Should Cleveland Municipal Court Judge Lynn McLaughlin Murray Be Voted Off The Bench In November For Violating The Constitution?
Submitted by JournalistKathy... on Tue, 07/05/2011 - 20:56.
Yes, she sentenced a Black woman saying she resisted arrest when the officer did not accuse her of it. 45% (9 votes) Yes, a judge that disregards the right to confrontation under The Sixth Amendment needs to go 5% (1 vote) Yes, she is issuing warrants without the required bond forfeiture hearing for Mayor Jackson and others 0% (0 votes) Yes, we do not need a judge that is controled by a mayor via his endorsement and his request for favors 10% (2 votes) No, some judges in Cuyahoga County are corrupt so who cares if Judge McLaughlin Murray follows the law 40% (8 votes) Total votes: 20