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International Walk and Run For Peace, Justice and EmpowermentSubmitted by westward on Wed, 03/31/2010 - 21:23.
04/24/2010 - 08:30 04/24/2010 - 12:00 Etc/GMT-5 Peace in the Hood, Inc. and The Discovery Center are pleased to announce that we will be collaborating on a International Walk and Run for Peace, Justice and Empowerment on April 24, 2010. The event will begin at E. 152nd Street and Kinsman Rd., Cleveland, Ohio (St. Cecilia Church lot) ending at Luke Easter Park with a release of balloons and doves for Peace. The walk and run will begin at 9:00 am (line up and registration 8:30am). The entrance fee is $5.00 per person or $5.00 for a team of 4. We are asking everyone who has lost someone to violence to join us by bringing a picture of your lost loved one. We will be walking and running for all those who have suffered injustice and powerlessness in our community. This includes victims and survivors of crime and violence. When:
4/24/2010 8:30 AM
East 152-Luke Easter Park Cleveland, 44120
$5.00 per person or $5.00 for a team of 4
More Info:
Khalid Samad or Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ellington
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