Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 11/04/2004 - 01:46.
I received an email today from area economic development leader Kevin Cronin that should be of interest of content creators interested to commercialize books, music and images. Nice service - don't know if it is cost competitive... and wonder, can't folks in publishing here compete with this, as self-publishing will continue to be a growing business (some folks will always want dead trees to read ;-)
Norm: I hope all's well. I wanted to flag this for artists. "Lulu" is an
online publishing tool for independent authors, publishers and musicians or any digital product creator, launched by Red Hat co-founder/former chairman Bob Young. The prime target appears to be advancing open source software by helping software designers publish, sell and generate revenue to support their activities.
While the site targets software developers, it could benefit anyone creating
something digital and living off of royalty streams.
Kevin Cronin
Cleveland, Ohio
c: 216.374.7578
Bodwin Theatre Company