Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 04/29/2010 - 12:53.
Why does the Cleveland Plain Dealer try to destroy a beautify, young, smart leader like Jennifer Brunner with their dirty corporate political dealings - to get one of those corporate Republicans in office - by making it seem like she is a lost cause to their 100,000s of readers. Luckily, on realNEO we may share all the candidate's words, in full, directly with all our 1,000,000s of readers worldwide forever... like this message I just received from candidate Brunner, on the road for change for Ohio... read her insight on polls that the Plain Dealer spins as harmful for Brunner - the poll results are in fact totally up in the air and in ways say Brunner should win. The PD should let the people decide without Republican propaganda in a supposedly impartial newspaper...

Dear Norm,
I write to you as we wind our way north from Marysville to Lima on our $2050 bus bought on eBay--The Courage Express. With me are a Columbus Dispatch newspaper reporter, a super volunteer from Columbus who calls Latino voters and tells them about our campaign in Spanish, a full-time staffer from Washington, D.C. from the Women's Campaign Forum and my exceptionally dedicated campaign staffers. This is how campaigns are won. This is how David beats Goliath.
Today's Quinnipiac poll shows us beating Republican Rob Portman 40-36 if the election were held today. Our primary opponent does not perform as well, and he is not likely to if he is our nominee in the general election.
Our opponent has raised money from banking interests like Goldman Sachs and from businesses he played a role in awarding state dollars and tax breaks to. Read more here.
I don't and won't take money from executives and PACs of banks that were bailed out with our tax money. Our campaign relies on funds from people like you, whose interests I want to represent when I'm in the U.S. Senate. We're running what I call a "new, old-fashioned" grassroots campaign. Now is the time to volunteer, tell your friends and contribute.
When David beat Goliath in the Old Testament story, it wasn't because David used Goliath's style of fighting. David kept it simple, caught Goliath off guard, exercised his skills with courage and focus and slayed the giant. David had the courage to do it, even when no one thought he could.
As we take our simple silver school bus into the final campaign push with 5 days to go, I ask of you one thing: consider yourself important to our campaign. You can make a difference for us. Whether you are phone banking, canvassing, making signs or taking people to vote now or on Tuesday, or simply finding 5 people you know will vote for a better way to elect a Senator who will speak for us, we need you. Volunteer, tell your friends or contribute. We still have 5 days. Thank you for all you do.

P.S. - Yesterday's public polling release showing my opponent ahead reveals two important things: 35% are still undecided and more than 50% of those who stated a preference are likely to change their minds. This race is still wide open, and we're taking The Courage Express to every corner of the state to prove it. And you can help us. Volunteer, tell your friends or contribute. Thanks!
Jennifer Brunner
Ohio Secretary of State and
Democratic Candidate for U.S. Senate