Your Perfect REALNEO Community: what is the ideal distribution of visitors by ethnic origin, worldwide?

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 12/17/2009 - 06:04.
As diverse as possible: 70% Caucasian, 10% African American; 6% Asian; 4% Hispanic; 9% other
83% (10 votes)
As African American as possible: 76% Caucasian, 18% African American; 1% Asian; 2% Hispanic; 3% other
8% (1 vote)
As Caucasian as possible: 91% Caucasian, 5% African American; 1% Asian; 1% Hispanic; 2% other
8% (1 vote)
Total votes: 12
REALNEOBenchmarkEthnicitySample450.jpg24.27 KB

ideal distribution of visitors by ethnic origin, worldwide?

Go to "Envisioning Your Perfect Global Virtual Community... Visioning Your Perfect REALNEO" for an explanation of this poll and links to all six polls in this series - please complete all polls, considering the following:

Purpose of these polls:

After five years of operation, REALNEO has reached a critical mass of content and activity generating significant global traffic over time. We have developed mature referral networks, good public awareness in broad, important sectors, and excellent search results, expanding our new and return visitor activity daily. Our demographics have mature, recognizable characteristics... but, who are we?.

As part of 2010 REALNEO/COOP Annual Planning and reporting, we will review benchmarking analyses of activity and demographics of REALNEO.US and dozens of other websites with interests like REALNEO, including comparative analysis of visitors' sex, age, % with children, household income, ethnicity, and educational attainment.

Website log files, Google Analytics, and other website analysis tools provide thorough insight into who visits websites, in important and valuable ways, but that won't tell you if a virtual community matches your personal preferences.

Make Your Virtual Community Preferences Clear:

Complete the six pollslinked at "Envisioning Your Perfect Global Virtual Community... Visioning Your Perfect REALNEO" on the ideal demographics of your perfect global virtual community, for life, and you'll see charted how your preferences compare to others who respond. After a week of responding, we'll review how the preferences of all those who responded compare to the results for the last year for REALNEO, and dozens of other virtual communities of related interest.

For each poll, you are asked to select your preferred virtual community profile, for a specific characteristic, based on three actual site demographics profiles - REALNEO and two other sites benchmarked with REALNEO. For each poll, from the available profiles, select whether the demographics presented in example A, B, or C is most ideal to you. There are charts illustrating each profile inserted and described in comments in each poll, and below.

Don't respond to these questions with how you think REALNEO's demographics are, but how you think they should be, as your perfect virtual community for life.

Read all the poll questions before responding, and keep in mind the big, global, lifelong picture... your virtual community is eternal, global, and will span billions.

Remember, some demographic characteristics are related; e.g., if you prefer a large number of visitors under 18, you must expect a large percentage of visitors without college and graduate degrees...; an older sample will have fewer young children...; younger households with more children may have lower household incomes than middle age and older households without children... consider these gives-and-takes in your responses.

About the current scope of REALNEO:

For perspective, over the past year 277,070 Absolute Unique Visitors made 374,336 visits to the REALNEO virtual community, viewing 8,384 unique pages of original REALNEO content a total of 840,817 times... 26.22% of the visits were by return visitors.

80.3% of visits were from the United States - 19.7% came from 198 other countries. Of the United States visitors, 44.78% came from Ohio, that being 35.96% of all REALNEO visits, and most of those were from Northeast Ohio, where REALNEO is based and focused. Visitors from Cleveland and the immediate suburbs represents the majority of all Ohio visits, yet Cleveland's 64,846 visits only represented 17.84% of all REALNEO visits in the past year.

Go to "Envisioning Your Perfect Global Virtual Community... Visioning Your Perfect REALNEO" for a further explanation of this poll and links to all six polls in this series - please complete all polls.

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