Trailer for your bike - good idea
Submitted by Jeff Buster on Wed, 11/10/2010 - 18:35. manufactures this and other bike trailers - rated for 300 lbs. The trailer connects to the bike via a swivel arm - allowing the bike to move in all directions in relation to the trailer.
This fellow brought more than half a dozen containers of vegetables to sell at the local farmers market. Many autos wouldn't have the room to carry these containers, and wouldn't be able to park near the market.
Way to go!
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Biking in Boston
Cool--loved living near Boston (Manomet). So expensive, though. Thanks for sharing this commercial site, Jeff. It should drive super bike geeks to REALNEO's site. We need more bike geeks :) I sound like a spammer in this post. Sorry.
Thinking of Ed Hauser. I meant to go to the Wendy Island meeting at Great Lakes Brewery yesterday, but konked out at the last minute. Some landscape architecture firm CMG from San Francisco got contract for drafting plans...something stinks here. I wish they would leave it alone.!/event.php?eid=159931020712140
jeff buster, you posted a read only blog on insulation
1) I was not able to comment your read only cellulose posting. I had this done 20 years ago, and the house is so drafty these days. Thermal imaging shows the cellulose to be well packed and holding up. Sealing the basement did the job. The insulation guys told me that the higher velocity blowers used currently pack the cellulose so tightly that the insulation can stand alone (i.e., if the walls are removed, the insulation remains in place). We did find out that some windows do not have headers thus insulation can't be blown there, but that this is ok in a house of this age. From the picture that you posted on your other blog, it looks like you did the stand alone insulation.
2) does any realneo poster have the option for a read only posting? How is this done?
Comments read/write now
Hello Debbie, Thank you for pointing out that "comments" was turned off on the blown-in cellulose post. You can copy your comment over to the cellulose post now if you want.
I had a problem (probably caused by the thumbnail image attachment) when I posted and I must have inadvertently shut off comments when I was fooling around in admin trying to fix the image issue. The choice re: comments on or off appears to be admin only.
I see in Angel's W34 post yesterday that there is a similar problem with the layout when the post is opened. Maybe also caused by image file size or the thumbnail module. Will continue to work on this.
Jeff Buster...comments
Dear Jeff,
I think I know why my comments screwed up...copies from Secretary of state page seem to do that.... 2nd time.
I tried to reopen, delete/change some...but couldn't edit the comment. Was hoping you might be able to help... gotta run. TTYS.