Submitted by Susan Miller on Fri, 10/24/2008 - 08:43.
Got this message from a neighbor/longtime colleague, David Budin:
"Last week I sent a message jokingly suggesting that we all change our middle names to Hussein until November 4. I mean, I thought I was joking. Then a lot of people e-mailed back and said they were actually doing that -- and they were forwarding my message to their friends, etc.
So to make it "official," my brother Noah and I have created this website called, where you can go and "change" your middle name to Hussein, and also read related articles and see related videos, etc.
Visit the site -- and, if you want to, sign in. And pass it along to anyone else you know who might be interested.
It's not so much that it's pro-Obama (which it obviously is), as it is -- to quote Mark Mothersbaugh's description of his group Devo -- "anti-stupidity."
David Hussein Budin"
I went there post haste and changed my middle name. My new name until November 5 is Susan Hussein Miller.
I never liked my middle name anyways
Norm Hussein Roulet - I think I'll keep that past the 5th!
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