Cleveland Metroparks Concert Series
Submitted by lmcshane on Sun, 07/10/2011 - 13:22.

Some of the most magical experiences found in NEO are available to all of US for FREE!
Please make time to walk or ride your bike to the nearby Canalway Sunset Series or the Brookside Lawn Chair Concert Series in your Cleveland Metroparks.
For more information see:
Upcoming events include:
July 15--Erie Heights Brass Ensemble 7:30 p.m. Canalway
July 23-- BROOKSTOCK All Afternoon and Evening ! 2 p.m. -8:30 p.m. Brookside
August 19--Tony Koussa Trio 7:30 p.m. Canalway
August 26--Hey Mavis 8:00 p.m. Brookside

Brookstock 2011 FREE Family entertainment
Cleveland Metroparks will be Groovin' at
Brookstock - Celebration of Music & Nature
Cleveland Metroparks will be groovin’ at the free “BrookStock – A Celebration of Music & Nature” event on Saturday, July 23 from 2 to 8:30 p.m. at the Brookside Valley Event Site in Brookside Reservation in Cleveland.
BrookStock features four great local bands filling the air with bluegrass, jazz, Americana, Cajun/New Orleans style, and reggae
For more information, call 216-206-1000.
Brookside Valley Event Site is located off John Nagy Blvd., off the Ridge Road entrance of Brookside Reservation in Cleveland– north of the I-480/Ridge Road Exit.
But, if you live in Brooklyn Centre you can walk/bike down under the new Fulton Rd. Bridge--there are also trails to walk down from the Meadow Ridge Picnic area off Fulton Rd.