Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 01/28/2011 - 15:58.

The EPA Environmental Justice grants announced below would fit nicely with lead poisoning eradication needs and objectives in Northeast Ohio, as funded by HUD. The Federal Government wants to attack environmental injustice at the core, through collaboration among Federal agencies, like HUD and EPA, with environmental justice organizations in local communities, like in the overly-lead-burdened Cleveland, so proposals to build EPA environmental justice programming to leverage impact of HUD Lead Eradication funding would make sense and likely appeal to grant review committees. Unfortunately, a community must recognize it is victim of ENVIRONMENTAL INJUSTICE to apply for this grant money, and Cleveland has not yet made that recognition. We're the Green City by the Blue Lake.
Let's see if any local Environmental Justice organizations (are there any?) apply for and receive funding from this Federal EPA program for environmental justice, developing programs addressing lead poisoning here, in leverage of the $4.5 million just provided by HUD for lead poisoning eradication, as Obama has determined is a priority here. Let's see if anyone admits we have any environmental injustice here and applies at all.
From the EPA:
Environmental Justice Mailing List
EPA Seeks Applicants for $1.2 Million in Environmental Justice Grants to Address Local Health and Environmental Issues
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is accepting grant applications for $1.2 million in funding to support projects designed to research, educate, empower and enable communities to understand and address local health and environmental issues. Eligible applicants from non-profit, faith-based and tribal organizations working in the community of the proposed project are encouraged to apply.
Environmental Justice Small Grants funding is available for two categories of projects:
- 40 grants of up to $25,000 each to support projects that address a community’s local environmental issues through collaborative partnerships, and;
- 4 grants of up to $50,000 each to gather better science on the environmental and health impacts of exposure to multiple sources of pollution in communities.
Environmental justice means the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people, regardless of race or income, in the environmental decision-making process. Environmental justice issues often involve multiple sources of contamination, like pollution from several industrial facilities within one neighborhood, environmental hazards at the workplace or home, or contamination resulting from the consumption of fish or other subsistence food.
Environmental contamination can lead to costly health risks and can discourage investments and development in low-income, minority, and indigenous communities disproportionately impacted by pollution. Understanding the impacts of multiple environmental risks can help communities develop more effective solutions to their environmental and health concerns.
More information on eligibility and how to apply:
More information on the Environmental Justice Small Grant program:
If you are not already a member, the Office of Environmental Justice would like to invite you to join the EJ ListServ. The purpose of this information tool is to notify individuals about activities at EPA in the field of environmental justice. By subscribing to this list you will receive information on EPA's activities, programs, projects grants and about environmental justice activities at other agencies. Noteworthy news items, National meeting announcements, meeting summaries of NEJAC meetings, and new publication notices will also be distributed. Postings can only be made by the Office of Environmental Justice. To request an item to be posted, send your information to environmental-justice [at] epa [dot] gov?subject=Post+to+EPA-EJ+ListServ and indicate in the subject “Post to EPA-EJ ListServ”
To join the listserv go to:
Blocked Again?
I would not quite say realNEO censors (because god forbid!) but why is it that the blog entry I created about 15 minutes ago (and checked "promoted to front page" under publishing options) IS NOT APPEARING?
we do not censor, but do we play games?
or is this just another "glitch" "on my end."
or are we spoiled rich little bratty babies who throw temper tantrums when we don't get our own way?
you tell me.