Fukushima Daiichi reactors 4,3.2 (not yet exploded),1 aerial image from Digital Global
Submitted by Jeff Buster on Wed, 03/16/2011 - 10:24.

The Fukushima emergency is almost over because there is not much left for anyone to do. With the visible damage to reactors (from left) 4,3, and 1(on right) it is clear that the upperreactor buildings are completely wasted. The idea that a small crew of 50 or so do or die workers remaining on site will be able to manage much is not realistic. If you look closely at the original image on Digital Globe, you can see tsunami damage on the sea side of the buildings.
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Japan nuclear crisis escalates
Things are getting more serious in Japan:
Russia offering what the USA should be, alot of help to JAPAN
Russia to help Japan in 'worst crisis since WW2'
as nuke disaster looms
and this, from a concerned Citizen of the USA ----copy--- http://rightbias.com/News/031411america.aspx
Nancy Morgan
March 15, 2011
Obama's policy of dissing our allies and kowtowing to our enemies is not leadership. It is folly. A folly that has the implicit endorsement of the American people, who willingly elected Obama as their representative.
Nancy Morgan is a columnist and news editor for conservative news site RightBias.com
She lives in South Carolina
Article may be reprinted, with attribution
This article was first published in American Thinker, March 14, 2011
This is much like the 9 days he didn't address the Gulf tragic oil spills as well. Terrible, Betty
The problem is, America is NOT a Democracy - it is a Republic! As our Founding Fathers established, can we keep it?
Follow latest updates at http://twitter.com/rt_com and http://www.facebook.com/RTnews Moscow is promising to do its best to help Tokyo with the crisis. Having dealt with the world's worst nuclear disaster - Chernobyl - Russia has vital experience in this area.
not one word on topic, tisk tisk - It is about JAPAN
Child, please! It's (thread in case you forgot) about Japan, remember?
----copy-- The United States showed increasing alarm about Japan's nuclear crisis on Wednesday and urged its citizens to stay clear of an earthquake-crippled power plant, going further in its warnings than Japan itself. "The State Department strongly urges U.S. citizens to defer travel to Japan at this time and those in Japan should consider departing," it said.
BREAKING: Obama Orders Americans to EVACUATE JAPAN - Way too late- Notes
(1) THEY KNEW it was a class 7 nuclear event ever since the tsunami hit, March 11, since the rods of reactor 4 were in maintenance and begun immediately contaminating the air.
Yet the PTB told everyone- everything was under control. It took almost five days and four explosions at the other three reactors, and the begin of the fire at #4, for the illuminati to reveal what the rods status of reactor #4 was.
Australia too.
Germany does yesterday
MAP OF THE DAY: Americans Within 50 Miles Of
Fukushima Should Evacuate
These areas are on radiation watch. Note how close it is to Tokyo.
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/map-of-radiation-in-japan-2011-3#ixzz1GriR0ATc
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/map-of-radiation-in-japan-2011-3#ixzz1GrfC2UG9
World On Fire: President Obama is taping his NCAA picks today ...
"The Ways Of Obama Are Above Us" (NOT! He just parties, brews beer and golfs....oh yeah and those fancy vacations. Livin' it up while there is crises after crises. He sure has made this country a better place huh?) http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2011/03/16/rush_limbaugh_the_ways_of_obama_are_above_us.html
"For the last two days, the big news about Obama has been bullies and basketball games and golf courses and dinner and jokes with his media buddies. He doesn't even -- he's talking people, he's talking events, he doesn't talk about ideas, they're beneath him, of course," Rush Limbaugh said on his nationally syndicated show today.
It (evacuation) went from 12 miles, now to 50, and IMO that sure isn't even far enough!
Obama looks more gimpy than Gipper becasue of his lack of action the day of the tragic event, not 5 days or 9 days later, Groan, Betty
The problem is, America is NOT a Democracy - it is a Republic! As our Founding Fathers established, can we keep it?
Fear of Japan's nuclear crisis far exceeds actual risks...
Fear of Japan's nuclear crisis far exceeds actual risks, say scientists
This is to be expected:
Remember, trust the experts whose livelyhood depends on a flawed technology.
One of the problems with this article is that it does not mention that the spent fuel rods that are boiling the water out of their containment pools do not have a hardened containment structure around them. Only a shed like structure covers these, and I understand that in some cases with the Japanese nuclear plants, these sheds have been violated by explosions. I've read that that once the spent fuels starts burining, it may be impossible to stop the conflagration.
update on serious effects and Japan's woes are the worlds
URGENT: Japan now admits Fukushima at 154 trillion Bq's/Day and West coast Radiation forecast,Part1
-----Uploaded by connectingdots1 on Apr 24, 2011
Click on "Show more" for links to stories,please read and share the info! "Radiation is cumulative & much more dangerous when it is ingested than when it is outside of you" "|Japan admits daily radioactive release from Fukushima at 154 trillion Becquerels, many times higher than previously announced — Nuclear commission blames calculation error"
"FUKUSHIMA = 2,000 Atomic Bombs
Killer Contamination Spreads Worldwide"
"Radiation is cumulative is much more dangerous when it is ingested than when it is outside of you,radiation falling with rain can cover grass that is eaten by cows and other animals. It can also fall on food crops or contaminate reservoirs that are used for irrigation or drinking water."
HERE IS THE MOVING MAP >>>> Scroll over to navigate in time
"Fukushima Radiation Fallout potential forecast map"
News & Politics[//]
a bitter pill! Betty
he problem is, America is NOT a Democracy - it is a Republic! As our Founding Fathers established, can we keep it?