Submitted by Susan Miller on Sun, 02/11/2007 - 09:39.

Help us identify qualified candidates for the Cleveland Arts Prize winners for 2007!
Nominations are open! Go to our website and nominate the person you think best for the Prize!
The Cleveland Arts Prize awards prizes in four disciplines: music and dance, literature, visual arts and design. We honor deserving artists – at the level of emerging artist, mid-career artist and life time achievement – for their significant contributions to the cultural vitality of Northeast Ohio.
In addition to honoring artists, the Arts Prize recognizes those who, through extraordinary patronage, leadership advocacy or teaching have nurtured the arts in Northeast Ohio. The Martha Joseph Special Citation for Distinguished Service to the Arts will be awarded to an organization or an individual who has made a significant contribution to the arts, and the Robert P. Bergman Prize will be awarded to an individual who, through passionate leadership, has expanded his/her field more broadly.
Categories, eligibility criteria and a list of support materials required are outlined at the website. You may also peruse the archive of past winners. (Check to make sure the person you have in mind has not already been awarded.)
Nominations close February 28, 2007.
Winners will be announced at our annual event, June 28, at the Cleveland Play House.
I nominated the Gunds
It seems very strange none of the Gund family have received the Arts Prize. At least 4 or 5 family members deserve this alone, and the foundation should be recognized... it may be easiest to just make it a lifetime family achievement award.
On the artist side, there are so many that should be recognized. Wouldn't it be useful to start compiling a list of local artists on-line where we can all add our testimonials, so rather than just recognize one artist per category each year you are building a resource for all people to find all the great art related to our region at all times... a living hall of fame... a virtual mash-up of the Arts Prize and May Show through expansion of interaction like seen on realneo with Art of the Day and the forum on our favorite public art... we're on to something there.
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Nominate someone and tell us about it here!
This call for nominations is the perfect opportunity to compile a list of important people in the arts in NEO and share it publicly, as well as recognize some of them formally. So nominate someone at and then post about the artist here as a comment.
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