CAN Triennial 22 You Are Here Exhibit Dates July-August 2022
Submitted by lmcshane on Sat, 08/21/2021 - 07:19.
Artwork is selected based on its connection to the theme, You Are Here. CAN Triennial 2022 will showcase the range of art in the region. This is a large scale event in multiple venues. Your art submission will be part of a pool of artists that the curators will select from. Submission does not guarantee selection.
The application is open from June 1, 2021 through September 30, 2021. We will notify artists by the end of 2021.
The FAQ will help guide you through the artist application.
Artists apply FREE until September 30th 2021
Currently Under Curation
Currently Under Curation is a curatorial mastery program for teens, led by Darius Steward and Sabine Kretzschmar; The program welcomes students from various Cleveland area high schools to the resources and opportunities available at the Cleveland Museum of Art. A small group of students will be part of the Triennial Curation Team, overseen by Darius Steward and Sabine Kretzschmar.
Fred Bidwell supports Justin Bibb
WE are lucky in NEO to have strong Arts community leaders like Fred and Laura Bidwell. Scott Mueller :) Grateful that-- behind the scenes-- these people draw smart and talented artists to our region. Thank YOU !!