Thank you to another polluting factory..............NEW KOR...................Woohoo...more toxic neighborhoods in Cleveland....

Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Sat, 08/03/2013 - 04:43.

Momma bear is a little upset this morning....

NEW KOR pollutes our community with toxic taratogenic chemical pollutants is being challenged by the Attorney General..........How many babies and adults have been poisoned by this company???? 

They are skirting the human impact and the victimization lists..................why?????????????????? Is the State benefitting from the victims of this crime just like the foreclosure money that was meant for tons of foreclosees that sits in the banks of Not for profit administrators who shuffle paperwork????????????? 

This lawsuit should be monitored closely people. What's to gain for the AG? Will the case steer out another business? Will it help to relocate them? Do people acquaint this with the harmful affects of the incinerator pending to be built? Will victims get remuneration? Will a health care fund be established? Seriously? Is this all so that the agencies can get some cashola or payola out of it? I truly wonder??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? If your house sits within "X" feet of such a place what are the odds you have been toxicly hit??? My GOD.................................what if you have multiple levels of proof on the subject matter??? But NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT THE VICTIMS???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Okay, something is definitely NOT RIGHT in this picture.....................................

How much money did JAY WESTBROOK STEER their way over the last few decades? 

How many tax abatements were given? 

Woohoo...campaign contributions? 

Is this just a normal factory or a vested player in the demise of Cleveland.....? hmmmm.

TERATOGENS are pollutants that hurt unborn babies. All of these chemicals are listed as teratogenic. Wonderful news to the locals!!!!  


Thank you, NewKor for doing business in Cleveland....It's sad that your operations result in this kind of concern because of all the new research, environmental information available, and the results of generations of businesses that polluted the world around them either unknowingly or knowingly which directly harmed human beings. All I can think of are the babies inside the wombs that are affected by this toxicity. This article does not say anything about the victims of this..probably because historically victims get nixed to reduce the financial accountability that would be owed to them for such negligence and direct failure by such entities to protect the public at large.  


Thank you even more for the investigators who did NOT allow this company to pad their pockets and who pushed this case forward....May God Bless.  


Methanol; a teratogen. Phenol; a teratogen. and formaldehyde; a teratogen...

( categories: )

Toxic factory on Berea Road and Madison pollutes locals

But...hey...who's paying attention to these blogs anyway/???? ERRR. 


Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"