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Answering questionsSubmitted by metroparks muse on Tue, 12/16/2008 - 20:06.
The Probate Judge who appointed Tana Carney to the Cleveland Foundation is John J Donnelly, who also appointed the Cleveland Metroparks Commissioners. The longest serving is Fred Rzepka, a developer (who was reportedly on the site committee for the Browns stadium). Commissioner Rzepka wanted to use an easement across Metroparks owned land in Solon as the entrance for a development he had planned adjoining the park. In December 2007 Tim Ferris commented on Rzepka's reappointment at and in March 2008 noted in fred foiled that residents had denied the rezoning. Fred's brother David Rzepka, challenged the right of citizens to block this rezoning all the way to the Supreme Court where it is pending.
Judge Donnelly is retiring this year and in his honor (and over the objections of park volunteers and employees) the Rocky River Nature Center was renamed for him. The luncheon was paid for by the Emerald Necklace Trust Fund at the Cleveland Foundation but department directors (on comp time??) did the serving. It was not open to the public however two of Rzepka's sons (not involved with the park) were said to have attended. Moreover, the renaming was announced in a Metroparks employee newsletter already printed and mailed out the same day as the Board approved the action, at its first public discussion, with many citizens present and objecting.
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Milton Friedman's legacy
Self-interest serving self-interest in the name of self-interest. The cult of money created by Milton Friedman and his Chicago boys, with adherents all over the world, especially in NEO.. including the flipper across the street from me...and the numerous flippers now working the near west side of Cleveland.
Questions??? Who is quietly buying up "distressed" properties and land in NEO? Could it be Forest City? There is no Biodiversity Alliance talk of REAL land trusts to protect our waterways and natural heritage in NEO...only land banks to benefit self-interest.
Campaign contributions
Where do you go to track local politicians' backers? Is there a site that lists who contributed to Cleveland council candidates (or others)?
That's always a good place to start a search for power and favors owed.
If you ask questions, you are a pariah. When I open my mouth, I get shot down immediately. Is it too much to ask for a monthly accounting of your council rep's activities and monies expended? Afterall, they work for us, right? My council rep exploded today, because I want to know why working for NRP is his priority over working to provide services for local residents. Too much to ask? I guess so.
If demolishing buildings for developers like NRP at the taxpayers' expense is "working for constituents," then prove it in a newsletter, Brian (you can slice it, dice it any way, and it is still a STINKIN' deal).
BTW, hate to say it, Council reps, any newsletter or correspondence will score you some big reelection points...Joe Cimperman sends out birthday cards...and the old ladies, (and old guys...), LOVE it, because it shows that he is paying attention to them, even if it is a RUSE.