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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast CommentPostedsort icon
Blog entryLanci interview with Cool Cleveland Panel lmcshane211 years 18 weeks ago09/29/2013 - 16:56
Blog entryFrank Jackson's poor leadership, negligence as a leader, and systemic failures cost taxpayers MILLIONS in SETTLEMENTS ANNUALLY.. ANGELnWard141211 years 18 weeks ago09/23/2013 - 10:43
Blog entryDAVID W SCHWARTZ -- Woods Cove Tax Liens - KING OF VULTURE CAPITALISM - It runs in the family!! Gone Fishin111 years 18 weeks ago10/03/2013 - 18:34
EventWriter and Activist Junot Diaz at CSU Friday October 11, 2013 5:00-6:30 pm lmcshane111 years 18 weeks ago10/08/2013 - 06:26
Blog entryKeep Mayor Frank Jackson - Quest-News-Serv...011 years 18 weeks ago10/08/2013 - 19:59
ImageFJackson13LOGO.jpg Quest-News-Serv...011 years 18 weeks ago10/08/2013 - 19:58
Blog entryUnsustainable Retirement Budgets for Homeowners with No Mortgages; Inflated costs of living force them into poverty ANGELnWard14011 years 18 weeks ago10/08/2013 - 13:15
ImageWrapped lmcshane211 years 18 weeks ago10/05/2013 - 13:27
Blog entryEARTHQUAKE M4.5 - OFF THE EAST COAST OF THE UNITED STATES (omen - prepare to survive or die) Quest-News-Serv...011 years 18 weeks ago10/08/2013 - 03:34
Blog entryCuyahoga County leadership sells property taxes like a heroin junkie trying to get a quick fix ANGELnWard14111 years 18 weeks ago10/07/2013 - 22:34
Blog entryCitizen Police Acadamy Quest-News-Serv...011 years 18 weeks ago10/07/2013 - 15:48
Blog entry37 States Prepare For The End of The World OCTOBER 17TH 2013 (ohio is not one of them - why not - is cleveland - you can) Quest-News-Serv...011 years 18 weeks ago10/06/2013 - 15:48
EventDate ALDIs in Brooklyn Centre slated to CLOSE - thank your Councilman, CDC, Chris Warren and Community Development! lmcshane211 years 18 weeks ago08/03/2013 - 17:55
ImageCosmos lmcshane011 years 18 weeks ago10/05/2013 - 13:35
Image004_crop.jpg Gone Fishin011 years 19 weeks ago10/03/2013 - 18:20
Blog entryCome Support Joe! thursday oct. 3 - 6:30 to 8:30 - tranformer station 1460 w 29st cleveland oh 44113 Quest-News-Serv...111 years 19 weeks ago09/30/2013 - 15:52
Blog entryMeteor Sightings in the 1000′s across the U.S. are reported to American Meteor Society (we have warned with our posts (prepare) Quest-News-Serv...011 years 19 weeks ago10/01/2013 - 15:52
Blog entryMeteor Explodes Over Ohio, Kills Two - Ohio Meteor September 27th, 2013 11:33 PM - video (tremont - cleveland etc. next) Quest-News-Serv...011 years 19 weeks ago10/01/2013 - 15:11
ImageAsters lmcshane011 years 19 weeks ago10/01/2013 - 09:14
EventTonight - Chance to speak out against Opportunity Corridor lmcshane011 years 19 weeks ago10/01/2013 - 08:48
Blog entryNewly Discovered Hazardous Asteroid Moving In The Direction Of Earth To Arrive Within 24 Hours (lets have a Asteroid party :)) Quest-News-Serv...011 years 19 weeks ago09/30/2013 - 15:12
Blog entryThe End of the Rule of Law in America Quest-News-Serv...111 years 19 weeks ago12/28/2009 - 19:40
Blog entryFukushima problem to get much, much worse, sign petition Oldroser011 years 19 weeks ago09/28/2013 - 23:41
Blog entryEerie Light of Meteor Explodes Over Ohio - others seen in other states in the Midwest East and parts of Canada (prepare prepare Quest-News-Serv...011 years 19 weeks ago09/28/2013 - 19:58
Blog entryPower Outage Wreaks Havoc in NYC: “There Appears to Have Been No Plan for This Type of Catastrophic Failure” (coming to you soon Quest-News-Serv...011 years 19 weeks ago09/28/2013 - 19:29