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Please join the NEO-X Roundtable in New York - extending our excellence with NEO "expatriates"Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 08/07/2005 - 18:10.
08/11/2005 - 10:30 REALNEO is pleased to host a luncheon at the New York offices of Jones Day, 222 East 41st Street, Thursday, August 11th, 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM, for the NEO-X Roundtable. The NEO-X Roundtable is an extension of the weekly NEO Excellence Roundtable, held Tuesdays at the City Club of Cleveland, where area community leaders drive innovation in this region. We promote a creative collaboration of intellectuals drawn from business, academe, government and other institutions. Our discussions are outcome oriented, influential, and open to all who choose to attend. We’re extending the Roundtable to New York, and other areas with major concentrations of people associated with Northeast Ohio, in the interest of building extended bonds with NEO “expatriates� for the betterment of Northeast Ohio. We’re thus calling these collaborations the NEO-X Roundtables… the X being for “expatriates�, extending and excellence. As Northeast Ohio reinvents itself as a global new economy region, our community has come to realize that our most valuable export is our talented people, who are developed at our outstanding schools, universities and businesses and then attracted to elsewhere. The NEO-X Roundtable series seeks to address such “brain drain� by strengthening our region’s bonds across our global community and leveraging our extended brainpower, wherever it resides. The NEO Excellence Roundtable maintains a City Club tradition of community leaders gathering for informal luncheon discussions on important community affairs. Some of the regional pursuits we lead and address include:
REALNEO co-founders Peter Holmes and Norm Roulet host the Roundtables. Our legal counsel, Cleveland-based Jones Day, has graciously made their New York facilities available for the NEO-X Roundtable in Manhattan. The occasion will be intimate, collaborative and informal. For this NEO-X Roundtable, we’re inviting a select group of people with whom we share a common bond. If you will be in New York on the 11th and would like to attend, we’d love to include you in this ongoing dialogue. Of particular interest for the New York Roundtable, we’d like insight on outsiders' perceptions of Northeast Ohio today, and their advice for enhancing the attractiveness of the region for the future. We are also interested to discuss the concept of creating a $ billion economic development venture capital fund for Northeast Ohio, which is being nurtured at the Roundtable in Cleveland. We encourage you to join us. The Roundtable is free and open to anyone interested to be connected with Northeast Ohio, so please feel free to invite friends. RSVP is required, as Jones Day must have a list of attendees for security. Please reply to Norm Roulet at norm [at] realinks [dot] us. Location
Jones Day, 222 East 41st Street, New York, NY
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