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Happier newsSubmitted by lmcshane on Wed, 05/02/2007 - 20:51.
To spare myself from the ever present, I find refuge in the vicarious adventures of other birders. One of my favorites--Jen Brumfield. Check out her art work. Hi Folks - A morning visit to Station Road trailhead in Brecksville Reservation (Cleveland Metroparks) turned up a nice assortment of warblers, vireos, and other goodies. Highlights included Cerulean, Prothonotary, and Yellow-throated Warblers back on territories, plus a nice count of Yellow-throated Vireos (6) pairing up. Please NOTE that you cannot walk the railroad south, as a pair of nesting Bald Eagles has taken residence in the Great Blue Heron rookery. The majority of the birds were seen just across the bridge around the canal and flooded woods. Highlights: (7 sp. of warblers) Warbling Vireo - 2 Yellow-throated Vireo - 6 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher – 18 Yellow Warbler – 8 Nashville Warbler – 2 Cerulean Warbler – 1 Yellow-rumped Warbler – 1 Yellow-throated Warbler - 3 (1 on the ground collecting nesting material) Prothonotary Warbler – 1 Northern Waterthrush – 1 Baltimore Oriole - 2 Cheers Jen Jen Brumfield Akron, Ohio elfin_skimmer [at] hotmail [dot] com Birding America / Illustrator/Naturalist, Cleveland Metroparks Nikon Birding Optics ProStaff/ Editorial Advisor, A Bird's-Eye View / ABA personal site: "Journeys, like artists, are born and not made. A thousand differing circumstances contribute to them, few of them willed or determined by the will." - Lawrence Durrell "Blessed are the curious for they shall have adventure." - L. DrachmanHi Folks - 05/02/07 A single PIPING PLOVER remained on the 'swimming beach' of Headlands Beach State Park this morning and into the afternoon; likely into the evening as well. The bird spent the majority of time higher up in the 'tide zone'...where there is a magnificent amount of debris from this past month's stormy weather. Here it weaved in and out of old tires, McDonald's straws, and driftwood. Its visits to the stony beach provided good photo opportunities. A gorgeous bird. cheers Jen Jen Brumfield Akron, Ohio elfin_skimmer [at] hotmail [dot] com Birding America / Illustrator/Naturalist, Cleveland Metroparks Nikon Birding Optics ProStaff/ Editorial Advisor, A Bird's-Eye View / ABA personal site: "Journeys, like artists, are born and not made. A thousand differing circumstances contribute to them, few of them willed or determined by the will." - Lawrence Durrell "Blessed are the curious for they shall have adventure." - L. Drachman
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West Creek Checklist
Birds are migrating again and the summer is waning. We are lucky to have young eyes trained to follow the seasons and to gauge the health of NEO. If you ever want to explore the world with an expert guide--follow Jen Brumfield and Gabe Leidy. Here is Gabe Leidy's checklist of birds found in the West Creek Reservation of the Cleveland Metroparks.
Good news in PARMA!!
Thanks to the fine work of a struggling environmental non-profit--West Creek Preservation Committee. Donations to continue their efforts are always welcome.