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Fundraiser to create the Digital Media Technology Industry at Massimo's da MilanoSubmitted by prelude2cinema on Sun, 03/19/2006 - 13:01.
05/04/2006 - 17:00 05/04/2006 - 19:00 Etc/GMT-4 Prelude2Cinema second in a series of fundraisers to support the Studio Expansion and the creation of a New Industry in Northeast Ohio. This Dinner is at Massimo's da Milano and takes place May 4th from 5pm to 7pm. It features a free dinner and a cash bar. The cost is only $20.00. Celebrities are expected to attend. You must RSVP by alexmichaels [at] prelude2cinema [dot] com/fundthestudio"> [at] prelude2cinema [dot] com/fundthestudio So come out and be part of the Creation of New Industry that will spur economic growth in Northeast Ohio. ************************************************************************************ Prelude2Cinema's Annual Report is on-line ************************************************************************************ PS. If you have RSVP'd for this, thank you, then please pass this along to others. Members of the Press should contact us about a Press Pass.
Massimo's da Milano
1400 West 25th Street
Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps
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Inviting Celebrities to the Massimos Fundraiser
I wanted to invite some of our Local Celebrities to the two fundraisers
we have coming up to usher in the Digital Media Technology Industry.
There have been a number of movies shot here in the last few years, and
we'd like to hear from anyone who had a featured role in the movies so
we can give them a free pass to the events and celebrate the local
talent here. Please contact me A.S.A.P. at dark [at] prelude2cinema [dot] com
Info on the Events can be found at
I look forward to hearing from you.
Alex P. Michaels
Creating the Digital Media Technology Industry
Visit Wiki to RSVP for two events April 27th and Ma
Looking forward to seeing you May 4th
Thanks for the people who RSVPed for this Event. We are looking forward to seeing you at the dinner at Massimo's at 5pm. One person cost $20, but if you bring a guest, its' only $30 for you both.
We also wish to thank our Massimo's for sponsoring the Event.
See you at Five Sharp and Thanks.
Alex P. MichaelsPrelude2Cinema
A Branded Entertainment Company