Submitted by Susan Miller on Mon, 12/10/2007 - 16:39.
Got this email from Julia Barton at OSU Extension. Just what I have been hoping for!
Hort and Ag Educators in Northeast Ohio,
Burten, Bell, Carr ,a local community development corporation in Cleveland, has issued a Request for Qualifications for an arborist or horticulturalist to submit a feasibility study, business plan, and design for an urban tree farm on Cleveland's east side. Some of you may remember an article over the summer in the Plain Dealer about the Kinsman neighborhood which has lost a considerable percentage of it's population over the years. Burten, Bell, Carr has plans to consolidate 20 acres in one part of the neighborhood to start an urban tree farm as a sustainable, economic development project. See attached parcel map.
I have attached their official Request for Qualifications that contains more details about the project.
Please forward this onto anyone within your respective counties you think might be interested in working on this. It sounds like an innovative project that could use some good expertise.
Thank you!
Here's the area
Here's the ward 5 plan
I'd love to see this in Cleveland: Endless Orchard. How about in this neighborhood?

in Texas in Boston
In Boston
In Texas
University Helps Community Build an Urban Farm
I just saw this in the Tulane University newsletter... it would be interesting to look at how this is happening in NOLA for insight on how to make it happen here...
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