Smiling youth in Siberia, Russia
Submitted by Jeff Buster on Sat, 01/29/2011 - 18:25.

There’s something magnetic about steam locomotives – when they go by they pull your head up – and you smile – and your arm raises up to wave at the train.
Steam locomotives stopped traveling across Siberia in the mid-1970’s. So in 2000 there was a bit of built-up nostalgia for the old dark smoke and screeching whistle.
When we stopped in a little village or town for water or coal, people came down to the rail yard to get a closer look. The kids came running. – smiling.
Wouldn’t it be cool if it were possible to send a copy of this image to the kids and their parents today – so they could see the beaming life all over the faces of these young people - in the local train yard - eleven years ago?
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Beautiful Faces
Thanks Jeff :)