticed the McGregor post in the "Last Viewed" column on the lower RH side of the Realneo home page. So I went to look at the old post again and freshen my memory and found your comment.
For everyone who appreciates Realneo it is important to be aware that only about 1/6th of those that view pages on Realneo are from Ohio. 5/6th of the viewers are from other states or from other countries.
What does that mean?
I think it means that much of the content on Realneo has interest and importance to a world wide audience - not just to North East Ohio. And I think it means that when users post to Realneo (or on any webside searchable by Google) there is no local/geographic limitation to the importance of the topic they report. If there are two people interested in a topic - one from NEO and one from Norway - the internet makes the subject accessable between the two - essentially for free.
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It's really crazy and spectacular!