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07.19.05 NEO Excellence Roundtable Invitation: Continuing the storiesSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 07/19/2005 - 06:11.
07/19/2005 - 10:30 At the 07.19.05 NEO Excellence Roundtable, we have some major developments to celebrate. First, the Battle of Whiskey Island is over – the Island will remain a park… Ed Hauser will join us to discuss plans for the future, and the Burning River Festival he’s leading on August 13. Second, the GCLAC kicked of Lead Awareness Week on 07.18.05, taking proactive steps to prevent lead poisoning of residents of Greater Cleveland – the most important pro-education, pro-quality of life initiative in the history of NEO. What else do you and the people of NEO have to celebrate? Visit notes from last week’s luncheon to see what surfaced then, and come to today’s Roundtable to participate in some appreciative inquiry. The result of all this positive brainstorming will be the development of a film concept for luminary filmmakers Robert Banks and Burnadette Gilado to craft into a masterpiece – the first NEO Excellence Production. Join us at the Roundtable and help write the script! Walk-ins welcome - RSVP appreciated... norm [at] realinks [dot] us or 216-534-1732. About the NEO Excellence Roundtable: People who care about Northeast Ohio who are openly strategizing on how our region may achieve world-class status - we are establishing benchmarks for success and taking action in pursuit of measurable outcomes. Current pursuits include bridging the digital divide in East Cleveland, deploying the optimal social network for Northeast Ohio, exploring innovative approaches to funding regional economic development and entrepreneurship, and exploring innovative approaches to improve education in NEO.We're nurturing face to face visioning and so have revived a storied tradition of roundtable lunches at the City Club, each Tuesday between 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM, where non-hierarchical area innovation champions are breaking bread and brainstorming. The NEO Excellence Roundtable format is casual and conversational - to join us for lunch, please contact coordinator Norm Roulet at norm [at] realinks [dot] org. Each attendee is expected to pay for one's own buffet lunch, which is $13 and always excellent - if that is a barrier to you attending, please join us regardless and we'll cover the difference. In the interest of supporting this open collaboration, we've also established a virtual Community Of Interest Link (COIL) called NEO Excellence - please visit at To participate in the community, please "create an account" using the link found at the home page - or, if you have an account at another REALinks site... like at REALNEO... you may log-in with your username followed by @ that site's URL (e.g. your username [at] realneo [dot] us), and then enter your password from that site. Location
City Club - 850 Euclid Ave., 2nd Floor
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